#-- # BibTeX-Ruby # Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Sylvester Keil # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ module BibTeX # # Represents a regular BibTeX entry. # class Entry < Element extend Forwardable include Enumerable # Defines the required fields of the standard entry types REQUIRED_FIELDS = Hash.new([]).merge({ :article => [:author,:title,:journal,:year], :book => [[:author,:editor],:title,:publisher,:year], :booklet => [:title], :conference => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:year], :inbook => [[:author,:editor],:title,[:chapter,:pages],:publisher,:year], :incollection => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:publisher,:year], :inproceedings => [:author,:title,:booktitle,:year], :manual => [:title], :mastersthesis => [:author,:title,:school,:year], :misc => [], :phdthesis => [:author,:title,:school,:year], :proceedings => [:title,:year], :techreport => [:author,:title,:institution,:year], :unpublished => [:author,:title,:note] }).freeze # Defines the default fallbacks for values defined in cross-references FIELD_ALIASES = { :booktitle => :title, # :editor => :author }.freeze NAME_FIELDS = [:author,:editor,:translator].freeze DATE_FIELDS = [:year,:month].freeze MONTHS = [:jan,:feb,:mar,:apr,:may,:jun,:jul,:aug,:sep,:oct,:nov,:dec].freeze MONTHS_FILTER = Hash.new do |h,k| case k.to_s.strip when /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i h[k] = Value.new(k.to_s[0,3].downcase.to_sym) when /^\d\d?$/ h[k] = Value.new(MONTHS[k.to_i - 1] || k) else h[k] = Value.new(k) end end attr_reader :fields, :type def_delegators :@fields, :empty? # Creates a new instance. If a hash is given, the entry is populated accordingly. def initialize(attributes = {}) @fields = {} self.type = attributes.delete(:type) if attributes.has_key?(:type) self.key = attributes.delete(:key) if attributes.has_key?(:key) add(attributes) yield self if block_given? end def initialize_copy(other) @fields = {} self.type = other.type self.key = other.key add(other.fields) end def merge(other, filter = field_names) dup.merge!(other, filter) end def merge!(other, filter = field_names) raise InvalidArgument, "failed to merge entries: type mismatch: #{type} #{other.type}" unless type == other.type other.each do |name, value| if has_field?(name) get(name).merge!(value) if filter.include?(name) else add name, value.dup end end self end # Generate accessors for required fields (#52) REQUIRED_FIELDS.values.flatten.uniq.each do |name| define_method(name) do get name end unless method_defined? name writer = "#{name}=" define_method(writer) do |value| add name, value end unless method_defined? writer end # Generate author, editor and translator accessors NAME_FIELDS.each do |contributor| define_method(contributor) do get contributor end unless method_defined? contributor writer = "#{contributor}=" define_method(writer) do |value| add contributor, value end unless method_defined? writer alias_method "#{contributor}s", contributor alias_method "#{contributor}s=", writer end # call-seq: # entry.each { |key, value| block } -> entry # entry.each_pair { |key, value| block } -> entry # entry.each -> an_enumerator # entry.each_pair -> an_enumerator # # Calls block once for each key in entry, passing the key-value # pair as parameters. # # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. def each if block_given? fields.each(&Proc.new) self else to_enum end end alias each_pair each # Returns the Entry's field name aliases. def aliases @aliases ||= FIELD_ALIASES.dup end # Sets the Entry's key. If the Entry is currently registered with a # Bibliography, re-registers the Entry with the new key; note that this # may change the key value if another Entry is already regsitered with # the same key. # # Returns the new key. def key=(key) key = key.to_s if registered? bibliography.entries.delete(@key) key = register(key) end @key = key rescue => e raise BibTeXError, "failed to set key to #{key.inspect}: #{e.message}" end def key @key ||= default_key end alias id key alias id= key= # Sets the type of the entry. def type=(type) @type = type.to_sym end def has_type?(type) type.to_s.match(/^(?:entry|\*)$/i) || @type == type.to_sym || super end alias type? has_type? def has_field?(*names) names.flatten.any? do |name| name.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? fields.has_key?(name.to_sym) : false end end alias field? has_field? def inherits?(*names) names.flatten.any? do |name| !has_field(name) && has_parent? && parent.provides?(name) end end # Returns true if the Entry has a field (or alias) for any of the passed-in names. def provides?(*names) names.flatten.any? do |name| if name.respond_to?(:to_sym) has_field?(name) || has_field?(aliases[name.to_sym]) else false end end end def provides_or_inherits?(*names) provides?(names) || inherits?