require 'base64' require 'openssl' module ActiveMerchant module Fulfillment class AmazonService < Service SERVICES = { :outbound => { :url => '', :xmlns => '', :version => '2007-08-02' }, :inventory => { :url => '', :xmlns => '', :version => '2009-07-31' } } SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR = 'Accepted', 'Failure', 'Error' MESSAGES = { :status => { 'Accepted' => 'Success', 'Failure' => 'Failed', 'Error' => 'An error occurred' }, :create => { 'Accepted' => 'Successfully submitted the order', 'Failure' => 'Failed to submit the order', 'Error' => 'An error occurred while submitting the order' }, :list => { 'Accepted' => 'Successfully submitted request', 'Failure' => 'Failed to submit request', 'Error' => 'An error occurred while submitting request' } } ENV_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:env' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '' } AWS_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = { "env:actor" => "", "env:mustUnderstand" => "0", "xmlns:aws" => "" } @@digest ="sha1") OPERATIONS = { :outbound => { :status => 'GetServiceStatus', :create => 'CreateFulfillmentOrder', :list => 'ListAllFulfillmentOrders', :tracking => 'GetFulfillmentOrder' }, :inventory => { :get => 'GetInventorySupply', :list => 'ListUpdatedInventorySupply', :list_next => 'ListUpdatedInventorySupplyByNextToken' } } # The first is the label, and the last is the code # Standard: 3-5 business days # Expedited: 2 business days # Priority: 1 business day def self.shipping_methods [ [ 'Standard Shipping', 'Standard' ], [ 'Expedited Shipping', 'Expedited' ], [ 'Priority Shipping', 'Priority' ] ].inject({|h, (k,v)| h[k] = v; h} end def self.sign(aws_secret_access_key, auth_string) Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(@@digest, aws_secret_access_key, auth_string)).strip end def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def status commit :outbound, :status, build_status_request end def fulfill(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_date, :comment, :shipping_method) commit :outbound, :create, build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) end def fetch_current_orders commit :outbound, :list, build_get_current_fulfillment_orders_request end def fetch_stock_levels(options = {}) if options[:sku] commit :inventory, :get, build_inventory_get_request(options) else response = commit :inventory, :list, build_inventory_list_request(options) while token = response.params['next_token'] do next_page = commit :inventory, :list_next, build_next_inventory_list_request(token) next_page.stock_levels.merge!(response.stock_levels) response = next_page end response end end def fetch_tracking_data(order_ids, options = {}) order_ids.inject(nil) do |previous, o_id| response = commit :outbound, :tracking, build_tracking_request(o_id, options) return response unless response.success? if previous response.tracking_numbers.merge!(previous.tracking_numbers) response.tracking_companies.merge!(previous.tracking_companies) response.tracking_urls.merge!(previous.tracking_urls) end response end end def valid_credentials? status.success? end def test_mode? false end private def soap_request(request) xml = :indent => 2 xml.instruct! xml.tag! "env:Envelope", ENV_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! "env:Header" do add_credentials(xml, request) end xml.tag! "env:Body" do yield xml end end! end def build_status_request request = OPERATIONS[:outbound][:status] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:outbound][:xmlns] } end end def build_get_current_fulfillment_orders_request request = OPERATIONS[:outbound][:list] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:outbound][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "NumberOfResultsRequested", 5 xml.tag! "QueryStartDateTime","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") end end end def build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) request = OPERATIONS[:outbound][:create] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:outbound][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "MerchantFulfillmentOrderId", order_id xml.tag! "DisplayableOrderId", order_id xml.tag! "DisplayableOrderDateTime", options[:order_date].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") xml.tag! "DisplayableOrderComment", options[:comment] xml.tag! "ShippingSpeedCategory", options[:shipping_method] add_address(xml, shipping_address) add_items(xml, line_items) end end end def build_inventory_get_request(options) request = OPERATIONS[:inventory][:get] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:inventory][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "MerchantSKU", options[:sku] xml.tag! "ResponseGroup", "Basic" end end end def build_inventory_list_request(options) start_time = options[:start_time] || request = OPERATIONS[:inventory][:list] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:inventory][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "NumberOfResultsRequested", 50 xml.tag! "QueryStartDateTime", start_time.