require_relative 'core_ext/string' autoload :FileUtils, 'fileutils' autoload :Open3, 'open3' autoload :Shellwords, 'shellwords' module Asciidoctor module Epub3 module GepubBuilderMixin DATA_DIR = ::File.expand_path(::File.join ::File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'data') SAMPLES_DIR = ::File.join DATA_DIR, 'samples' WordJoiner = Epub3::WordJoiner FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx = ContentConverter::FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx CsvDelimiterRx = /\s*,\s*/ DefaultCoverImage = 'images/default-cover.png' InlineImageMacroRx = /^image:(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/ def sanitized_doctitle doc, target = :plain return (doc.attr 'untitled-label') unless doc.header? title = case target when :attribute_cdata doc.doctitle(sanitize: true).gsub('"', '"') when :element_cdata doc.doctitle sanitize: true when :pcdata doc.doctitle when :plain doc.doctitle(sanitize: true).gsub(FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx, FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap) end title.gsub WordJoiner, '' end def add_theme_assets doc builder = self format = @format workdir = if doc.attr? 'epub3-stylesdir' ::File.join doc.attr('docdir'), doc.attr('epub3-stylesdir') else ::File.join DATA_DIR, 'styles' end # TODO improve design/UX of custom theme functionality, including custom fonts resources workdir: workdir do file 'styles/epub3.css' => (builder.postprocess_css_file 'epub3.css', format) file 'styles/epub3-css3-only.css' => (builder.postprocess_css_file 'epub3-css3-only.css', format) end resources workdir: DATA_DIR do #file 'styles/epub3.css' => (builder.postprocess_css_file 'styles/epub3.css', format) #file 'styles/epub3-css3-only.css' => (builder.postprocess_css_file 'styles/epub3-css3-only.css', format) font_list, font_css = builder.select_fonts 'styles/epub3-fonts.css', (doc.attr 'scripts', 'latin') file 'styles/epub3-fonts.css' => font_css with_media_type 'application/x-font-ttf' do files(*font_list) end end end def add_cover_image doc imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/)) if (front_cover_image = doc.attr 'front-cover-image') if front_cover_image =~ InlineImageMacroRx front_cover_image = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1}) end workdir = doc.attr 'docdir' else front_cover_image = DefaultCoverImage workdir = DATA_DIR end resources workdir: workdir do cover_image %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname front_cover_image}) => front_cover_image end end # NOTE must be called within the ordered block def add_cover_page doc, spine_builder, book imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/)) img = (doc.attr 'front-cover-image') || DefaultCoverImage if img =~ InlineImageMacroRx img = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1}) # TODO use proper attribute parser _, w, h = $2.split ',', 3 end w ||= 1050 h ||= 1600 img_path = %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname img}) # NOTE SVG wrapper maintains aspect ratio and confines image to view box content = %( #{sanitized_doctitle doc, :element_cdata} ).to_ios # GitDen expects a cover.xhtml, so add it to the spine spine_builder.file 'cover.xhtml' => content 'cover' # clearly a deficiency of gepub that it does not match the id correctly book.spine.itemref_by_id['item_cover1'].idref = 'cover' end def add_images_from_front_matter if ::File.exist? 'front-matter.html''front-matter.html').scan(/ (builder.postprocess_xhtml_file 'front-matter.html', format) (spine_builder.instance_variable_get :@last_defined_item).properties << 'svg' end end # FIXME don't add same image more than once # FIXME add inline images def add_content_images doc, images docimagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' docimagesdir = (docimagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{docimagesdir}/)) resources(workdir: (doc.attr 'docdir')) do images.each do |image| imagesdir = (image.document.