# encoding: utf-8 ### todo/fix: move to sportdb-data gem/plugin/addon ?? ### fix: rename to ::Key (singular) - why? why not?? module SportDB::Keys module EventKeys # use constants for known keys; lets us define aliases (if things change) AT_2011_12 = 'at.2011/12' AT_2012_13 = 'at.2012/13' AT_CUP_2012_13 = 'at.cup.2012/13' CL_2012_13 = 'cl.2012/13' EURO_2008 = 'euro.2008' EURO_2012 = 'euro.2012' WORLD_2010 = 'world.2010' WORLD_QUALI_EUROPE_2014 = 'world.quali.europe.2014' WORLD_QUALI_AMERICA_2014 = 'world.quali.america.2014' ############################ ## NB: see db/leagues.rb for keys in use end include SportDB::Keys::EventKeys end # module SportDB::Keys