Abstracts ADO.NET batching to maintain the illusion that a single logical batch
exists for the whole session, even when batching is disabled.
Provides transparent
This will be useful once ADO.NET gets support for batching. Until that point no code exists that will do batching, but this will provide a good point to do error checking and making sure the correct number of rows were affected.
c.Alias = "HighLow";
c.Properties = new {max_lo = 99};
If this ConnectionProvider is being Finalized (
If any subclasses manage resources that also need to be disposed of this method should be overridden, but don't forget to call it in the override.
clause SELECT
clause (
List results = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Parent))
.Add( Example.Create(parent).IgnoreCase() )
.Add( Example.Create( parent.Child ) )
IList<Cat> cats = session.QueryOver<Cat>()
.Where( c => c.Name == "Tigger" )
.And( c => c.Weight > minWeight ) )
IList<Cat> cats = session.QueryOver<Cat>()
.Where( c => c.Name == "Tigger" )
.And( c => c.Weight > minWeight ) )
concat(?1, ?2)
to concatenate two strings
p1 and p2. Target SQL function will be dialect-specific, e.g. (?1 || ?2)
Oracle, concat(?1, ?2)
for MySql, (?1 + ?2)
for MS SQL.
Each dialect will define a template as a string (exactly like above) marking function
parameters with '?' followed by parameter's index (first index is 1).
This method assumes that the name is not already Quoted. So if the name passed
in is
If the aliasName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the aliasName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if aliasName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.
If the columnName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the columnName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if columnName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.
If the tableName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the tableName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if tableName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.
If the schemaName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the schemaName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if schemaName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.
This method checks the string
After the OpenQuote and CloseQuote have been cleaned from the string
The following quoted values return these results "quoted" = quoted "quote""d" = quote"d quote""d = quote"d
If this implementation is not sufficient for your Dialect then it needs to be overridden. MsSql2000Dialect is an example of where UnQuoting rules are different.
Author: Ioan Bizau
This dialect probably will not work with schema-export. If anyone out there can fill in the ctor with DbTypes to Strings that would be helpful.
The dialect defaults the following configuration properties:
Names.Put(DbType, "TEXT" );
Names.Put(DbType, 255, "VARCHAR($l)" );
Names.Put(DbType, 65534, "LONGVARCHAR($l)" );
will give you back the following:
Names.Get(DbType) // --> "TEXT" (default)
Names.Get(DbType,100) // --> "VARCHAR(100)" (100 is in [0:255])
Names.Get(DbType,1000) // --> "LONGVARCHAR(1000)" (100 is in [256:65534])
Names.Get(DbType,100000) // --> "TEXT" (default)
On the other hand, simply putting
Names.Put(DbType, "VARCHAR($l)" );
would result in
Names.Get(DbType) // --> "VARCHAR($l)" (will cause trouble)
Names.Get(DbType,100) // --> "VARCHAR(100)"
Names.Get(DbType,1000) // --> "VARCHAR(1000)"
Names.Get(DbType,10000) // --> "VARCHAR(10000)"
value="FullyQualifiedClassName, AssemblyName"
IDbParameter param = cmd.Parameters["@paramName"]
if this is false the code will be
IDbParameter param = cmd.Parameters["paramName"]
Author: Nikolaos Tountas
In order to use this Driver you must have the Community.CsharpSqlite.dll and Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient assemblies referenced.
Please check http://code.google.com/p/csharp-sqlite/ for more information regarding csharp-sqlite.
Author: Oliver Weichhold
In order to use this Driver you must have the Npgsql.dll Assembly available for NHibernate to load it.
Please check the products website http://www.postgresql.org/ for any updates and or documentation.
The homepage for the .NET DataProvider is: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/npgsql.
In order to use this driver you must have the System.Data.SQLite.dll assembly available for NHibernate to load. This assembly includes the SQLite.dll or SQLite3.dll libraries.
You can get the System.Data.SQLite.dll assembly from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2.
Please check http://www.sqlite.org/ for more information regarding SQLite.
Author: Ioan Bizau
In order to use this Driver you must have the SQLite.NET.dll Assembly available for NHibernate to load it. You must also have the SQLite.dll and SQLite3.dll libraries.
