require 'test_helper' require 'traject/solrj_writer' # It's crazy hard to test this effectively, especially under threading. # we do our best to test decently, and keep the tests readable, # but some things aren't quite reliable under threading, sorry. # create's a solrj_writer, maybe with MockSolrServer, maybe # with a real one. With settings in @settings, set or change # in before blocks # # writer left in @writer, with maybe mock solr server in @mock def create_solrj_writer @writer = if @settings["solrj_writer.server_class_name"] == "MockSolrServer" # so we can test it later @mock = @writer.solr_server end end def context_with(hash) => hash) end # Some tests we need to run multiple ties in multiple batch/thread scenarios, # we DRY them up by creating a method to add the tests in different describe blocks def test_handles_errors it "errors but does not raise on multiple ID's" do @writer.put context_with("id" => ["one", "two"]) @writer.close assert_equal 1, @writer.skipped_record_count, "counts skipped record" end it "errors and raises on connection error" do @settings.merge!("solr.url" => "") create_solrj_writer assert_raises org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException do @writer.put context_with("id" => ["one"]) # in batch and/or thread scenarios, sometimes no exception raised until close @writer.close end end end $stderr.puts "\n======\nWARNING: Testing SolrJWriter with mock instance, set ENV 'solr_url' to test against real solr\n======\n\n" unless ENV["solr_url"] # WARNING. The SolrJWriter talks to a running Solr server. # # set ENV['solr_url'] to run tests against a real solr server # OR # the tests will run against a mock SolrJ server instead. # # # This is pretty limited test right now. describe "Traject::SolrJWriter" do before do @settings = { # Use XMLResponseParser just to test, and so it will work # with a solr 1.4 test server "solrj_writer.parser_class_name" => "XMLResponseParser", "solrj_writer.commit_on_close" => "false", # real solr is way too slow if we always have it commit on close "solrj_writer.batch_size" => nil } if ENV["solr_url"] @settings["solr.url"] = ENV["solr_url"] else @settings["solr.url"] = "" @settings["solrj_writer.server_class_name"] = "MockSolrServer" end end it "raises on missing url" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { } assert_raises(ArgumentError) {"solr.url" => nil) } end it "raises on malformed URL" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) {"solr.url" => "") } assert_raises(ArgumentError) {"solr.url" => "adfadf") } end it "defaults to solrj_writer.batch_size more than 1" do assert 1 <"solr.url" => "").settings["solrj_writer.batch_size"].to_i end describe "with no threading or batching" do before do @settings.merge!("solrj_writer.batch_size" => nil, "solrj_writer.thread_pool" => nil) create_solrj_writer end it "writes a simple document" do @writer.put context_with("title_t" => ["MY TESTING TITLE"], "id" => ["TEST_TEST_TEST_0001"]) @writer.close if @mock assert_kind_of org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.XMLResponseParser, @mock.parser assert_equal @settings["solr.url"], @mock.url assert_equal 1, @mock.things_added.length assert_kind_of SolrInputDocument, @mock.things_added.first assert @mock.shutted_down end end it "commits on close when so set" do @settings.merge!("solrj_writer.commit_on_close" => "true") create_solrj_writer @writer.put context_with("title_t" => ["MY TESTING TITLE"], "id" => ["TEST_TEST_TEST_0001"]) @writer.close # if it's not a mock, we don't really test anything, except that # no exception was raised. oh well. If it's a mock, we can # ask it. if @mock assert @mock.committed, "mock gets commit called on it" end end test_handles_errors # I got to see what serialized marc binary does against a real solr server, # sorry this is a bit out of place, but this is the class that talks to real # solr server right now. This test won't do much unless you have # real solr server set up. # # Not really a good test right now, just manually checking my solr server, # using this to make the add reproducible at least. describe "Serialized MARC" do it "goes to real solr somehow" do record = "manufacturing_consent.marc").to_a.first serialized = record.to_marc # straight binary @writer.put context_with("marc_record_t" => [serialized], "id" => ["TEST_TEST_TEST_MARC_BINARY"]) @writer.close end end end describe "with batching but no threading" do before do @settings.merge!("solrj_writer.batch_size" => 5, "solrj_writer.thread_pool" => nil) create_solrj_writer end it "sends all documents" do docs = Array(1..17).collect do |i| {"id" => ["item_#{i}"], "title" => ["To be #{i} again!"]} end docs.each do |doc| @writer.put context_with(doc) end @writer.close if @mock # 3 batches of 5, and the leftover 2 (16, 17) assert_length 4, @mock.things_added assert_length 5, @mock.things_added[0] assert_length 5, @mock.things_added[1] assert_length 5, @mock.things_added[2] assert_length 2, @mock.things_added[3] end end test_handles_errors end describe "with batching and threading" do before do @settings.merge!("solrj_writer.batch_size" => 5, "solrj_writer.thread_pool" => 2) create_solrj_writer end it "sends all documents" do docs = Array(1..17).collect do |i| {"id" => ["item_#{i}"], "title" => ["To be #{i} again!"]} end docs.each do |doc| @writer.put context_with(doc) end @writer.close if @mock # 3 batches of 5, and the leftover 2 (16, 17) assert_length 4, @mock.things_added # we can't be sure of the order under async, # just three of 5 and one of 2 assert_length 3, @mock.things_added.find_all {|array| array.length == 5} assert_length 1, @mock.things_added.find_all {|array| array.length == 2} end end test_handles_errors end end require 'thread' # Mutex