require "spec_helper" describe Exodus do describe Exodus::MigrationInfo do describe "#rake_namespace" do it "should use the namespace provided in the yml file" do Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace.should == 'test:' end it "should be blank when no namespace is given" do Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace = nil Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace.should == '' Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace = '' Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace.should == '' end it "should end with ':' when a namespace is given" do Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace = 'test1' Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace.should == 'test1:' Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace = 'test2:' Exodus.configuration.rake_namespace.should == 'test2:' end end end before do Exodus::Migration.collection.drop end describe "sort_migrations" do before do class Migration_test4 < Exodus::Migration; end class Migration_test3 < Exodus::Migration; end Migration_test3.migration_number = 3 Migration_test4.migration_number = 4 end it "migrations should not be sorted by default" do unsorted_migrations = Exodus::Migration.load_all([]) migrations_numbers = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } migrations_numbers.should_not == migrations_numbers.sort end it "should return the migrations sorted by migration number" do unsorted_migrations = Exodus::Migration.load_all([]) migrations_numbers = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } sorted_migrations = Exodus::sort_migrations(unsorted_migrations) sorted_migrations_numbers = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } sorted_migrations_numbers.should == migrations_numbers.sort end end describe "order_with_direction" do before do class Migration_test4 < Exodus::Migration; end class Migration_test3 < Exodus::Migration; end class Migration_test5 < Exodus::Migration; end Migration_test3.migration_number = 3 Migration_test4.migration_number = 4 Migration_test5.migration_number = 5 unsorted_migrations = Exodus::Migration.load_all([]) @migrations_numbers = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } sorted_migrations = Exodus.order_with_direction(unsorted_migrations, 'up') @ordered_up = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } sorted_migrations = Exodus.order_with_direction(unsorted_migrations, 'down') @ordered_down = {|migration, args| migration.migration_number } end describe "when direction is UP" do it "should be sorted ascendingly" do @ordered_up.should == @migrations_numbers.sort end end describe "when direction is UP" do it "should be sorted ascendingly" do @ordered_down.should == @migrations_numbers.sort.reverse end end end describe "tasks" do it "should return the current path of exodus.rake" do rake_file = + '/../../tasks/exodus.rake') == rake_file.realpath.to_s end end describe "run_one_migration" do before do class Migration_test6 < Exodus::Migration def up 'valid' end end class Migration_test7 < Exodus::Migration def up raise StandardError, "the current migration failed" end end end before :each do Exodus::Migration.collection.drop end describe "When the migration has not been ran" do describe "with a valid migration" do it "should successfully create the migration" do migration = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test6, {}) lambda{ Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up')}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(1) end end describe "with a failing migration" do let(:migration) {Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test7, {})} it "should raise an error" do lambda {Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up')}.should raise_error(StandardError) end it "should still create the migration" do lambda {Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') rescue nil}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(1) end end end describe "When the migration has been ran" do describe "with a valid migration" do it "should not create a new migration" do migration = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test6, {}) Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') lambda {Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up')}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(0) end end describe "with a failing migration" do it "should not create a new migration" do migration = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test7, {}) Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') rescue nil lambda {Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') rescue nil}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(0) end end end end describe "find_existing_migration" do before do class Migration_test6 < Exodus::Migration def up 'valid' end end class Migration_test8 < Exodus::Migration def up 'valid' end end end before :each do Exodus::Migration.collection.drop end describe "When no migrations have been ran" do it "should not find any migration" do Exodus.find_existing_migration(Migration_test8, {}).should be_nil end end describe "When a different migration has been ran" do it "should not find any migration" do migration = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test6, {}) Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') Exodus.find_existing_migration(Migration_test8, {}).should be_nil end end describe "When the migration has been ran" do it "should find the migration" do migration = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test8, {}) Exodus.run_one_migration(migration, 'up') Exodus.find_existing_migration(Migration_test8, {}).class.should == Migration_test8 end end describe "When all migrations have been ran" do it "should find the migration" do migration6 = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test6, {}) migration8 = Exodus.instanciate_migration(Migration_test8, {}) Exodus.run_one_migration(migration6, 'up') Exodus.run_one_migration(migration8, 'up') Exodus.find_existing_migration(Migration_test8, {}).class.should == Migration_test8 end end end describe "run_migrations and sort_and_run_migrations" do before do class Migration_test9 < Exodus::Migration @migration_number = 9 def up UserSupport.create!({:name => "Thomas"}) end end class Migration_test10 < Exodus::Migration @migration_number = 10 def up UserSupport.create!({:name => "Tester"}) end end end before :each do UserSupport.collection.drop Exodus::Migration.collection.drop end describe "running the same migration in a different order with run_migrations" do it "should successfully run them in different order" do migrations_info = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test10, {}]] migrations ={|migration_info| Exodus.instanciate_migration(*migration_info)} Exodus.run_migrations('up', migrations) users = UserSupport.all == "Thomas" == "Tester" UserSupport.collection.drop Exodus::Migration.collection.drop Exodus.run_migrations('up', migrations.reverse) users = UserSupport.all == "Tester" == "Thomas" end end describe "running the same migration in a different order with sort_and_run_migrations" do it "should successfully run them in the same order" do migrations = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test10, {}]] Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations) users = UserSupport.all == "Thomas" == "Tester" UserSupport.collection.drop Exodus::Migration.collection.drop Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations.reverse) users = UserSupport.all == "Thomas" == "Tester" end end it "should run only one time the same migration" do migrations = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test9, {}]] lambda {Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations)}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(1) end it "should run successfully only one time when specifying the step option" do migrations = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test10, {}]] lambda {Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations, 1)}.should change(Exodus::Migration, :count).by(1) end describe "Getting migration information" do it "should successfully print the migrations information" do migrations = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test10, {}]] Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations, nil, true).should == ["Migration_test9: #{{}}", "Migration_test10: #{{}}"] end it "should successfully print the first migration information" do migrations = [[Migration_test9, {}], [Migration_test10, {}]] Exodus.sort_and_run_migrations('up', migrations, 1, true).should == ["Migration_test9: #{{}}"] end end end end