"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _t = require("@babel/types"); var _t2 = _t; const { react } = _t; const { cloneNode, jsxExpressionContainer, variableDeclaration, variableDeclarator } = _t2; const referenceVisitor = { ReferencedIdentifier(path, state) { if (path.isJSXIdentifier() && react.isCompatTag(path.node.name) && !path.parentPath.isJSXMemberExpression()) { return; } if (path.node.name === "this") { let scope = path.scope; do { if (scope.path.isFunction() && !scope.path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) { break; } } while (scope = scope.parent); if (scope) state.breakOnScopePaths.push(scope.path); } const binding = path.scope.getBinding(path.node.name); if (!binding) return; for (const violation of binding.constantViolations) { if (violation.scope !== binding.path.scope) { state.mutableBinding = true; path.stop(); return; } } if (binding !== state.scope.getBinding(path.node.name)) return; state.bindings[path.node.name] = binding; } }; class PathHoister { constructor(path, scope) { this.breakOnScopePaths = void 0; this.bindings = void 0; this.mutableBinding = void 0; this.scopes = void 0; this.scope = void 0; this.path = void 0; this.attachAfter = void 0; this.breakOnScopePaths = []; this.bindings = {}; this.mutableBinding = false; this.scopes = []; this.scope = scope; this.path = path; this.attachAfter = false; } isCompatibleScope(scope) { for (const key of Object.keys(this.bindings)) { const binding = this.bindings[key]; if (!scope.bindingIdentifierEquals(key, binding.identifier)) { return false; } } return true; } getCompatibleScopes() { let scope = this.path.scope; do { if (this.isCompatibleScope(scope)) { this.scopes.push(scope); } else { break; } if (this.breakOnScopePaths.indexOf(scope.path) >= 0) { break; } } while (scope = scope.parent); } getAttachmentPath() { let path = this._getAttachmentPath(); if (!path) return; let targetScope = path.scope; if (targetScope.path === path) { targetScope = path.scope.parent; } if (targetScope.path.isProgram() || targetScope.path.isFunction()) { for (const name of Object.keys(this.bindings)) { if (!targetScope.hasOwnBinding(name)) continue; const binding = this.bindings[name]; if (binding.kind === "param" || binding.path.parentKey === "params") { continue; } const bindingParentPath = this.getAttachmentParentForPath(binding.path); if (bindingParentPath.key >= path.key) { this.attachAfter = true; path = binding.path; for (const violationPath of binding.constantViolations) { if (this.getAttachmentParentForPath(violationPath).key > path.key) { path = violationPath; } } } } } return path; } _getAttachmentPath() { const scopes = this.scopes; const scope = scopes.pop(); if (!scope) return; if (scope.path.isFunction()) { if (this.hasOwnParamBindings(scope)) { if (this.scope === scope) return; const bodies = scope.path.get("body").get("body"); for (let i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { if (bodies[i].node._blockHoist) continue; return bodies[i]; } } else { return this.getNextScopeAttachmentParent(); } } else if (scope.path.isProgram()) { return this.getNextScopeAttachmentParent(); } } getNextScopeAttachmentParent() { const scope = this.scopes.pop(); if (scope) return this.getAttachmentParentForPath(scope.path); } getAttachmentParentForPath(path) { do { if (!path.parentPath || Array.isArray(path.container) && path.isStatement()) { return path; } } while (path = path.parentPath); } hasOwnParamBindings(scope) { for (const name of Object.keys(this.bindings)) { if (!scope.hasOwnBinding(name)) continue; const binding = this.bindings[name]; if (binding.kind === "param" && binding.constant) return true; } return false; } run() { this.path.traverse(referenceVisitor, this); if (this.mutableBinding) return; this.getCompatibleScopes(); const attachTo = this.getAttachmentPath(); if (!attachTo) return; if (attachTo.getFunctionParent() === this.path.getFunctionParent()) return; let uid = attachTo.scope.generateUidIdentifier("ref"); const declarator = variableDeclarator(uid, this.path.node); const insertFn = this.attachAfter ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"; const [attached] = attachTo[insertFn]([attachTo.isVariableDeclarator() ? declarator : variableDeclaration("var", [declarator])]); const parent = this.path.parentPath; if (parent.isJSXElement() && this.path.container === parent.node.children) { uid = jsxExpressionContainer(uid); } this.path.replaceWith(cloneNode(uid)); return attachTo.isVariableDeclarator() ? attached.get("init") : attached.get("declarations.0.init"); } } exports.default = PathHoister; //# sourceMappingURL=hoister.js.map