module Adhearsion module VoIP module Asterisk class AMI module Machine %%{ machine ami; cr = "\r"; lf = "\n"; crlf = cr lf; action _key { mark("key") } action key { set("key"); } action _value { mark("value") } action value { set("value"); } Attr = [a-zA-Z\-]+ >_key %key ': ' (any* -- crlf) >_value %value crlf; Privilege = "Privilege" >_key %key ': ' (any* -- crlf) >_value %value crlf; ActionID = "ActionID" >_key %key ': ' (any* -- crlf) >_value %value crlf; action _event { mark("event") } action event { set("event"); @current_packet = } Event = "Event: " alpha+ >_event %event crlf; action _success { @current_packet =; } action _error { @current_packet =; } Response = "Response: "; Success = Response "Success" >_success crlf; Pong = Response "Pong" >_success crlf; Error = Response "Error" >_error crlf; Events = Response "Events " ("On" | "Off") >_success crlf; action _follows { @current_packet =; } Follows = Response "Follows" >_follows crlf; EndFollows = "--END COMMAND--" crlf; # Capture the prompt. Signal any waiters. Prompt = "Asterisk Call Manager/"; prompt := |* graph+ >{ mark("version"); }; crlf >{ set("version"); @signal.signal } => { fgoto main; }; *|; # For typical commands with responses with headers response_normal := |* Attr => { pair; }; crlf => { packet; fgoto main; }; *|; # For immediate or raw commands Raw = (any+ >{ mark_array("raw"); } -- lf) lf; # For immediate or raw commands Imm = (any+ >{ mark_array("raw") } -- crlf) crlf %{ insert("raw") }; # For raw commands response_follows := |* Privilege => { pair; }; ActionID => { pair; }; Raw => { insert("raw") }; EndFollows crlf => { packet; fgoto main; }; *|; main := |* Prompt @{ fgoto prompt; }; Success @{ fgoto response_normal; }; Pong @{ fgoto response_normal; }; Error @{ fgoto response_normal; }; Event @{ fgoto response_normal; }; Events @{ fgoto response_normal; }; Follows @{ fgoto response_follows; }; # Must also handle immediate responses with raw data Imm crlf crlf => { @current_packet =; packet; }; *|; }%% class << self def extended(base) # Rename the Ragel variables. Not strictly necessary if # we were to make accessors for them. base.instance_eval do %%{ variable p @__ragel_p; variable pe @__ragel_pe; variable cs @__ragel_cs; variable act @__ragel_act; variable data @__ragel_data; variable tokstart @__ragel_tokstart; variable tokend @__ragel_tokend; write data nofinal; }%% end end end private def ragel_init %% write init; end def ragel_exec %% write exec; end end end end end end