require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" require "open-uri" ### Configurables files = { Gemfile: '', Rakefile: '', Rubocop: '', Tasks: '' } # spec task default: :spec # generate desc 'Generate (touch) all files in spec from lib' task :generate_spec_files do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'spec/containable' Dir.glob('lib/**/*.rb').each do |f| FileUtils.touch "#{f.gsub('lib', 'spec')}_spec_rb" end end # automagical updating desc "updates for various bits of the development environment." namespace :update do desc "update everything (multitasked)" multitask(all: %i[gemfile rakefile rubocop tasks]) desc 'Update Gemfile from gist' task :gemfile do grab_file 'Gemfile', files[:Gemfile] end desc 'Update Rakefile from gist' task :rakefile do grab_file 'Rakefile', files[:Rakefile] end desc 'Update .rubocop.yml from gist' task :rubocop do grab_file '.rubocop.yml', files[:Rubocop] end desc 'Update .vscode/tasks.json from gist' task :tasks do mkdir_p '.vscode' grab_file '.vscode/tasks.json', files[:Tasks] end end def grab_file(filename, uri) File.write filename, open(uri).read puts "Updated #{filename} from: #{uri}" end