(names) end # Returns the field value referenced by the passed-in name. # For example, this will return the 'title' value for 'booktitle' if a # corresponding alias is defined. def provide(name) return nil unless name.respond_to?(:to_sym) name = name.to_sym fields[name] || fields[aliases[name]] end # If the Entry has a cross-reference, copies all referenced all inherited # values from the parent. # # Returns the Entry. def save_inherited_fields inherited_fields.each do |name| fields[name] = parent.provide(name) end self end # Returns a sorted list of the Entry's field names. If a +filter+ is passed # as argument, returns all field names that are also defined by the filter. # If the +filter+ is empty, returns all field names. # # If the second optional argument is true (default) and the Entry contains # a cross-reference, the list will include all inherited fields. def field_names(filter = [], include_inherited = true) names = fields.keys if include_inherited && has_parent? names.concat(inherited_fields) end unless filter.empty? names = names & filter.map(&:to_sym) end names.sort! names end # Returns a sorted list of all field names referenced by this Entry's cross-reference. def inherited_fields return [] unless has_parent? names = parent.fields.keys - fields.keys names.concat(parent.aliases.reject { |k,v| !parent.has_field?(v) }.keys) names.sort! names end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) case when fields.has_key?(name) fields[name] when name.to_s =~ /^(.+)=$/ send(:add, $1.to_sym, args[0]) when name =~ /^(?:convert|from)_([a-z]+)(!)?$/ $2 ? convert!($1, &block) : convert($1, &block) when has_parent? && parent.provides?(name) parent.provide(name) else super end end def respond_to?(method) provides?(method.to_sym) || method.to_s.match(/=$/) || method =~ /^(?:convert|from)_([a-z]+)(!)?$/ || (has_parent? && parent.respond_to?(method)) || super end # Returns a copy of the Entry with all the field names renamed. def rename(*arguments) dup.rename!(*arguments) end # Renames the given field names unless a field with the new name already # exists. def rename!(*arguments) Hash[*arguments.flatten].each_pair do |from,to| if fields.has_key?(from) && !fields.has_key?(to) fields[to] = fields[from] fields.delete(from) end end self end alias rename_fields rename alias rename_fields! rename! # Returns the value of the field with the given name. If the value is not # defined and the entry has cross-reference, returns the cross-referenced # value instead. def [](name) fields[name.to_sym] || parent && parent.provide(name) end alias get [] def fetch(name, default = nil) get(name) || block_given? ? yield(name) : default end # Adds a new field (name-value pair) to the entry. # Returns the new value. def []=(name, value) add(name.to_sym, value) end # call-seq: # add(:author, "Edgar A. Poe") # add(:author, "Edgar A. Poe", :title, "The Raven") # add([:author, "Edgar A. Poe", :title, "The Raven"]) # add(:author => "Edgar A. Poe", :title => "The Raven") # add(:author => Names.new(Name.new(:first => 'Edgar A.', :last => 'Poe'))) # # Adds a new field (name-value pair) or multiple fields to the entry. # Returns the entry for chainability. def add(*arguments) Hash[*arguments.flatten].each_pair do |name, value| fields[name.to_sym] = Value.create(value) end self end alias << add # Removes the field with a given name from the entry. # Returns the value of the deleted field; nil if the field was not set. def delete(name) fields.delete(name.to_sym) end # Returns false if the entry is one of the standard entry types and does not have # definitions of all the required fields for that type. def valid? REQUIRED_FIELDS[@type].all? do |f| f.is_a?(Array) ? !(f & fields.keys).empty? : !fields[f].nil? end end # Creates the entry's digest based on the passed-in filters. # # The digest contains the type and all key-value pairs based # on the passed in filter. # # If a block is given, the computed digest will be passed to # the block for post-processing (the entry itself will be passed # as the second parameter). # # @see #field_names # # @param [] the field names to use # @return [String] the digest string def digest(filter = []) names = field_names(filter) digest = type.to_s names.zip(values_at(*names)).each do |key, value| digest << "|#{key}:#{value}" end digest = yield(digest, self) if block_given? digest end def identifier case when provides?(:doi) "info:doi/#{get(:doi)}" when provides?(:isbn) "urn:isbn:#{get(:isbn)}" when provides?(:issn) "urn:issn:#{get(:issn)}" else "urn:bibtex:#{key}" end end # Called when the element was added to a bibliography. def added_to_bibliography(bibliography) super @key = register(key) [:parse_names, :parse_months].each do |parser| send(parser) if bibliography.options[parser] end if bibliography.options.has_key?(:filter) [*bibliography.options[:filter]].each do |filter| convert!