class String def hasherize(format=[]) hash = {} i = 0 self.split(%r{[\n|\t|\s| ]+}).map {|a| a.strip}.each do |f| next unless format[i] unless f == "" || f.nil? hash[format[i].to_sym] = f i+=1 end end hash end def ^(h={}) self.gsub(/:([\w]+)/) {h[$1.to_sym] if h.include?($1.to_sym)} end def arrayable self.strip.split(/\n/) end def runnable(quite=true) # map {|l| l << "#{" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null" if quite}" }. self.strip.split(/\n/).join(" && ") end def top_level_class self.split("::")[-1].downcase rescue self end def sanitize self.gsub(/[\.]*/, '') end def nice_runnable(quite=true) self.split(/ && /).join("\n") end def to_option_string(ns=[]) a_template = (self =~ /template/) == 0 a_service = self =~ /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*\[[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\"\'_\$\{\}\/]*\]/ if is_a?(PoolParty::Resources::Resource) self.to_s else (a_service || a_template) ? "#{self}" : "'#{self}'" end end # Refactor this guy to get the class if the class is defined, and not always create a new one # although, it doesn't really matter as ruby will just reopen the class def class_constant(superclass=nil, opts={}, &block) symc = ((opts && opts[:preserve]) ? ("#{self.classify}Classs") : "PoolParty#{self.classify}Classs").classify kla=<<-EOE class #{symc} #{"< #{superclass}" if superclass} end EOE Kernel.module_eval kla klass = symc.constantize klass.module_eval &block if block klass end def module_constant(&block) symc = "#{self}_Module".classify mod = Object.const_defined?(symc) ? Object.const_get(symc.to_sym) : Object.const_set(symc, mod) unless Object.const_defined?(symc) symc.to_s.constantize end def preserved_module_constant(ext="", from="PoolParty::", &block) symc = "#{self}#{ext}".classify mod = Kernel.const_defined?(symc) ? Kernel.const_get(symc.to_sym) : Kernel.const_set(symc, mod) unless Kernel.const_defined?(symc) symc.to_s.constantize end def collect_each_line_with_index(&block) returning [] do |arr| arr << self.split(/\n/).collect_with_index(&block) end.flatten end end