require "csv" require "yaml" module StructuredCsv module Csv2Yaml def self.get_portion(csv, section_name) first_row = nil last_row = -1 data_meta = {} warn "section_name #{section_name}" csv.each_with_index do |row, index| if first_row.nil? && is_start_of_portion?(row, section_name) # warn"found first" if row[1] && !row[1].empty? row[1].split(";").each do |opt| k, v = opt.split("=") data_meta[k.to_sym] = v end end first_row = index + 1 next end next unless !first_row.nil? && is_row_empty?(row) # warn "found last" last_row = index break end # warn "first #{first_row} last #{last_row}" { first_row: first_row, last_row: last_row, rows: csv[(first_row.nil? ? 0 : first_row)..last_row], meta: data_meta } end def self.is_start_of_portion?(row, section_name) return false if row.first.nil? row.first.strip.to_s == section_name.to_s end def self.is_row_empty?(row) do |f| f.is_a?(String) ? f.strip : f end.all?(&:nil?) end def self.split_header_key_type(header_field) field_name = "" field_type = CAST_DEFAULT_TYPE # warn header_field arr = header_field.match(/\A([^\[]*)\[(.*)\]\Z/) if arr.nil? field_name = header_field else field_name = arr[1] field_type = arr[2] end { name: field_name, type: field_type } end CAST_DEFAULT_TYPE = "string".freeze def self.cast_type(value, type_in_string) return if value.nil? type = type_in_string.downcase case type when "boolean" case value when /\A *true *\z/i true when /\A *false *\z/i false end when "integer" value.to_s.strip.to_i when "string" value.to_s.strip when /^array\{(.*)\}/ val_type = Regexp.last_match[1] || CAST_DEFAULT_TYPE value.split(";").map do |v| # warn "cast type as #{v}, #{val_type.to_s}" cast_type(v, val_type.to_s) end else value.to_s end end def self.parse_metadata(rows) hash = {} rows.each_with_index do |row, _index| # Skip all the empty rows next if is_row_empty?(row) name_type = split_header_key_type(row.first) key = name_type[:name] type = name_type[:type] value = cast_type(row[1], type) hash[key] = value end # warn "=============================METADATA=================" # pp hash normalize_namespaces(hash) end def self.parse_data(rows, data_meta) header = [] data_name = data_meta[:name] data_type = data_meta[:type] || "hash" data_key = data_meta[:key] base_structure = case data_type when "hash" {} when "array" [] end rows.each_with_index do |row, index| # Assume the first column is always the key if index == 0 # warn "row #{row}" header = do |field| split_header_key_type(field) unless field.nil? end.compact data_key = header.first if data_type == "hash" && data_key.nil? next end # warn "header #{header.inspect}" # Skip all the empty rows next if is_row_empty?(row) # Skip if no key value next if row[0].nil? header_names = header.inject([]) do |acc, v| acc << v[:name] end row_values = [] header.each_with_index do |h, i| v = row[i] v = v.strip unless v.nil? row_values[i] = cast_type(v, h[:type]) end k = row_values[0] d = Hash[header_names[0..-1].zip(row_values[0..-1])] # .transform_keys { |k| k.to_sym } # Remove keys if they point to nil d.keys.each do |k| d.delete(k) if d[k].nil? end case data_type when "hash" unless base_structure[k].nil? warn "[WARNING] there is already data inside key [#{k}] -- maybe you should set type=array?" end base_structure[k] = normalize_namespaces(d) when "array" base_structure << normalize_namespaces(d) end end if data_name base_structure = { data_name => base_structure } end base_structure end def self.convert(csv_filename) raw_data = StructuredCsv::Common.load_csv(csv_filename) metadata_section = get_portion(raw_data, "METADATA") data_section = get_portion(raw_data, "DATA") # warn '----------' # pp data_section[:rows] # warn '----------' { "metadata" => parse_metadata(metadata_section[:rows]), "data" => parse_data(data_section[:rows], data_section[:meta]) } end # Structure all child hashes if the key is namespaced. # e.g. { "" => data } becomes # { "hello" => { "me" => data } } # def self.normalize_namespaces(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each_pair do |k, v| # warn"k (#{k}) v (#{v})" key_components = k.to_s.split(".") level = new_hash last_component = key_components.pop key_components.each do |component| # warn"c (#{component})" level[component] ||= {} level = level[component] end level[last_component] = v end new_hash end end end