#include "rbs_extension.h" #define RESET_TABLE_P(table) (table->size == 0) id_table *alloc_empty_table(void) { id_table *table = malloc(sizeof(id_table)); table->size = 10; table->count = 0; table->ids = calloc(10, sizeof(ID)); return table; } id_table *alloc_reset_table(void) { id_table *table = malloc(sizeof(id_table)); table->size = 0; return table; } id_table *parser_push_typevar_table(parserstate *state, bool reset) { if (reset) { id_table *table = alloc_reset_table(); table->next = state->vars; state->vars = table; } id_table *table = alloc_empty_table(); table->next = state->vars; state->vars = table; return table; } void parser_pop_typevar_table(parserstate *state) { id_table *table; if (state->vars) { table = state->vars; state->vars = table->next; free(table->ids); free(table); } else { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot pop empty table"); } if (state->vars && RESET_TABLE_P(state->vars)) { table = state->vars; state->vars = table->next; free(table); } } void parser_insert_typevar(parserstate *state, ID id) { id_table *table = state->vars; if (RESET_TABLE_P(table)) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot insert to reset table"); } if (table->size == table->count) { // expand ID *ptr = table->ids; table->size += 10; table->ids = calloc(table->size, sizeof(ID)); memcpy(table->ids, ptr, sizeof(ID) * table->count); free(ptr); } table->ids[table->count++] = id; } bool parser_typevar_member(parserstate *state, ID id) { id_table *table = state->vars; while (table && !RESET_TABLE_P(table)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < table->count; i++) { if (table->ids[i] == id) { return true; } } table = table->next; } return false; } void print_parser(parserstate *state) { printf(" current_token = %s (%d...%d)\n", token_type_str(state->current_token.type), state->current_token.range.start.char_pos, state->current_token.range.end.char_pos); printf(" next_token = %s (%d...%d)\n", token_type_str(state->next_token.type), state->next_token.range.start.char_pos, state->next_token.range.end.char_pos); printf(" next_token2 = %s (%d...%d)\n", token_type_str(state->next_token2.type), state->next_token2.range.start.char_pos, state->next_token2.range.end.char_pos); printf(" next_token3 = %s (%d...%d)\n", token_type_str(state->next_token3.type), state->next_token3.range.start.char_pos, state->next_token3.range.end.char_pos); } void parser_advance(parserstate *state) { state->current_token = state->next_token; state->next_token = state->next_token2; state->next_token2 = state->next_token3; while (true) { if (state->next_token3.type == pEOF) { break; } state->next_token3 = rbsparser_next_token(state->lexstate); if (state->next_token3.type == tCOMMENT) { // skip } else if (state->next_token3.type == tLINECOMMENT) { insert_comment_line(state, state->next_token3); } else { break; } } } /** * Advance token if _next_ token is `type`. * Ensures one token advance and `state->current_token.type == type`, or current token not changed. * * @returns true if token advances, false otherwise. **/ bool parser_advance_if(parserstate *state, enum TokenType type) { if (state->next_token.type == type) { parser_advance(state); return true; } else { return false; } } void parser_assert(parserstate *state, enum TokenType type) { if (state->current_token.type != type) { raise_syntax_error( state, state->current_token, "expected a token `%s`", token_type_str(type) ); } } void parser_advance_assert(parserstate *state, enum TokenType type) { parser_advance(state); parser_assert(state, type); } void print_token(token tok) { printf( "%s char=%d...