Please check http://www.sqlite.org/ for more information regarding SQLite.
using (ISession session = factory.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction())
// do some work
catch (Exception e)
if (tx != null) tx.Rollback();
This class implements useful common functionality that concrete loaders would delegate to.
It is not intended that this functionality would be directly accessed by client code (Hence,
all methods of this class are declared
The present implementation is able to load any number of columns of entities and at most one collection role per query.
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="assigned" />
<generator class="foreign">
<param name="property">AssociatedObject</param>
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="guid.comb" />
This code was contributed by Donald Mull.
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="guid" />
The built in strategies for identifier generation in NHibernate are:
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="identity" />
or if the database natively supports identity columns
<generator class="native" />
This indicates to NHibernate that the database generates the id when the entity is inserted.
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">uid_sequence</param>
<param name="schema">db_schema</param>
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="seqhilo">
<param name="sequence">uid_sequence</param>
<param name="max_lo">max_lo_value</param>
<param name="schema">db_schema</param>
The user may specify a
It is not intended that applications use this strategy directly. However,
it may be used to build other (efficient) strategies. The return type is
The hi value MUST be fetched in a seperate transaction to the
The mapping parameters
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="hilo">
<param name="table">table</param>
<param name="column">id_column</param>
<param name="max_lo">max_lo_value</param>
<param name="schema">db_schema</param>
The hi value MUST be fecthed in a seperate transaction to the
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="uuid.hex">
<param name="format">format_string</param>
<param name="seperator">seperator_string</param>
The identifier string will consist of only hex digits. Optionally, the identifier string may be generated with enclosing characters and seperators between each component of the UUID. If there are seperators then the string length will be 36. If a format that has enclosing brackets is used, then the string length will be 38.
This class is based on
This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as
<generator class="uuid.string" />
SetParameter("foo", foo, NHibernateUtil.Int32);
A name may appear multiple times in the query string.
Entities returned as results are initialized on demand. The first SQL query returns identifiers only.
This is a good strategy to use if you expect a high number of the objects
returned to be already loaded in the
IList cats = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat))
.Add(Expression.Like("name", "Iz%"))
.Add(Expression.Gt("weight", minWeight))
You may navigate associations using
IList<Cat> cats = session.CreateCriteria<Cat>
.Add(Expression.like("name", "Iz%"))
IList<Cat> cats = session.CreateCriteria<Cat>
<sql-query-name name="mySqlQuery">
<return alias="person" class="eg.Person" />
SELECT {person}.NAME AS {person.name}, {person}.AGE AS {person.age}, {person}.SEX AS {person.sex}
FROM PERSON {person} WHERE {person}.NAME LIKE 'Hiber%'
If a value is passed in that is wrapped by
The value returned by the getter is not Quoted. To get the
column name in quoted form use
If a value is passed in that is wrapped by
The value returned by the getter is not Quoted. To get the
column name in quoted form use
case when ... then ... end as ...
decode(pkvalue, key1, 1, key2, 2, ..., 0)
This can store the length of the binary data that the
This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a BinarySqlType would work just fine.
This can store the length of the binary data that the
This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a StringSqlType would work just fine.
IList resultWithAliasedBean = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Enrollment))
.CreateAlias("Student", "st")
.CreateAlias("Course", "co")
.SetProjection( Projections.ProjectionList()
.Add( Projections.Property("co.Description"), "CourseDescription" )
.SetResultTransformer( new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(typeof(StudentDTO)) )
StudentDTO dto = (StudentDTO)resultWithAliasedBean[0];
The value stored in the database depends on what your data provider is capable of storing. So there is a possibility that the DateTime you save will not be the same DateTime you get back when you check DateTime.Equals(DateTime) because they will have their milliseconds off.
For example - SQL Server 2000 is only accurate to 3.33 milliseconds. So if
NHibernate writes a value of
Please review the documentation of your Database server.
public enum MyEnum
public class MyEnumStringType : NHibernate.Type.EnumStringType
public MyEnumStringType()
: base( typeof( MyEnum ) )
<property name="Status" type="MyEnumStringType, AssemblyContaining" />
to indicate true/false
to indicate true/false