Class Request::Action
In: lib/violet/request.rb
Parent: Base::Event
Event Action TtsMessage SetEarsPosition EventCollection Enumerable Query GET_EARS_POSITION Base Request dot/f_8.png

actions are used to retrieve informations about the Nabaztag or the Nabaztag‘s owners. see constants of Request module, all Action are Request constant that begin with GET or SET. Request::GET_EARS_POSITION is not an Action in the violet API, but we implement it as it was.



new   to_url  

Public Class methods

create a new Action with id


     # File lib/violet/request.rb, line 181
181:     def initialize id
182:       @id = id
183:     end

Public Instance methods

Action have only action= option.


     # File lib/violet/request.rb, line 186
186:     def to_url
187:         "action=#{@id}"
188:     end
