#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Naming Service Agent: # This agent aims to configure DNS/DHCP daemons or devices to supply # IP address and Hostname for Instances. begin require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.setup(:default) rescue Exception end require File.expand_path('../../config/path_resolver', __FILE__) require 'erb' require 'eventmachine' class SuperviseDnsmasq < Isono::NodeModules::Base include Dcmgr::Logger config_section do desc "configuration file for dnsmasq dhcp" dhcp_hosts_conf File.expand_path('dnsmasq-dhcp.conf', '/var/tmp/') end initialize_hook do if manifest.config.network_name.nil? abort("network_name is not set yet in nsa.conf") end # check the dnsmasq binary version @conf_ver_253 = false if `#{manifest.config.dnsmasq_bin_path} -version`.split("\n").first =~ /Dnsmasq version ([\d\.]+)/ verstr = $1.split('.') if verstr[0].to_i == 2 && verstr[1].to_i >= 53 @conf_ver_253 = true end logger.info("Using dnsmasq v#{verstr}: configuration version #{@conf_ver_253 ? '>= 2.53' : '< 2.53'}") else logger.warn("Failed to detect dnsmasq binary version") end opts = sprintf("-k --no-hosts --no-resolv --leasefile-ro --dhcp-leasefile=/dev/null " + "--addn-hosts=%s --dhcp-hostsfile=%s --conf-file=%s", config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf + ".hosts", config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf + ".dhcp", config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf ) cmd = "#{manifest.config.dnsmasq_bin_path} #{opts}" @dnsmasq_pid = fork { Process.exec(cmd) } begin if !Process.waitpid(@dnsmasq_pid, Process::WNOHANG).nil? abort("dnsmasq is terminated unexpectedly") end rescue Errno::ECHILD abort("Failed to exec dnsmasq process.") end myinstance.refresh_dnsmasq_conf event = Isono::NodeModules::EventChannel.new(node) event.subscribe('hva/instance_started', '#') do |args| logger.info("refresh on instance_started: #{args.inspect}") myinstance.refresh_dnsmasq_conf end event.subscribe('hva/instance_terminated', '#') do |args| logger.info("refresh on instance_terminated: #{args.inspect}") myinstance.refresh_dnsmasq_conf end end terminate_hook do system("/bin/kill #{@dnsmasq_pid}") end def refresh_dnsmasq_conf EM.defer { begin generate_dhcp_conf() system("/bin/kill -HUP #{@dnsmasq_pid}") logger.info("refreshed dnsmasq conf") rescue Exception => e logger.error(e) end } end def generate_dhcp_conf rpc = Isono::NodeModules::RpcChannel.new(node) # load entier macaddr,ipaddr pairs for all instances from collector. confdata = rpc.request('hva-collector', 'get_dhcp_conf', manifest.config.network_name) render_conf(config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf, binding, <<'_EOS_') server= log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log #log-queries log-dhcp <%- confdata.each { |nwid, v| -%> <%- if @conf_ver_253 -%> dhcp-range=set:<%= nwid %>,<%= v[:ipv4_first] %>,static,<%= v[:netmask] %> dhcp-option=tag:<%= nwid %>,option:netmask,<%= v[:netmask] %> dhcp-option=tag:<%= nwid %>,option:router,<%= v[:ipv4_gw] %> dhcp-option=tag:<%= nwid %>,option:dns-server,<%= v[:dns_server] %> dhcp-option=tag:<%= nwid %>,option:domain-name,<%= v[:domain_name] %> #dhcp-option=tag:<%= nwid %>,option:domain-search,<%= v[:domain_name] %> <%- else # if @conf_ver_253 -%> dhcp-range=net:<%= nwid %>,<%= v[:ipv4_first] %>,static,<%= v[:netmask] %> dhcp-option=<%= nwid %>,option:netmask,<%= v[:netmask] %> dhcp-option=<%= nwid %>,option:router,<%= v[:ipv4_gw] %> dhcp-option=<%= nwid %>,option:dns-server,<%= v[:dns_server] %> dhcp-option=<%= nwid %>,option:domain-name,<%= v[:domain_name] %> #dhcp-option=<%= nwid %>,option:domain-search,<%= v[:domain_name] %> <%- end # if @conf_ver_253 -%> <%- v[:mac2addr].each { |i| -%> #dhcp-host=<%= i[:mac_addr] %>,net:<%= nwid %>,<%= i[:ipaddr] %> <%- } -%> <%- v[:addr2host].each { |i| -%> #address=/<%= i[:hostname] %>/<%= i[:ipaddr] %> <%- } -%> <%- } -%> _EOS_ render_conf(config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf + ".dhcp", binding, <<'_EOS_') <%- confdata.each { |nwid, v| -%> <%- v[:mac2addr].each { |i| -%> <%= i[:mac_addr] %>,net:<%= nwid %>,<%= i[:ipaddr] %>,infinite <%- } -%> <%- } -%> _EOS_ render_conf(config_section.dhcp_hosts_conf + ".hosts", binding, <<'_EOS_') <%- confdata.each { |nwid, v| -%> <%- v[:addr2host].each { |i| -%> <%= i[:ipaddr] %> <%= i[:hostname] %> <%- } -%> <%- } -%> _EOS_ end private def render_conf(file, bind, templ) File.open(file, 'w') { |f| f << ERB.new(templ, nil, '-').result(bind) } end end include Isono::Runner::RpcServer manifest = DEFAULT_MANIFEST.dup manifest.instance_eval do node_name 'nsa' node_instance_id "#{Isono::Util.default_gw_ipaddr}" load_module Isono::NodeModules::NodeHeartbeat load_module SuperviseDnsmasq config do |c| c.dnsmasq_bin_path = '/usr/sbin/dnsmasq' c.network_name = nil end config_path File.expand_path('config/nsa.conf', app_root) load_config end start(manifest) do end