hobo_user_model # Don't put anything above this fields do # NOTE: If you add fields here, you may need to include them in both the attr_accessible list, and # the list of fields passed to 'only_changed?' in the update_permitted? method for them to appear # on the user#edit form. name :string, :required, :unique email_address :email_address, :login => true administrator :boolean, :default => false timestamps end attr_accessible :name, :email_address, :password, :password_confirmation, :current_password # This gives admin rights and an :active state to the first sign-up. # Just remove it if you don't want that before_create do |user| if !Rails.env.test? && user.class.count == 0 user.administrator = true user.state = "active" end end <% if invite_only? -%> def new_password_required_with_invite_only? new_password_required_without_invite_only? || self.class.count==0 end alias_method_chain :new_password_required?, :invite_only <% end -%> # --- Signup lifecycle --- # lifecycle do <% if invite_only? -%> state :invited, :default => true state :active create :invite, :available_to => "acting_user if acting_user.administrator?", :subsite => "<%= options[:admin_subsite_name] %>", :params => [:name, :email_address], :new_key => true, :become => :invited do <%= class_name %>Mailer.invite(self, lifecycle.key).deliver_now end transition :accept_invitation, { :invited => :active }, :available_to => :key_holder, :params => [ :password, :password_confirmation ] <% elsif options[:activation_email] -%> state :inactive, :default => true state :active create :signup, :available_to => "Guest", :params => [:name, :email_address, :password, :password_confirmation], :become => :inactive, :new_key => true do <%= class_name %>Mailer.activation(self, lifecycle.key).deliver_now end transition :activate, { :inactive => :active }, :available_to => :key_holder transition :request_password_reset, { :inactive => :inactive }, :new_key => true do <%= class_name %>Mailer.activation(self, lifecycle.key).deliver_now end <% else -%> state :active, :default => true create :signup, :available_to => "Guest", :params => [:name, :email_address, :password, :password_confirmation], :become => :active <% end -%> transition :request_password_reset, { :active => :active }, :new_key => true do <%= class_name %>Mailer.forgot_password(self, lifecycle.key).deliver_now end transition :reset_password, { :active => :active }, :available_to => :key_holder, :params => [ :password, :password_confirmation ] end <% if options[:activation_email] -%> def signed_up? state=="active" end <% end -%> # --- Permissions --- # def create_permitted? # Only the initial admin user can be created self.class.count == 0 end def update_permitted? acting_user.administrator? || (acting_user == self && only_changed?(:email_address, :crypted_password, :current_password, :password, :password_confirmation)) # Note: crypted_password has attr_protected so although it is permitted to change, it cannot be changed # directly from a form submission. end def destroy_permitted? acting_user.administrator? end def view_permitted?(field) true end