(filter) end end self end # Called when the element was removed from a bibliography. def removed_from_bibliography(bibliography) super bibliography.entries.delete(key) self end # Returns true if the Entry is currently registered with the associated Bibliography. def registered? !!(bibliography && bibliography.entries[key].equal?(self)) end # Registers this Entry in the associated Bibliographies entries hash. # This method may change the Entry's key, if another entry is already # registered with the current key. # # Returns the key or nil if the Entry is not associated with a Bibliography. def register(key) return nil if bibliography.nil? k = key.dup k.succ! while bibliography.has_key?(k) bibliography.entries[k] = self k end def replace(*arguments) arguments = bibliography.q('@string') if arguments.empty? fields.values.each { |v| v.replace(*arguments) } self end def join fields.values.each(&:join) self end def month=(month) fields[:month] = MONTHS_FILTER[month] end def parse_month fields[:month] = MONTHS_FILTER[fields[:month]] if has_field?(:month) self end alias parse_months parse_month def date get(:date) || get(:year) end # Parses all name values of the entry. Tries to replace and join the # value prior to parsing. def parse_names strings = bibliography ? bibliography.strings.values : [] NAME_FIELDS.each do |key| if name = fields[key] name = name.dup.replace(strings).join.to_name fields[key] = name unless name.nil? end end self end # Returns a list of all names (authors, editors, translators). def names NAME_FIELDS.map { |k| has_field?(k) ? @fields[k].tokens : nil }.flatten.compact end # Returns true if the Entry has a valid cross-reference in the Bibliography. def has_parent? !parent.nil? end alias has_cross_reference? has_parent? # Returns true if the Entry cross-references an Entry which is not # registered in the current Bibliography. def parent_missing? has_field?(:crossref) && !has_parent? end alias cross_reference_missing? parent_missing? # Returns the cross-referenced Entry from the Bibliography or nil if this # Entry does define a cross-reference. def parent bibliography && bibliography[fields[:crossref]] end alias cross_reference parent # Returns true if the entry is cross-referenced by another entry in the # Bibliography. def has_children? !children.empty? end alias cross_referenced? has_children? # Returns a list of all entries in the Bibliography containing a # cross-reference to this entry or [] if there are no references to this # entry. def children bibliography && bibliography.q("@entry[crossref=#{key}]") or [] end alias cross_referenced_by children def container_title get(:booktitle) || get(:journal) || get(:container) end def pages_from fetch(:pages, '').split(/\D+/)[0] end def pages_to fetch(:pages, '').split(/\D+/)[-1] end # Returns true if this entry is published inside a book, collection or journal def contained? has_field?(:container, :journal) || has_field?(:booktitle) && get(:booktitle) != get(:title) end # Returns an array containing the values associated with the given keys. def values_at(*arguments) arguments.map do |key| get key end end # Returns a duplicate entry with all values converted using the filter(s). # If an optional block is given, only those values will be converted where # the block returns true (the block will be called with each key-value pair). # # @see #convert! def convert(*filters) block_given? ? dup.convert!(*filters, &Proc.new) : dup.convert!(*filters) end # In-place variant of @see #convert def convert!(*filters) filters = filters.flatten.map { |f| Filters.resolve!(f) } fields.each_pair do |k, v| (!block_given? || yield(k, v)) ? v.convert!(*filters) : v end self end def <=>(other) type != other.type ? type <=> other.type : key != other.key ? key <=> other.key : to_s <=> other.to_s end # Returns a string of all the entry's fields. def content(options = {}) fields.map { |k,v| "#{k} = #{ fields[k].to_s(options) }" }.join(",\n") end # Returns a string representation of the entry. def to_s(options = {}) options[:quotes] ||= %w({ }) ["@#{type}{#{key},", content(options).gsub(/^/,' '), "}\n"].join("\n") end def to_hash(options = {}) options[:quotes] ||= %w({ }) hash = { :key => key, :type => type } each_pair { |k,v| hash[k] = v.to_s(options) } hash end def to_citeproc(options = {}) CiteProcConverter.convert(self, options) end def to_xml(options = {}) BibTeXMLConverter.convert(self, options) end # Returns a RDF::Graph representation of the entry using the BIBO ontology. def to_rdf(options = {}) if defined?(::RDF) RDFConverter.convert(self) else BibTeX.log.error 'Please `gem install rdf` for RDF support.' end end alias to_bibo to_rdf private # Returns a default key for this entry. def default_key k = names[0] k = k.respond_to?(:family) ? k.family : k.to_s k = BibTeX.transliterate(k) k = k[/[A-Za-z-]+/] || 'unknown' k << (has_field?(:year) ? year : '-') k << 'a' k.downcase! k end end end