root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")) require File.join(root, "lib/core_ext/hash") require File.join(root, "lib/core_ext/kernel") require File.join(root, "lib/core_ext/exception") require File.join(root, "lib/houston_observer") $:.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(root, "app/adapters")) require "houston/adapters" module Houston class Configuration attr_reader :timers def initialize @root = Rails.root @modules = [] @gems = [] @navigation_renderers = {} @user_options = {} @available_project_features = {} @ticket_types = {} @authentication_strategy = :database @authentication_strategy_configuration = {} @ticket_tracker_configuration = {} @ci_server_configuration = {} @error_tracker_configuration = {} @timers = [] end # Global configuration def root(*args) return @root if args.none? @root = args.first # Keep structure.sql in instances' db directory ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.db_dir = root.join("db") # Configure Houston Houston::Application.paths["config/database"] = root.join("config/database.yml") Houston::Application.paths["public"] = root.join("public") Houston::Application.paths["log"] = root.join("log/#{Rails.env}.log") Houston::Application.paths["tmp"] = root.join("tmp") Houston::Application.paths["config/environments"] << root.join("config/environments") end def title(*args) @title = args.first if args.any? @title ||= "Houston" end def host(*args) @host = args.first if args.any? @host ||= nil end def time_zone(*args) return Rails.application.config.time_zone if args.none? Rails.application.config.time_zone = args.first = args.first end def mailer_sender(*args) if args.any? @mailer_sender = args.first (Rails.application.config.action_mailer.default_options ||= {}).merge!(from: @mailer_sender) end @mailer_sender ||= nil end def mailer_from require "mail" do |email| email.display_name = title email.address = mailer_sender end.to_s end def passphrase(*args) @passphrase = args.first if args.any? @passphrase ||= nil end def keypair root.join("config", "keypair.pem") end def parallelization(*args) @parallelization = args.first if args.any? @parallelization ||= :off end def parallelize? parallelization == :on end def smtp(&block) Rails.application.config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) if block_given? Rails.application.config.action_mailer.smtp_settings end def s3(&block) @s3 = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) if block_given? @s3 ||= {} end def engineyard(&block) @engineyard = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) if block_given? @engineyard ||= {} end def project_categories(*args) @project_categories = args if args.any? @project_categories ||= [] end def navigation(*args) @navigation = args if args.any? @navigation ||= [] end def add_navigation_renderer(name, &block) @navigation_renderers[name] = block end def get_navigation_renderer(name) @navigation_renderers.fetch(name) end def add_user_option(slug, &block) dsl = dsl.instance_eval(&block) form = dsl.form form.slug = slug @user_options[slug] = form end def user_options @user_options.values end def project_features(*args) @project_features = args if args.any? return @available_project_features.keys unless @project_features @project_features & @available_project_features.keys end def get_project_feature(slug) @available_project_features[slug] end def add_project_feature(slug, &block) dsl = dsl.instance_eval(&block) feature = dsl.feature feature.slug = slug raise ArgumentError, "Project Feature must supply name, but #{slug.inspect} doesn't" unless raise ArgumentError, "Project Feature must supply icon, but #{slug.inspect} doesn't" unless feature.icon raise ArgumentError, "Project Feature must supply path lambda, but #{slug.inspect} doesn't" unless feature.path_block @available_project_features[slug] = feature end def project_colors(*args) new_hash ="505050")) @project_colors = args.first.each_with_object(new_hash) { |(key, hex), hash| hash[key] = } if args.any? @project_colors ||= new_hash end def environments(*args) @environments = args if args.any? @environments ||= [] end def roles(*args) @roles = args if args.any? ["Guest"] + (@roles ||= []) end def default_role "Guest" end def project_roles(*args) @project_roles = args if args.any? ["Follower"] + (@project_roles ||= []) end def ticket_types(*args) if args.any? @ticket_types = args.first @ticket_types.default = "EFEFEF" end @ticket_types.keys end def ticket_colors @ticket_types end def parse_ticket_description(ticket=nil, &block) if block_given? @parse_ticket_description_proc = block elsif ticket if @parse_ticket_description_proc end end def identify_committers(commit=nil, &block) if block_given? @identify_committers_proc = block elsif commit @identify_committers_proc ? Array( : [commit.committer_email] end end # Authentication options def authentication_strategy(strategy=nil, &block) @authentication_strategy = strategy if strategy @authentication_strategy_configuration = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) if block_given? @authentication_strategy end attr_reader :authentication_strategy_configuration def devise_configuration # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :registerable, # :encryptable, # :confirmable, # :lockable, # :timeoutable, # :omniauthable configuration = [:database_authenticatable] unless Rails.env.test? # <-- !todo: control when custom strategies are employed in the test suite configuration << :ldap_authenticatable if authentication_strategy == :ldap end configuration.concat [ :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :invitable ] end # Permissions def abilities(&block) @abilities_block = block end def defines_abilities? @abilities_block.present? end def configure_abilities(context, user) context.instance_exec(user, &@abilities_block) end # Adapters Houston::Adapters.each do |name, path| module_eval <<-RUBY def #{path}(adapter, &block) raise ArgumentError, "\#{adapter.inspect} is not a #{name}: known #{name} adapters are: \#{Houston::Adapters::#{name} { |name| ":\#{name.downcase}" }.join(", ")}" unless Houston::Adapters::#{name}.adapter?