%d\n", token_type_str(tok.type), tok.range.start.char_pos, tok.range.end.char_pos ); } void insert_comment_line(parserstate *state, token tok) { int prev_line = tok.range.start.line - 1; comment *com = comment_get_comment(state->last_comment, prev_line); if (com) { comment_insert_new_line(com, tok); } else { state->last_comment = alloc_comment(tok, state->last_comment); } } VALUE get_comment(parserstate *state, int subject_line) { int comment_line = subject_line - 1; comment *com = comment_get_comment(state->last_comment, comment_line); if (com) { return comment_to_ruby(com, state->buffer); } else { return Qnil; } } comment *alloc_comment(token comment_token, comment *last_comment) { comment *new_comment = calloc(1, sizeof(comment)); new_comment->next_comment = last_comment; new_comment->start = comment_token.range.start; new_comment->end = comment_token.range.end; new_comment->line_size = 0; new_comment->line_count = 0; comment_insert_new_line(new_comment, comment_token); return new_comment; } void free_comment(comment *com) { if (com->next_comment) { free_comment(com->next_comment); } free(com->tokens); free(com); } void comment_insert_new_line(comment *com, token comment_token) { if (com->line_count == 0) { com->start = comment_token.range.start; } if (com->line_count == com->line_size) { com->line_size += 10; if (com->tokens) { token *p = com->tokens; com->tokens = calloc(com->line_size, sizeof(token)); memcpy(com->tokens, p, sizeof(token) * com->line_count); free(p); } else { com->tokens = calloc(com->line_size, sizeof(token)); } } com->tokens[com->line_count++] = comment_token; com->end = comment_token.range.end; } comment *comment_get_comment(comment *com, int line) { if (com == NULL) { return NULL; } if (com->end.line < line) { return NULL; } if (com->end.line == line) { return com; } return comment_get_comment(com->next_comment, line); } VALUE comment_to_ruby(comment *com, VALUE buffer) { VALUE content = rb_funcall(buffer, rb_intern("content"), 0); rb_encoding *enc = rb_enc_get(content); VALUE string = rb_enc_str_new_cstr("", enc); int hash_bytes = rb_enc_codelen('#', enc); int space_bytes = rb_enc_codelen(' ', enc); for (size_t i = 0; i < com->line_count; i++) { token tok = com->tokens[i]; char *comment_start = RSTRING_PTR(content) + tok.range.start.byte_pos + hash_bytes; int comment_bytes = RANGE_BYTES(tok.range) - hash_bytes; unsigned char c = rb_enc_mbc_to_codepoint(comment_start, RSTRING_END(content), enc); if (c == ' ') { comment_start += space_bytes; comment_bytes -= space_bytes; } rb_str_cat(string, comment_start, comment_bytes); rb_str_cat_cstr(string, "\n"); } return rbs_ast_comment( string, rbs_location_pp(buffer, &com->start, &com->end) ); } parserstate *alloc_parser(VALUE buffer, int start_pos, int end_pos, VALUE variables) { VALUE string = rb_funcall(buffer, rb_intern("content"), 0); StringValue(string); if (start_pos < 0 || end_pos < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative position range: %d...%d", start_pos, end_pos); } lexstate *lexer = calloc(1, sizeof(lexstate)); lexer->string = string; lexer->current.line = 1; lexer->start_pos = start_pos; lexer->end_pos = end_pos; skipn(lexer, start_pos); lexer->start = lexer->current; lexer->first_token_of_line = lexer->current.column == 0; parserstate *parser = calloc(1, sizeof(parserstate)); parser->lexstate = lexer; parser->buffer = buffer; parser->current_token = NullToken; parser->next_token = NullToken; parser->next_token2 = NullToken; parser->next_token3 = NullToken; parser_advance(parser); parser_advance(parser); parser_advance(parser); if (!NIL_P(variables)) { if (!RB_TYPE_P(variables, T_ARRAY)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %"PRIsVALUE" (must be array or nil)", rb_obj_class(variables)); } parser_push_typevar_table(parser, true); for (long i = 0; i < rb_array_len(variables); i++) { VALUE index = INT2FIX(i); VALUE symbol = rb_ary_aref(1, &index, variables); parser_insert_typevar(parser, SYM2ID(symbol)); } } return parser; } void free_parser(parserstate *parser) { free(parser->lexstate); if (parser->last_comment) { free_comment(parser->last_comment); } free(parser); }