# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ThinkingSphinx::Commands::StartDetached do let(:command) { ThinkingSphinx::Commands::StartDetached.new(configuration, {}, stream) } let(:configuration) { double 'configuration', :controller => controller, :settings => {} } let(:controller) { double 'controller', :start => result, :pid => 101 } let(:result) { double 'result', :command => 'start', :status => 1, :output => '' } let(:stream) { double :puts => nil } before :each do allow(controller).to receive(:running?).and_return(true) allow(configuration).to receive_messages( :indices_location => 'my/index/files', :searchd => double(:log => '/path/to/log') ) allow(command).to receive(:exit).and_return(true) allow(FileUtils).to receive_messages :mkdir_p => true end it "creates the index files directory" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with('my/index/files') command.call end it "skips directory creation if flag is set" do configuration.settings['skip_directory_creation'] = true expect(FileUtils).to_not receive(:mkdir_p) command.call end it "starts the daemon" do expect(controller).to receive(:start) command.call end it "prints a success message if the daemon has started" do allow(controller).to receive(:running?).and_return(true) expect(stream).to receive(:puts). with('Started searchd successfully (pid: 101).') command.call end it "prints a failure message if the daemon does not start" do allow(controller).to receive(:running?).and_return(false) allow(command).to receive(:exit) expect(stream).to receive(:puts) do |string| expect(string).to match('The Sphinx start command failed') end command.call end end