module Lita module Handlers class Puppet < Handler namespace 'Puppet' config :master_hostname, required: true, type: String config :ssh_user, required: false, type: String config :control_repo_path, required: false, type: String route( /(puppet|pp)(\s+agent)?\s+(run)(\s+on)?\s+(\S+)/i, :puppet_agent_run, command: true, help: { "puppet agent run on " => "Run the puppet agent on ." } ) route( /(puppet|pp)\s+(cert)\s+(clean)\s+(\S+)/i, :cert_clean, command: true, help: { "puppet cert clean " => "Remove all traces of the SSL cert for on the Puppet Master." } ) route( /(puppet|pp)\s+(r10k|deploy)(\s+(\S+))?/i, :r10k_deploy, command: true, help: { "puppet r10k [env]" => "Deploy the latest puppet code on the puppet master via r10k, optionally specifying an environment." } ) include ::Utils::SSH include ::Utils::Text def cert_clean(response) cert = response.matches[0][3] user = config.ssh_user || 'lita' username = friendly_name( response.reply("#{username}, working on that `puppet cert clean`. I'll get right back to you.") result = over_ssh(host: config.master_hostname, user: user, timeout: 120) do |server| '/tmp' # Need to use sudo server.enable_sudo # scary... server.disable_safe_mode server.execute "puppet cert clean #{cert}" end if result[:exception] response.reply "#{username}, your `puppet cert clean` didn't seem to work... ;-(" response.reply "/code " + result[:exception].message return false end # build a reply response.reply("#{username}, your `puppet cert clean` is all done!") reply_content = [result[:stdout].join("\n"), result[:stderr].join("\n")].join("\n") response.reply "/code " + sanitze_for_chat(reply_content) end def puppet_agent_run(response) host = response.matches[0][4] user = config.ssh_user || 'lita' username = friendly_name( response.reply("#{username}, I'll run puppet right away. Give me a sec and I'll let you know how it goes.") result = over_ssh(host: host, user: user) do |server| '/tmp' # Need to use sudo from here on server.enable_sudo # scary... server.disable_safe_mode # build up the command command = 'puppet agent' command << ' --verbose --no-daemonize' command << ' --no-usecacheonfailure' command << ' --no-splay --show_diff' server.execute command end # build a reply if !result[:exception] response.reply "#{username}, that puppet run is complete! It exited with status #{result[:exit_status]}." # Send the standard out, but strip off the bash color code stuff... response.reply "/code " + sanitze_for_chat(result[:stdout].join("\n")) else response.reply "#{username}, your puppet run is done, but didn't seem to work... I think it may have timed out." response.reply "/code " + result[:exception].message end end def r10k_deploy(response) environment = response.matches[0][3] control_repo = config.control_repo_path || '/opt/puppet/control' user = config.ssh_user || 'lita' username = friendly_name( response.reply("#{username}, I'll get right on that. Give me a moment and I'll let you know how it went.") result1 = over_ssh(host: config.master_hostname, user: user, timeout: 120) do |server| # Need to use sudo server.enable_sudo server[control_repo].git :pull end if result1[:exception] response.reply "#{username}, your r10k run didn't seem to work. Looks like there was a problem with Git:" response.reply "/code " + result1[:exception].message return false end result2 = over_ssh(host: config.master_hostname, user: user) do |server| # Need to use sudo server.enable_sudo # scary... server.disable_safe_mode command = "r10k deploy environment" command << " #{environment}" if environment command << ' -pv' server.execute command end if result2[:exception] response.reply "#{username}, your r10k run didn't seem to work... Maybe it timed out?" response.reply "/code " + result2[:exception].message return false end # build a reply response.reply("#{username}, your r10k deployment is done!") reply_content = [result1[:stdout].join("\n"), result2[:stderr].join("\n")].join("\n") response.reply "/code " + sanitze_for_chat(reply_content) end Lita.register_handler(self) end end end