# Adapted and expanded from moar-lolspeak (https://github.com/rwtnorton/moar-lolspeak), which was # largely taken from an old Perl script and is sadly is not available via rubygems module Lolspeak LOL_DICTIONARY = { /what/ => %w{wut whut}, /you\b/ => %w{yu yous yoo u yooz}, /cture/ => %w{kshur}, /ss\b/ => %w{s zz z}, /the\b/ => %w{teh}, /more/ => %w{moar}, /my/ => %w{mah mai}, /are/ => %w{is ar}, /eese/ => %w{eez}, /ph/ => %w{f}, /as\b/ => %w{az}, /seriously/ => %w{srsly}, /sion/ => %w{shun}, /just/ => %w{jus}, /ose\b/ => %w{oze}, /eady/ => %w{eddy}, /ome?\b/ => %w{um}, /of\b/ => %w{of ov of}, /uestion/ => %w{wesjun}, /want/ => %w{wants}, /ead\b/ => %w{edd}, /ck/ => %w{kk kkk}, /sion/ => %w{shun}, /cat|kitten|kitty/ => %w{kitteh kittehz cat fuzzeh fuzzyrumpus foozles fuzzbut fluffernutter beast mew}, /eak/ => %w{ekk}, /age/ => %w{uj}, /like/ => %w{likez liek licks}, /love/ => %w{lovez lub lubs luv lurve lurves}, /\bis\b/ => ['ar teh','ar'], /nd\b/ => %w{n n'}, /who/ => %w{hoo}, /'/ => [''], /ese\b/ => %w{eez}, /outh/ => %w{owf}, /scio/ => %w{shu}, /esque/ => %w{esk}, /ture/ => %w{chur}, /\btoo?\b/ => %w{to t 2 to t}, /tious/ => %w{shus}, /sure\b/ => %w{shur}, /tty\b/ => %w{tteh}, /were/ => %w{was}, /ok\b|okay/ => %w{kthxbye!}, /\ba\b/ => %w{uh}, /ym/ => %w{im}, /fish/ => %w{ghoti}, /thy\b/ => %w{fee}, /\wly\w/ => %w{li}, /que\w/ => %w{kwe}, /\both/ => %w{udd}, /though\b/ => %w{tho}, /(t|r|en)ough/ => %w{\1uff}, /ought/ => %w{awt}, /ease/ => %w{eez}, /ing\b/ => %w{in ins ng ing in'}, /have/ => ['haz', 'hav', 'haz a'], /has/ => %w{haz gots}, /your/ => %w{yur ur yore yoar}, /ove\b/ => %w{oov ove uuv uv oove}, /for/ => %w{for 4 fr fur for foar}, /thank/ => %w{fank tank thx thnx}, /good/ => %w{gud goed guud gude gewd goot gut}, /really/ => %w{rly rily rilly rilleh}, /world/ => %w{wurrld whirld wurld wrld}, /i'?m\b/ => ['im', 'i yam', 'i iz'], /(?!e)ight/ => %w{ite}, /(?!ues)tion/ => %w{shun}, /you'?re/ => %w{yore yr}, /can\si\s(?:ple(?:a|e)(?:s|z)e?)?\s?have\sa/ => ['i can haz'], /(?:hello|\bhi\b|\bhey\b|howdy|\byo\b),?/ => ['oh hai,'], /(?:god\b|allah|buddah?|diety|lord)/ => ['ceiling cat'], /er\b|are|ere/ => %w{r}, /y\b|ey\b/ => %w{eh}, /ea/ => %w{ee}, } def self.tranzlate(str) lolstr = str.dup LOL_DICTIONARY.each do |english, lolspeak| lolstr.gsub!(english, lolspeak.sample) end lolstr << '! kthxbye!' if rand(10) == 2 lolstr.gsub!(/(\?|!|,|\.)+/, '!') lolstr.upcase end end class String unless method_defined?(:tranzlate) def tranzlate Lolspeak.tranzlate(self) end end end