= ThinReports Generator {<img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/thinreports/thinreports-generator.png" />}[http://travis-ci.org/thinreports/thinreports-generator] {<img src="https://codeclimate.com/badge.png" />}[https://codeclimate.com/github/thinreports/thinreports-generator] {ThinReports}[http://www.thinreports.org/] is Open Source Reporting Solution for Ruby. * ThinReports Editor (GUI Designer) * ThinReports Generator (Report Generator for Ruby) == Generator's features Editor's features is {here}[http://www.thinreports.org/features/editor/]. === Easy to generate PDF file Design the layout using Editor, then embed values to text field in layout. That's it! === Simple runtime environments Ruby, RubyGems, Prawn and Generator. === Dynamic Generator can be dynamically operated ... * value of TextBlock * image of ImageBlock * styles (border, fill, visibility, position, color, font) of shape === For Japan * Japanese OK * External characters (Gaiji) == Supported Versions * Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 * JRuby 1.6.5+ (Only 1.8mode) == Install Add the following line in your Gemfile: gem 'thinreports' Then bundle: $ bundle Or: $ gem install thinreports == Usage *Caution:* In order to use the Generator, you must need the layout file(*.tlf) created with {ThinReportsEditor}[http://www.thinreports.org/features/editor/]. === Basic format require 'thinreports' report = ThinReports::Report.new :layout => 'report.tlf' # Page 1 report.start_new_page do item(:title).value('ThinReports') end # Page 2 report.start_new_page do |page| page.item(:title).value('Pure Ruby') page.item(:title).style(:color, 'red') end report.generate_file('report.pdf') Or, ThinReports::Report.generate_file('report.pdf', :layout => 'report.tlf') do start_new_page page.item(:title).value('ThinReports') start_new_page page.item(:title).value('Pure Ruby').style(:color, '#ff0000') end === List format report = ThinReports::Report.new :layout => 'list.tlf' report.start_new_page 10.times do |n| report.page.list(:default).add_row do |row| row.item(:no).value(n) end end report.generate_file('list.tlf') Or, report.page.list(:default) do |list| 10.times do |n| list.add_row :no => n end end Since 0.7.5: report = ThinReports::Report.new :layout => 'list.tlf' 10.times do |n| report.list.add_row do |row| row.item(:no).value(n) end end More simply, report.list do |list| 10.times do |n| list.add_row :title => n end end * +#start_new_page+ can be omitted because it is created new page automatically when +#list+ is called * id argument of +#list+ can be omitted if is :default {Learn more}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/wiki/Getting_Started]. === Rails3 * Rails Template handler for ThinReports DSL: {thinreports-rails}[https://github.com/takeshinoda/thinreports-rails] == For more information === Release information {News}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/news] / {Changelog}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/wiki/Changelog] === Documentation {Getting Started}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/wiki/Getting_Started] / {Examples}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/wiki/Examples] / {HowTos}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/wiki/HowTos] === Support {Open Forum}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/boards] == Author {Matsukei}[http://www.matsukei.co.jp/] Co.,Ltd. * twitter: {@thinreports_org}[https://twitter.com/thinreports_org] * email: {thinreports@gmail.com}[mailto:thinreports@gmail.com] == Contributing * Pull request * Feedback from {here}[http://osc.matsukei.net/projects/thinreports/issues/new] == License See LICENSE file.