require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) describe Kin::Configurable, 'when mixed in to a module' do before(:each) do @configurable = { extend Kin::Configurable } end # --------- # configure it 'should respond to #configure' do @configurable.should respond_to(:configure) end describe 'and configuring' do it 'should yield the configatron instance' do @configurable.configure do |c| c.should be_kind_of(Configatron::Store) end end it 'should allow the setting of new attributes' do @configurable.configure do |c| c.hello = 'world' c.another.item = 'value' end @configurable.config.hello.should == 'world' @configurable.config.another.item.should == 'value' end end # ------ # config it 'should respond to #config' do @configurable.should respond_to(:config) end describe 'and fetching the configuration' do it 'should yield a configatron instance' do @configurable.config.should be_kind_of(Configatron::Store) end end end