(adapter) raise ArgumentError, "#{path} should be invoked with a block" unless block_given? configuration = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) @#{path}_configuration ||= {} @#{path}_configuration[adapter] = configuration end def #{path}_configuration(adapter) raise ArgumentError, "\#{adapter.inspect} is not a #{name}: known #{name} adapters are: \#{Houston::Adapters::#{name} { |name| ":\#{name.downcase}" }.join(", ")}" unless Houston::Adapters::#{name}.adapter?(adapter) @#{path}_configuration ||= {} @#{path}_configuration[adapter] || {} end RUBY end def github(&block) @github_configuration = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) if block_given? @github_configuration ||= {} end def supports_pull_requests? github[:organization].present? end # Modules def use(module_name, args={}, &block) @modules <<, args, &block) end attr_reader :modules def uses?(module_name) module_name = module_name.to_s modules.any? { |mod| == module_name } end def module(module_name) module_name = module_name.to_s modules.detect { |mod| == module_name } end # Configuration for Releases def change_tags(*args) if args.any? @tag_map = {} args.flatten.each_with_index do |hash, position|, :color).merge(slug: hash[:as], position: position)).tap do |tag| @tag_map[tag.slug] = tag hash.fetch(:aliases, []).each do |slug| @tag_map[slug] = tag end end end end (@tag_map ||= {}).values.uniq end def fetch_tag(slug) tag_map.fetch(slug, NullTag.instance) end attr_reader :tag_map # def key_dependencies(&block) if block_given? dependencies = dependencies.instance_eval(&block) @dependencies = dependencies.values end @dependencies || [] end # Events def on(event, &block), &block) end def at(time, name, options={}, &block) @timers.push [:cron, time, name, options, block] end def every(interval, name, options={}, &block) @timers.push [:every, interval, name, options, block] end def load(glob) __file__ = caller[0].split(":")[0] glob << ".rb" unless glob.end_with? ".rb" Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__file__)}/#{glob}").each do |file| next if require file end end # Validation def validate! raise MissingConfiguration, <<-ERROR unless mailer_sender Houston requires a default email address to be supplied for mailers You can set the address by adding the following line to config/config.rb: mailer_sender "" ERROR end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) puts "\e[33mMissing Configuration option: #{name}\e[0m" nil end end class Module attr_reader :name def initialize(module_name, options={}, &moduleconfig) @name = module_name.to_s if namespace.respond_to?(:config) && block_given? namespace.config(&moduleconfig) elsif block_given? && !namespace.respond_to?(:config) raise "#{name} does not accept configuration" end end def engine namespace::Engine end def path "/#{name}" end def namespace @namespace ||= "houston/#{name}".camelize.constantize end end class Dependencies attr_reader :values def initialize @values = [] end def gem(slug, target_versions=[], options={}) @values << options.merge(type: :gem, slug: slug, target_versions: target_versions) end end class HashDsl attr_reader :hash alias :to_hash :hash alias :to_h :hash def initialize @hash = {} end def self.from_block(block) { |dsl| dsl.instance_eval(&block) } end def self.hash_from_block(block) from_block(block).to_hash end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if block_given? @hash[method_name] = HashDsl.hash_from_block(block) elsif args.length == 1 @hash[method_name] = args.first else super end end end class ProjectFeature attr_accessor :name, :slug, :icon, :path_block, :ability_block, :fields def initialize self.fields = [] end def project_path(project) project end def permitted?(ability, project) return true if ability_block.nil? ability, project end end class ProjectFeatureDsl attr_reader :feature def initialize @feature = end def name(value) = value end def icon(value) feature.icon = value end def path(&block) feature.path_block = block end def ability(&block) feature.ability_block = block end def field(slug, &block) dsl = dsl.instance_eval(&block) form = dsl.form form.slug = slug feature.fields.push form end end class ProjectFeatureForm attr_accessor :slug, :name, :render_block def render(view, f) view.instance_exec(f, &render_block).html_safe end end class FormBuilderDsl attr_reader :form def initialize @form = end def name(value) = value end def html(&block) form.render_block = block end end class ColorValue attr_reader :hex def initialize(hex) @hex = hex end def to_s @hex end def rgb "rgb(#{@hex.scan(/../).map { |s| s.to_i(16) }.join(", ")})" end end class Jobs def run(job) trigger = "manual" job, trigger = [job.tags.first, job.original] if job.is_a? Rufus::Scheduler::Job block = find_timer_block!(job) Houston.async do run! job, trigger, block end end private def find_timer_block!(job_name) timer = Houston.config.timers.detect { |(_, _, name, _, _)| name == job_name } raise ArgumentError, "#{job_name} is not a job" unless timer timer.last end def run!(job_name, trigger, block) Job.record job_name do "\e[34m[#{job_name}/#{trigger}] Running job\e[0m" end rescue Exception # rescues StandardError by default; but we want to rescue and report all errors Houston.report_exception($!, parameters: {job_name: job_name}) end end class NotConfigured < RuntimeError def initialize(message = "Houston has not been configured. Please load config/config.rb before calling Houston.config") super end end class MissingConfiguration < RuntimeError; end module_function def config(&block) @configuration ||= if block_given? @configuration.instance_eval(&block) @configuration.validate! end @configuration end def self.root config.root end def observer @observer ||= end def jobs @jobs ||= end def github @github ||= config.github[:access_token], auto_paginate: true) end end class Tag def initialize(options={}) @name = options[:name] @slug = options[:slug] @color = options[:color] @position = options[:position] end attr_reader :name attr_reader :slug attr_reader :color attr_reader :position def to_partial_path "tags/tag" end end class NullTag def self.instance @instance ||= end def nil? true end def slug nil end def color "CCCCCC" end def name "No tag" end def position 999 end end