module Responsive # Calculate breakpoints for the given configuration # @private def generate_breakpoints(srcset) return srcset[:breakpoints] if srcset[:breakpoints].is_a? Array min_width, max_width, max_images = [:min_width, :max_width, :max_images].map {|k| srcset[k]} unless [min_width, max_width, max_images].all? {|a| a.is_a? Numeric} throw 'Either (min_width, max_width, max_images) or breakpoints must be provided to the image srcset attribute' end if min_width > max_width throw 'min_width must be less than max_width' end if max_images <= 0 throw 'max_images must be a positive integer' elsif max_images === 1 min_width = max_width end step_size = ((max_width - min_width).to_f / [max_images - 1, 1].max).ceil current = min_width breakpoints = [] while current < max_width do breakpoints.push(current) current += step_size end breakpoints.push(max_width) end # Generate the srcset and sizes attributes # @private def generate_image_responsive_attributes(public_id, attributes = {}, srcset_data = {}, options = {}) # Create both srcset and sizes here to avoid fetching breakpoints twice responsive_attributes = {} generate_srcset = !attributes[:srcset] if srcset_data.empty? return responsive_attributes elsif srcset_data.is_a? String responsive_attributes[:srcset] = srcset_data return responsive_attributes end generate_sizes = !attributes[:sizes] && srcset_data[:sizes] if generate_srcset || generate_sizes breakpoints = get_or_generate_breakpoints(public_id, srcset_data, options) if generate_srcset transformation = srcset_data[:transformation] srcset_attr = generate_srcset_attribute(public_id, breakpoints, transformation, options) responsive_attributes[:srcset] = srcset_attr unless srcset_attr.empty? end if generate_sizes sizes_attr = generate_sizes_attribute(breakpoints) responsive_attributes[:sizes] = sizes_attr unless sizes_attr.empty? end end responsive_attributes end # If cache is enabled, get the breakpoints from the cache. If the values were not found in the cache, # or cache is not enabled, generate the values. # @private def get_or_generate_breakpoints(public_id, srcset, options) if srcset[:use_cache] Cloudinary::Cache.get(public_id, options) || [] else generate_breakpoints(srcset) end end # Generate a resource URL scaled to the given width # @private def generate_scaled_url(public_id, width, transformation={}, options={}) config_params = Cloudinary::Utils.extract_config_params(options) transformation ||= options config_params[:raw_transformation] = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string( [transformation.clone, {:crop => 'scale', :width => width}].reject(&:blank?)) config_params.delete :width config_params.delete :height Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_url public_id, config_params end # Generate srcset attribute value of the HTML img tag # @private def generate_srcset_attribute(public_id, breakpoints, transformation={}, options={}) options = options.clone Cloudinary::Utils.patch_fetch_format(options){|width| "#{generate_scaled_url(public_id, width, transformation, options)} #{width}w"}.join(', ').html_safe end # Generate media attribute value of the HTML img tag # @private def generate_media_attribute(options) options ||= {} [:min_width, :max_width] .select {|name| options[name]} .map {|name| "(#{'_', '-')}: #{options[name]}px)"} .join(' and ').html_safe end # Generate the sizes attribute # @private def generate_sizes_attribute(breakpoints){|width| "(max-width: #{width}px) #{width}px"}.join(', ') end end