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/)) image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{image.attr 'target'}) if image_path.start_with? %(#{docimagesdir}jacket/cover.) warn %(The image path #{image_path} is reserved for the cover artwork. Ignoring conflicting image from content.) elsif ::File.readable? image_path file image_path else warn %(Image not found or not readable: #{image_path}) end end end end def add_profile_images doc, usernames spine = @spine imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/)) resources workdir: DATA_DIR do file %(#{imagesdir}avatars/default.jpg) => %(images/default-avatar.jpg) file %(#{imagesdir}headshots/default.jpg) => %(images/default-headshot.jpg) end resources(workdir: (doc.attr 'docdir')) do usernames.each do |username| if ::File.readable?(avatar = %(#{imagesdir}avatars/#{username}.jpg)) file avatar else warn %(Avatar #{avatar} not found or readable. Falling back to default avatar for #{username}.) ::Dir.chdir DATA_DIR do file avatar => %(images/default-avatar.jpg) end end if ::File.readable? (headshot = %(#{imagesdir}headshots/#{username}.jpg)) file headshot else warn %(Headshot #{headshot} not found or readable. Falling back to default headshot for #{username}.) ::Dir.chdir DATA_DIR do file headshot => %(images/default-headshot.jpg) end end end =begin spine.each do |item| username = (item.attr 'username') || 'default' avatar_target = %(#{imagesdir}avatars/#{username}.jpg) if ::File.readable?(avatar = %(#{item.attr 'docname'}/avatar.jpg)) file avatar_target => avatar else warn %(Avatar #{avatar} not found or not readable. Falling back to default avatar for #{username}.) ::Dir.chdir DATA_DIR do file avatar_target => %(images/default-avatar.jpg) end end if ::File.readable? (headshot = %(#{item.attr 'docname'}/headshot.jpg)) file headshot # TODO default headshot? end end =end end end def add_content doc builder = self spine = @spine format = @format resources(workdir: (doc.attr 'docdir')) do builder.add_images_from_front_matter # QUESTION should we move navigation_document to the Packager class? seems to make sense #nav 'nav.xhtml' => (builder.postprocess_xhtml doc.converter.navigation_document(doc, spine), format) nav 'nav.xhtml' => (builder.postprocess_xhtml ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Factory.default.create('epub3-xhtml5').navigation_document(doc, spine), format) ordered do builder.add_cover_page doc, self, @book unless format == :kf8 builder.add_front_matter_page doc, self, builder, format spine.each_with_index do |item, i| content_path = %(#{ || (item.attr 'docname')}.xhtml) file content_path => (builder.postprocess_xhtml item.convert, format) # NOTE heading for ePub2 navigation file; toc.ncx requires headings to be plain text heading builder.sanitized_doctitle(item) << 'svg' if ((item.attr 'epub-properties') || []).include? 'svg' #linear 'yes' if i == 0 end end end end def collect_keywords doc, spine ([doc] + spine).map do |item| if item.attr? 'keywords' (item.attr 'keywords').split CsvDelimiterRx else [] end end.flatten.uniq end # Swap fonts in CSS based on the value of the document attribute 'scripts', # then return the list of fonts as well as the font CSS. def select_fonts filename, scripts = 'latin' font_css = font_css = font_css.gsub(/(?<=-)latin(?=\.ttf\))/, scripts) unless scripts == 'latin' font_list = font_css.scan(/url\(\.\.\/(.+\.ttf)\);$/).flatten return [font_list, font_css.to_ios] end def postprocess_css_file filename, format return filename unless format == :kf8 postprocess_css, format end def postprocess_css content, format return content.to_ios unless format == :kf8 # TODO convert regular expressions to constants content .gsub(/^ -webkit-column-break-.*\n/, '') .gsub(/^ max-width: .*\n/, '') .to_ios end def postprocess_xhtml_file filename, format return filename unless format == :kf8 postprocess_xhtml, format end # NOTE Kindle requires that # # be converted to # def postprocess_xhtml content, format return content.to_ios unless format == :kf8 # TODO convert regular expressions to constants content .gsub(//, '') .gsub(/]+) style="width: (\d\d)%;"/, '.*?<\/script>\n?