module Katello class Api::V2::HostErrataController < Api::V2::ApiController include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch include Katello::Concerns::Api::V2::HostErrataExtensions TYPES_FROM_PARAMS = { bugfix: Katello::Erratum::BUGZILLA, # ['bugfix', 'recommended'] security: Katello::Erratum::SECURITY, # ['security'] enhancement: Katello::Erratum::ENHANCEMENT # ['enhancement', 'optional'] }.freeze before_action :find_host, only: :index before_action :find_host_editable, except: :index before_action :find_errata_ids, only: :apply before_action :find_environment, only: :index before_action :find_content_view, only: :index resource_description do api_version 'v2' api_base_url "/api" end def resource_class Erratum end def_param_group :bulk_errata_ids do param :included, Hash, :desc => N_("Errata to exclusively include in the action"), :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :search, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Search string for erratum to perform an action on") param :ids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of errata ids to perform an action on, (ex: RHSA-2019:1168)") end param :excluded, Hash, :desc => N_("Errata to explicitly exclude in the action."\ " All other applicable errata will be included in the action,"\ " unless an included parameter is passed as well."), :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :ids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of errata ids to exclude and not run an action on, (ex: RHSA-2019:1168)") end end api :GET, "/hosts/:host_id/errata", N_("List errata available for the content host") param :host_id, :number, :desc => N_("UUID of the content host"), :required => true param :content_view_id, :number, :desc => N_("Calculate Applicable Errata based on a particular Content View"), :required => false param :environment_id, :number, :desc => N_("Calculate Applicable Errata based on a particular Environment"), :required => false param :include_applicable, :bool, :desc => N_("Return errata that are applicable to this host. Defaults to false)"), :required => false param :type, String, :desc => N_("Return only errata of a particular type (security, bugfix, enhancement)"), :required => false param :severity, String, :desc => N_("Return only errata of a particular severity (None, Low, Moderate, Important, Critical)"), :required => false param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController def index validate_index_params! collection = scoped_search(index_relation, 'updated', 'desc', :resource_class => Erratum, :includes => [:cves]) @installable_errata_ids = [] if @host.content_facet @installable_errata_ids = @host.content_facet.installable_errata.pluck("#{Katello::Erratum.table_name}.id") end respond_for_index :collection => collection end api :GET, "/hosts/:host_id/errata/:id", N_("Retrieve a single errata for a host") param :host_id, :number, :desc => N_("Host ID"), :required => true param :id, String, :desc => N_("Errata id of the erratum (RHSA-2012:108)"), :required => true def show errata = Erratum.find_by(:errata_id => params[:id]) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find errata ids '%s'") % params[:id] unless errata respond_for_show :resource => errata end api :PUT, "/hosts/:host_id/errata/applicability", N_("Force regenerate applicability.") param :host_id, :number, :desc => N_("Host ID"), :required => true def applicability Katello::Host::ContentFacet.trigger_applicability_generation( respond_for_async :resource => {} end protected def total_selectable(query) if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:include_applicable]) query.where(:id => @host.content_facet.installable_errata).count else query.count end end def index_relation relation = Katello::Erratum.none if @host.content_facet relation = @host.content_facet.installable_errata(@environment, @content_view) end if params[:type].present? relation = relation.where(:errata_type => TYPES_FROM_PARAMS[params[:type].to_sym]) end if params[:severity].present? params[:severity] = ['None', ''] if params[:severity] == 'None' relation = relation.where(:severity => params[:severity]) end relation end private def find_content_view @content_view = if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:include_applicable]) @host.organization.default_content_view elsif params[:content_view_id] ContentView.readable.find(params[:content_view_id]) end end def find_environment @environment = if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:include_applicable]) @host.organization.library elsif params[:environment_id] KTEnvironment.readable.find(params[:environment_id]) end end def find_host @host = resource_finder(::Host::Managed.authorized("view_hosts"), params[:host_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'host', id: params[:host_id]) if @host.nil? @host end def find_host_editable @host = resource_finder(::Host::Managed.authorized("edit_hosts"), params[:host_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'host', id: params[:host_id]) if @host.nil? @host end def find_errata_ids if params[:errata_ids] missing = params[:errata_ids] - Erratum.where(:errata_id => params[:errata_ids]).pluck(:errata_id) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find errata ids '%s'") % missing.to_sentence if missing.any? @errata_ids = params[:errata_ids] elsif params[:search] @errata_ids = @host.advisory_ids(search: params[:search]) else # old angular way # Todo: remove this when the old content-host errata page is removed @errata_ids = find_bulk_errata_ids([@host], params[:bulk_errata_ids]) end end def validate_index_params! if (params[:content_view_id] && params[:environment_id].nil?) || (params[:environment_id] && params[:content_view_id].nil?) fail _("Either both parameters 'content_view_id' and 'environment_id' should be specified or neither should be specified") end if params[:type].present? && !TYPES_FROM_PARAMS.key?(params[:type].to_sym) fail _("Type must be one of: %s" % TYPES_FROM_PARAMS.keys.join(', ')) end if params[:severity].present? && !Katello::Erratum::SEVERITIES.include?(params[:severity]) fail _("Severity must be one of: %s") % Katello::Erratum::SEVERITIES.join(', ') end end end end