/* * jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry * Version 1.6.0 * * Copyright (c) 2009 James Smith (http://loopj.com) * Licensed jointly under the GPL and MIT licenses, * choose which one suits your project best! * */ (function ($) { // Default settings var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { // Search settings method: "GET", queryParam: "q", searchDelay: 300, minChars: 1, propertyToSearch: "name", jsonContainer: null, contentType: "json", // Prepopulation settings prePopulate: null, processPrePopulate: false, // Display settings hintText: "Type in a search term", noResultsText: "No results", searchingText: "Searching...", deleteText: "×", animateDropdown: true, theme: null, zindex: 999, resultsFormatter: function(item){ return "
" + item[this.propertyToSearch] + "
"); show_dropdown(); } } function show_dropdown_hint () { if(settings.hintText) { dropdown.html(""+settings.hintText+"
"); show_dropdown(); } } // Highlight the query part of the search term function highlight_term(value, term) { return value.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "$1"); } function find_value_and_highlight_term(template, value, term) { return template.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + value + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "g"), highlight_term(value, term)); } // Populate the results dropdown with some results function populate_dropdown (query, results) { if(results && results.length) { dropdown.empty(); var dropdown_ul = $(""+settings.noResultsText+"
"); show_dropdown(); } } } // Highlight an item in the results dropdown function select_dropdown_item (item) { if(item) { if(selected_dropdown_item) { deselect_dropdown_item($(selected_dropdown_item)); } item.addClass(settings.classes.selectedDropdownItem); selected_dropdown_item = item.get(0); } } // Remove highlighting from an item in the results dropdown function deselect_dropdown_item (item) { item.removeClass(settings.classes.selectedDropdownItem); selected_dropdown_item = null; } // Do a search and show the "searching" dropdown if the input is longer // than settings.minChars function do_search() { var query = input_box.val(); if(query && query.length) { if(selected_token) { deselect_token($(selected_token), POSITION.AFTER); } if(query.length >= settings.minChars) { show_dropdown_searching(); clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function(){ run_search(query); }, settings.searchDelay); } else { hide_dropdown(); } } } // Do the actual search function run_search(query) { var cache_key = query + computeURL(); var cached_results = cache.get(cache_key); if(cached_results) { populate_dropdown(query, cached_results); } else { // Are we doing an ajax search or local data search? if(settings.url) { var url = computeURL(); // Extract exisiting get params var ajax_params = {}; ajax_params.data = {}; if(url.indexOf("?") > -1) { var parts = url.split("?"); ajax_params.url = parts[0]; var param_array = parts[1].split("&"); $.each(param_array, function (index, value) { var kv = value.split("="); ajax_params.data[kv[0]] = kv[1]; }); } else { ajax_params.url = url; } // Prepare the request ajax_params.data[settings.queryParam] = query; ajax_params.type = settings.method; ajax_params.dataType = settings.contentType; if(settings.crossDomain) { ajax_params.dataType = "jsonp"; } // Attach the success callback ajax_params.success = function(results) { if($.isFunction(settings.onResult)) { results = settings.onResult.call(hidden_input, results); } cache.add(cache_key, settings.jsonContainer ? results[settings.jsonContainer] : results); // only populate the dropdown if the results are associated with the active search query if(input_box.val() === query) { populate_dropdown(query, settings.jsonContainer ? results[settings.jsonContainer] : results); } }; // Make the request $.ajax(ajax_params); } else if(settings.local_data) { // Do the search through local data var results = $.grep(settings.local_data, function (row) { return row[settings.propertyToSearch].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1; }); if($.isFunction(settings.onResult)) { results = settings.onResult.call(hidden_input, results); } cache.add(cache_key, results); populate_dropdown(query, results); } } } // compute the dynamic URL function computeURL() { var url = settings.url; if(typeof settings.url == 'function') { url = settings.url.call(settings); } return url; } // Bring browser focus to the specified object. // Use of setTimeout is to get around an IE bug. // (See, e.g., http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2600186/focus-doesnt-work-in-ie) // // obj: a jQuery object to focus() function focus_with_timeout(obj) { setTimeout(function() { obj.focus(); }, 50); } }; // Really basic cache for the results $.TokenList.Cache = function (options) { var settings = $.extend({ max_size: 500 }, options); var data = {}; var size = 0; var flush = function () { data = {}; size = 0; }; this.add = function (query, results) { if(size > settings.max_size) { flush(); } if(!data[query]) { size += 1; } data[query] = results; }; this.get = function (query) { return data[query]; }; }; }(jQuery));