/m, '') .to_ios end end class Packager KINDLEGEN = ENV['KINDLEGEN'] || 'kindlegen' EPUBCHECK = ENV['EPUBCHECK'] || %(epubcheck#{::Gem.win_platform? ? '.bat' : '.sh'}) EpubExtensionRx = /\.epub$/ Kf8ExtensionRx = /-kf8\.epub$/ def initialize spine_doc, spine, format = :epub3, options = {} @document = spine_doc @spine = spine || [] @format = format end def package options = {} doc = @document spine = @spine fmt = @format dest = @dest_dir = options[:to_dir] || (File.expand_path ::Dir.pwd) images = {|item| (item.find_by context: :image) || [] }.flatten usernames = {|item| item.attr 'username' }.compact.uniq # FIXME authors should be aggregated already on parent document authors = if doc.attr? 'authors' (doc.attr 'authors').split(GepubBuilderMixin::CsvDelimiterRx).concat( {|item| item.attr 'author' }).uniq else [] end builder = do extend GepubBuilderMixin @document = doc @spine = spine @format = fmt @book.epub_backward_compat = (fmt != :kf8) language(doc.attr 'lang', 'en') id 'pub-language' if doc.attr? 'uuid' unique_identifier doc.attr('uuid'), 'pub-identifier', 'uuid' else unique_identifier, 'pub-identifier', 'uuid' end # replace with next line once the attributes argument is supported #unique_identifier, 'pub-id', 'uuid', 'scheme' => 'xsd:string' title sanitized_doctitle(doc) id 'pub-title' # FIXME this logic needs some work if doc.attr? 'publisher' publisher(publisher_name = doc.attr('publisher')) # marc role: Book producer (see creator doc.attr('producer', publisher_name), 'bkp' else # NOTE Use producer as both publisher and producer if publisher isn't specified if doc.attr? 'producer' producer_name = doc.attr 'producer' publisher producer_name # marc role: Book producer (see creator producer_name, 'bkp' # NOTE Use author as creator if both publisher or producer are absent elsif doc.attr? 'author' # marc role: Author (see creator doc.attr('author'), 'aut' end end if doc.attr? 'creator' # marc role: Creator (see creator doc.attr('creator'), 'cre' else # marc role: Manufacturer (see # QUESTION should this be bkp? creator 'Asciidoctor', 'mfr' end # TODO getting author list should be a method on Asciidoctor API contributors(*authors) if doc.attr? 'revdate' # TODO ensure this is a real date date(doc.attr 'revdate') else date'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') end if doc.attr? 'description' description(doc.attr 'description') end (collect_keywords doc, spine).each do |s| subject s end if doc.attr? 'source' source(doc.attr 'source') end if doc.attr? 'copyright' rights(doc.attr 'copyright') end #add_metadata 'ibooks:specified-fonts', true add_theme_assets doc add_cover_image doc add_profile_images doc, usernames # QUESTION move add_content_images to add_content method? add_content_images doc, images add_content doc end ::FileUtils.mkdir_p dest unless dest epub_file = ::File.expand_path %(#{doc.attr 'docname'}#{fmt == :kf8 ? '-kf8' : nil}.epub), dest builder.generate_epub epub_file puts %(Wrote #{fmt.upcase} to #{epub_file}) if options[:extract] extract_dir = epub_file.sub EpubExtensionRx, '' ::FileUtils.remove_dir extract_dir if extract_dir ::Dir.mkdir extract_dir ::Dir.chdir extract_dir do epub_file do |entries| entries.each do |entry| next unless entry.file? unless (entry_dir = ::File.dirname == '.' || ( entry_dir) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p entry_dir end entry.extract end end end puts %(Extracted #{fmt.upcase} to #{extract_dir}) end if fmt == :kf8 distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file elsif options[:validate] validate_epub epub_file end end # QUESTION how to enable the -c2 flag? (enables ~3-5% compression) def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file kindlegen_cmd = KINDLEGEN unless ::File.executable? kindlegen_cmd require 'kindlegen' unless defined? ::Kindlegen kindlegen_cmd = ::Kindlegen.command end mobi_file = ::File.basename(epub_file).sub Kf8ExtensionRx, '.mobi' ::Open3.popen2e(::Shellwords.join [kindlegen_cmd, '-o', mobi_file, epub_file]) {|input, output, wait_thr| output.each {|line| puts line } } puts %(Wrote MOBI to #{::File.join ::File.dirname(epub_file), mobi_file}) end def validate_epub epub_file epubcheck_cmd = EPUBCHECK unless ::File.executable? epubcheck_cmd epubcheck_cmd = ::Gem.bin_path 'epubcheck', 'epubcheck' end # NOTE epubcheck gem doesn't support epubcheck command options; enable -quiet once supported ::Open3.popen2e(::Shellwords.join [epubcheck_cmd, epub_file]) {|input, output, wait_thr| output.each {|line| puts line } } end end end end