module Twurl class CLI SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = %w(authorize accounts bearer_tokens alias set) DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'request' PATH_PATTERN = /^\/\w+/ PROTOCOL_PATTERN = /^\w+:\/\// README = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../' @output ||= STDOUT class NoPathFound < Exception end class << self attr_accessor :output def run(args) begin options = parse_options(args) rescue NoPathFound => e exit end dispatch(options) end def dispatch(options) client = OAuthClient.load_from_options(options) controller = case options.command when 'authorize' AuthorizationController when 'accounts' AccountInformationController when 'bearer_tokens' AppOnlyTokenInformationController when 'alias' AliasesController when 'set' ConfigurationController when 'request' RequestController end controller.dispatch(client, options) rescue Twurl::Exception => exception abort(exception.message) end def parse_options(args) Twurl.options = Twurl.options.args = args.dup Twurl.options.trace = false = {} Twurl.options.headers = {} Twurl.options.upload = {} Twurl.options.upload['file'] = [] option_parser = do |o| o.extend AvailableOptions o.banner = <<-BANNER Usage: twurl authorize --consumer-key key --consumer-secret secret twurl [options] /1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json Supported Commands: #{SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.sort.join(', ')} BANNER o.section "Getting started:" do tutorial end o.section "Authorization options:" do username consumer_key consumer_secret access_token token_secret end o.section "Common options:" do trace data raw_data headers host quiet disable_ssl request_method help version proxy file filefield base64 json_format timeout connection_timeout app_only end end begin arguments = option_parser.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption CLI.puts "ERROR: undefined option" exit rescue CLI.puts "ERROR: invalid argument" exit end Twurl.options.command = extract_command!(arguments) Twurl.options.path = extract_path!(arguments) Twurl.options.subcommands = arguments if Twurl.options.command == DEFAULT_COMMAND and Twurl.options.path.nil? and Twurl.options.args.empty? CLI.puts option_parser raise NoPathFound, "No path found" end Twurl.options end def output if Twurl.options && Twurl.options.output Twurl.options.output else @output end end def print(*args, &block) output.print(*args, &block) output.flush if output.respond_to?(:flush) end def puts(*args, &block) output.puts(*args, &block) output.flush if output.respond_to?(:flush) end def prompt_for(label) system "stty -echo" CLI.print "#{label}: " result = STDIN.gets.chomp CLI.puts result rescue Interrupt exit ensure system "stty echo" end private def extract_command!(arguments) if SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.include?(arguments.first) arguments.shift else DEFAULT_COMMAND end end def extract_path!(arguments) path = nil arguments.each_with_index do |argument, index| if argument[PATH_PATTERN] path_with_params = arguments.slice!(index) path, params = path_with_params.split("?", 2) if params path += "?" + escape_params(params) end break end end path end def escape_params(params) CGI::parse(params).map do |key, value| "#{CGI.escape key}=#{CGI.escape value.first}" end.join("&") end end module AvailableOptions def options Twurl.options end def section(heading, &block) separator "" separator heading instance_eval(&block) end def tutorial on('-T', '--tutorial', "Narrative overview of how to get started using Twurl") do CLI.puts exit end end def consumer_key on('-c', '--consumer-key [key]', "Your consumer key (required)") do |key| options.consumer_key = key ? key : CLI.prompt_for('Consumer key') end end def consumer_secret on('-s', '--consumer-secret [secret]', "Your consumer secret (required)") do |secret| options.consumer_secret = secret ? secret : CLI.prompt_for('Consumer secret') end end def access_token on('-a', '--access-token [token]', 'Your access token') do |token| options.access_token = token end end def token_secret on('-S', '--token-secret [secret]', "Your token secret") do |secret| options.token_secret = secret end end def username on('-u', '--username [username]', 'Username of account to authorize (required)') do |username| options.username = username end end def trace on('-t', '--[no-]trace', 'Trace request/response traffic (default: --no-trace)') do |trace| options.trace = trace end end def data on('-d', '--data [data]', 'Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server.') do |data| if options.args.count { |item| /content-type: (.*)/i.match(item) } > 0[data] = nil else data.split('&').each do |pair| key, value = pair.split('=', 2)[key] = value end end end end def raw_data on('-r', '--raw-data [data]', 'Sends the specified data as it is in a POST request to the HTTP server.') do |data| CGI::parse(data).each_pair do |key, value|[key] = value.first end end end def headers on('-A', '--header [header]', 'Adds the specified header to the request to the HTTP server.') do |header| key, value = header.split(': ') options.headers[key] = value end end def host on('-H', '--host [host]', 'Specify host to make requests to (default:') do |host| if host[PROTOCOL_PATTERN] protocol, protocolless_host = host.split(PROTOCOL_PATTERN, 2) = protocolless_host else = host end end end def quiet on('-q', '--quiet', 'Suppress all output (default: output is printed to STDOUT)') do |quiet| options.output = end end def disable_ssl on('-U', '--no-ssl', 'Disable SSL (default: SSL is enabled)') do |use_ssl| options.protocol = 'http' end end def request_method on('-X', '--request-method [method]', 'Request method (default: GET)') do |request_method| options.request_method = request_method.downcase end end def help on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do CLI.puts self exit end end def version on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do CLI.puts Version exit end end def proxy on('-P', '--proxy [proxy]', 'Specify HTTP proxy to forward requests to (default: No proxy)') do |proxy| options.proxy = proxy end end def file on('-f', '--file [path_to_file]', 'Specify the path to the file to upload') do |file| if File.file?(file) options.upload['file'] << file else CLI.puts "ERROR: File not found" exit end end end def filefield on('-F', '--file-field [field_name]', 'Specify the POST parameter name for the file upload data (default: media)') do |filefield| options.upload['filefield'] = filefield end end def base64 on('-b', '--base64', 'Encode the uploaded file as base64 (default: false)') do |base64| options.upload['base64'] = base64 end end def json_format on('-j', '--json-pretty', 'Format response body to JSON pretty style') do |json_format| options.json_format = true end end def timeout on('--timeout [sec]', Integer, 'Number of seconds to wait for the request to be read (default: 60)') do |timeout| options.timeout = timeout end end def connection_timeout on('--connection-timeout [sec]', Integer, 'Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open (default: 60)') do |connection_timeout| options.connection_timeout = connection_timeout end end def app_only on('--bearer', "Use application-only authentication (Bearer Token)") do |app_only| options.app_only = true end end end end class Options < OpenStruct DEFAULT_REQUEST_METHOD = 'get' DEFAULT_HOST = '' DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 'https' def oauth_client_options OAuthClient::OAUTH_CLIENT_OPTIONS.inject({}) do |options, option| options[option] = send(option) options end end def base_url "#{protocol}://#{host}" end def ssl? protocol == 'https' end def debug_output_io super || STDERR end def request_method super || (data.empty? ? DEFAULT_REQUEST_METHOD : 'post') end def protocol super || DEFAULT_PROTOCOL end def host super || DEFAULT_HOST end def proxy super || nil end end end