require "multi_timeout/version" require "shellwords" require "optparse" module MultiTimeout module CLI TICK = 1 VALID_SIGNAL = /^(-(\d+|[A-Z\d]+))$/ class << self def run(argv) options = parse_options(argv) command = options[:command] pid = fork { exec command } do now = 0 loop do break if dead?(pid) options[:timeouts].each do |signal, t| if now >= t options[:timeouts].delete([signal, t]) puts "Killing '#{command}' with signal #{signal} after #{now} seconds" STDOUT.flush # wait instantly terminates and sometimes hides puts Process.kill(signal, pid) end end now += TICK sleep TICK end end Process.wait2.last.exitstatus || 1 end private def dead?(pid) Process.getpgid(pid) false rescue Errno::ESRCH true end def parse_options(argv) options = {:timeouts => []} options[:timeouts], argv = consume_signals(argv) options[:command], argv = consume_command(argv) do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ {10}/, "") Use multiple timeouts to soft and then hard kill a command Usage: multi-timeout -9 5s -2 4s sleep 20 Options: BANNER opts.on("-SIGNAL TIME", Integer, "Kill with this SIGNAL after TIME") { raise } # this is never used, just placeholder for docs opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version"){ puts MultiTimeout::VERSION; exit} end.parse!(argv) raise "No timeouts given" if options[:timeouts].empty? options end def consume_command(argv) argv = argv.dup options = [] while argv.first =~ /^-/ options << argv.shift end return Shellwords.shelljoin(argv), options end def consume_signals(argv) timeouts = [] signal = nil argv = do |item| if !signal && item =~ VALID_SIGNAL signal = $1 next elsif signal signal = signal.sub("-", "") signal = signal.to_i if signal =~ /^\d+$/ timeouts << [signal, item.to_i * multi(item)] signal = nil next else item end end.compact return timeouts, argv end def multi(t) case t when /^\d+s$/ then 1 when /^\d+m$/ then 60 when /^\d+h$/ then 60 * 60 when /^\d+$/ then 1 else raise "Unknown format for time #{t}" end end end end end