require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Stripe class StripeObjectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should "implement #==" do obj1 = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :foo => "bar" }) obj2 = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :foo => "bar" }) obj3 = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :foo => "rab" }) assert obj1 == obj2 refute obj1 == obj3 end should "implement #deleted?" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) refute obj.deleted? obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :deleted => false }) refute obj.deleted? obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :deleted => true }) assert obj.deleted? end should "implement #respond_to" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :foo => 'bar' }) assert obj.respond_to?(:id) assert obj.respond_to?(:foo) assert !obj.respond_to?(:baz) end should "marshal be insensitive to strings vs. symbols when constructin" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, 'name' => 'Stripe' }) assert_equal 1, obj[:id] assert_equal 'Stripe', obj[:name] end should "marshal a stripe object correctly" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :name => 'Stripe' }, {:api_key => 'apikey'}) m = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(obj)) assert_equal 1, assert_equal 'Stripe', expected_hash = {:api_key => 'apikey'} assert_equal expected_hash, m.instance_variable_get('@opts') end should "recursively call to_hash on its values" do # deep nested hash (when contained in an array) or StripeObject nested_hash = { :id => 7, :foo => 'bar' } nested = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from(nested_hash) obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, # simple hash that contains a StripeObject to help us test deep # recursion :nested => { :object => 'list', :data => [nested] }, :list => [nested] }) expected_hash = { :id => 1, :nested => { :object => 'list', :data => [nested_hash] }, :list => [nested_hash] } assert_equal expected_hash, obj.to_hash end should "assign question mark accessors for booleans" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :bool => true, :not_bool => 'bar' }) assert obj.respond_to?(:bool?) assert obj.bool? refute obj.respond_to?(:not_bool?) end should "mass assign values with #update_attributes" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 1, :name => 'Stripe' }) obj.update_attributes(:name => 'STRIPE') assert_equal "STRIPE", # unfortunately, we even assign unknown properties to duplicate the # behavior that we currently have via magic accessors with # method_missing obj.update_attributes(:unknown => 'foo') assert_equal "foo", obj.unknown end should "#update_attributes with a hash" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) obj.update_attributes(:metadata => { :foo => 'bar' }) assert_equal Stripe::StripeObject, obj.metadata.class end should "warn that #refresh_from is deprecated" do old_stderr = $stderr $stderr = begin obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) obj.refresh_from({}, {}) message = "NOTE: Stripe::StripeObject#refresh_from is " + "deprecated; use #update_attributes instead" assert_match, $stderr.string ensure $stderr = old_stderr end end should "pass opts down to children when initializing" do opts = { :custom => "opts" } # customer comes with a `sources` list that makes a convenient object to # perform tests on customer = Stripe::Customer.construct_from(make_customer, opts) source = customer.sources.first # Pulling `@opts` as an instance variable here is not ideal, but it's # important enough argument that the test here is worth it. we should # consider exposing it publicly on a future pull (and possibly renaming # it to something more useful). assert_equal opts, source.instance_variable_get(:@opts) end should "#serialize_params on an empty object" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) assert_equal({}, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on a new object with a subobject" do obj = obj.metadata = { :foo => "bar" } assert_equal({ :metadata => { :foo => "bar" } }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on a basic object" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => nil }) obj.update_attributes(:foo => "bar") assert_equal({ :foo => "bar" }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on a more complex object" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :bar => nil, :baz => nil, }), }) = "newbar" assert_equal({ :foo => { :bar => "newbar" } }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on an array" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => nil, }) = ["new-value"] assert_equal({ :foo => ["new-value"] }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on an array that shortens" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => ["0-index", "1-index", "2-index"], }) = ["new-value"] assert_equal({ :foo => ["new-value"] }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on an array that lengthens" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => ["0-index", "1-index", "2-index"], }) = ["new-value"] * 4 assert_equal({ :foo => ["new-value"] * 4 }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on an array of hashes" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => nil, }) = [ Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :bar => nil }) ][0].bar = "baz" assert_equal({ :foo => [{ :bar => "baz" }] }, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params doesn't include unchanged values" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => nil }) assert_equal({}, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params on an array that is unchanged" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => ["0-index", "1-index", "2-index"], }) = ["0-index", "1-index", "2-index"] assert_equal({}, obj.serialize_params) end should "#serialize_params with a StripeObject" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) # using an #update_attributes will end up converting a Hash into a # StripeObject obj.metadata = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => 'bar' }) serialized = obj.serialize_params assert_equal({ :foo => "bar" }, serialized[:metadata]) end should "#serialize_params with a StripeObject that's been replaced" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :metadata => Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :bar => 'foo' }) }) # Here we replace the object wholesale which means that the client must # be able to blank out the values that were in the old object, but which # are no longer present in the new one. obj.metadata = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :baz => 'foo' }) serialized = obj.serialize_params assert_equal({ :bar => "", :baz => 'foo' }, serialized[:metadata]) end should "#serialize_params with an array of StripeObjects" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) obj.metadata = [ Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => 'bar' }) ] serialized = obj.serialize_params assert_equal([{ :foo => "bar" }], serialized[:metadata]) end should "#serialize_params takes a force option" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 'id', :metadata => Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => 'bar' }) }) serialized = obj.serialize_params(:force => true) assert_equal({ :id => 'id', :metadata => { :foo => 'bar' } }, serialized) end should "#dirty! forces an object and its subobjects to be saved" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :id => 'id', :metadata => Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => 'bar' }) }) # note that `force` and `dirty!` are for different things, but are # functionally equivalent obj.dirty! serialized = obj.serialize_params assert_equal({ :id => 'id', :metadata => { :foo => 'bar' } }, serialized) end should "warn that .serialize_params is deprecated" do old_stderr = $stderr $stderr = begin obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({}) Stripe::StripeObject.serialize_params(obj) message = "NOTE: Stripe::StripeObject.serialize_params is " + "deprecated; use #serialize_params instead" assert_match, $stderr.string ensure $stderr = old_stderr end end should "error on setting a property to an empty string" do obj = Stripe::StripeObject.construct_from({ :foo => 'bar' }) e = assert_raises ArgumentError do = "" end assert_match %r{\(object\).foo = nil}, e.message end end end