# # A very simple http server for use when previewing pages. # require 'webrick' module Amber class Server attr_reader :site attr_reader :port def self.start(options) Server.new(options).start end def initialize(options) @site = options[:site] @host = options[:host] @port = options[:port] @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :Port => @port, :BindAddress => @host, :DocumentRoot => @site.dest_dir @server.mount '/', StaticPageServlet, self end def start trap 'INT' do @server.shutdown end @server.start end end class StaticPageServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler RENDERABLE_ASSET_RE = /(#{Amber::Render::Asset::SOURCE_MAP.keys.join('|')})$/ ASSET_RE = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webm|css|js|ico)$/ def initialize(http_server, amber_server) @logger = http_server.logger @server = amber_server super(http_server, @server.site.dest_dir, {:FanyIndexing => true}) end def do_GET(request, response) if path_needs_to_be_prefixed?(request.path) redirect_with_prefix(request, response) return end path = strip_locale_and_prefix(request.path) if renderable_asset?(path) @logger.info "Rendering asset file %s" % asset_source_file(path) render_asset(path, request, response) super(request, response) elsif static_file_exists?(request.path) @logger.info "Serve static file %s" % static_file_path(request.path) super(request, response) elsif static_file_exists?(path) request = request.clone request.instance_variable_set(:@path_info, "/"+path) @logger.info "Serve static file with locale prefix %s" % static_file_path(path) super(request, response) elsif path !~ ASSET_RE render_page(path, request, response) else super(request, response) end end private def strip_locale_and_prefix(path) # The path comes to the server as URL escaped codes, that are then # converty to ascii. But these codes might be utf-8 characters, so we force # utf-8 encouding to allows non-ascii paths. I am not sure if always forcing # will be a problem. path = path.force_encoding('utf-8') if @server.site.path_prefix path = path.sub(%r{^/?#{Regexp.escape(@server.site.path_prefix)}}, '') end path.sub(%r{^/?(#{Amber::POSSIBLE_LANGUAGE_CODES.join('|')})(/|$)}, '').sub(%r{/$}, '') end def get_locale(path) match = /\/(#{Amber::POSSIBLE_LANGUAGE_CODES.join('|')})(\/|$)/.match(path) if match.nil? nil else match[1] end end def path_needs_to_be_prefixed?(path) if @server.site.path_prefix path !~ /\.[a-z]{2,4}$/ && ( path !~ %r{^/?#{Regexp.escape(@server.site.path_prefix)}} || get_locale(path).nil? ) else path !~ /\.[a-z]{2,4}$/ && get_locale(path).nil? end end def redirect_with_prefix(request, response) path = request.path.gsub(%r{^/|/$}, '') location = ["http://localhost:#{@server.port}", @server.site.path_prefix, I18n.default_locale, path].compact.join('/') @logger.info "Redirect %s ==> %s" % [request.path, location] response.header['Location'] = location response.status = 307 end def dst_dir @server.site.dest_dir end def src_dir @server.site.pages_dir end def static_file_exists?(path) File.file?(File.join(dst_dir, path)) end def static_file_path(path) File.join(dst_dir, path) end def render_page(path, request, response) locale = get_locale(request.path) @server.site.load_pages page = @server.site.find_page_by_path(path, locale) if page @logger.info "Serving Page %s" % page.path.join('/') response.status = 200 response.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" # always refresh the page we are fetching Amber::Render::Layout.reload @server.site.render page.render_to_file(dst_dir, :force => true) file = page.destination_file(dst_dir, locale) if File.exist?(file) content = File.read(file) else file = page.destination_file(dst_dir, I18n.default_locale) if File.exist?(file) content = File.read(file) else view = Render::View.new(page, @server.site) content = view.render(:text => "No file found at #{file}") end end response.body = content end end def renderable_asset?(path) path =~ RENDERABLE_ASSET_RE && asset_source_file(path) end def asset_source_file(path) dest_suffix = File.extname(path) base_path = path.sub(RENDERABLE_ASSET_RE, '') Amber::Render::Asset::SOURCE_MAP[dest_suffix].each do |source_suffix| source_file_path = File.join(src_dir, base_path + source_suffix) if File.exist?(source_file_path) return source_file_path end end return nil end def render_asset(path, request, response) src_file = asset_source_file(path) dst_file = [dst_dir, path].join Amber::Render::Asset.render(src_file, dst_file) end end end