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") xml.tag! "ResponseGroup", "Basic" end end end def build_next_inventory_list_request(token) request = OPERATIONS[:inventory][:list_next] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:inventory][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "NextToken", token end end end def build_tracking_request(order_id, options) request = OPERATIONS[:outbound][:tracking] soap_request(request) do |xml| xml.tag! request, { 'xmlns' => SERVICES[:outbound][:xmlns] } do xml.tag! "MerchantFulfillmentOrderId", order_id end end end def add_credentials(xml, request) login = @options[:login] timestamp = "#{"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")}Z" signature = self.class.sign(@options[:password], "#{request}#{timestamp}") xml.tag! 'aws:AWSAccessKeyId', login, AWS_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES xml.tag! 'aws:Signature', signature, AWS_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES xml.tag! 'aws:Timestamp', timestamp, AWS_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES end def add_items(xml, line_items) Array(line_items).each_with_index do |item, index| xml.tag! 'Item' do xml.tag! 'MerchantSKU', item[:sku] xml.tag! "MerchantFulfillmentOrderItemId", index xml.tag! "Quantity", item[:quantity] xml.tag! "GiftMessage", item[:gift_message] unless item[:gift_message].blank? xml.tag! "DisplayableComment", item[:comment] unless item[:comment].blank? end end end def add_address(xml, address) xml.tag! 'DestinationAddress' do xml.tag! 'Name', address[:name] xml.tag! 'Line1', address[:address1] xml.tag! 'Line2', address[:address2] unless address[:address2].blank? xml.tag! 'Line3', address[:address3] unless address[:address3].blank? xml.tag! 'City', address[:city] xml.tag! 'StateOrProvinceCode', address[:state] xml.tag! 'CountryCode', address[:country] xml.tag! 'PostalCode', address[:zip] xml.tag! 'PhoneNumber', address[:phone] unless address[:phone].blank? end end def commit(service, op, body) data = ssl_post(SERVICES[service][:url], body, 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8') response = parse_response(service, op, data), message_from(response), response) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e handle_error(e) end def handle_error(e) response = parse_error(e.response) if response.fetch(:faultstring, "") =~ /Reason: requested order not found./, nil, {:status => SUCCESS, :tracking_numbers => {}, :tracking_companies => {}, :tracking_urls => {}}) else, message_from(response), response) end end def success?(response) response[:response_status] == SUCCESS end def message_from(response) response[:response_comment] end def parse_response(service, op, xml) begin document = rescue REXML::ParseException return {:success => FAILURE} end case service when :outbound case op when :tracking parse_tracking_response(document) else parse_fulfillment_response(op, document) end when :inventory parse_inventory_response(document) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown service #{service}" end end def parse_fulfillment_response(op, document) response = {} action = OPERATIONS[:outbound][op] node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "//ns1:#{action}Response") response[:response_status] = SUCCESS response[:response_comment] = MESSAGES[op][SUCCESS] response end def parse_inventory_response(document) response = {} response[:stock_levels] = {} document.each_element('//ns1:MerchantSKUSupply') do |node| # {MerchantSKU => 'SOME-ID', InStockSupplyQuantity => '101', ...} params = node.elements.to_a.each_with_object({}) {|elem, hash| hash[] = elem.text} response[:stock_levels][params['MerchantSKU']] = params['InStockSupplyQuantity'].to_i end next_token = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//ns1:NextToken') response[:next_token] = (next_token ? next_token.text : nil) response[:response_status] = SUCCESS response end def parse_tracking_response(document) response = {} response[:tracking_numbers] = {} response[:tracking_companies] = {} response[:tracking_urls] = {} track_node = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//ns1:FulfillmentShipmentPackage/ns1:TrackingNumber') if track_node id_node = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//ns1:MerchantFulfillmentOrderId') response[:tracking_numbers][id_node.text] = [track_node.text] end company_node = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//ns1:FulfillmentShipmentPackage/ns1:CarrierCode') if company_node id_node = REXML::XPath.first(document, '//ns1:MerchantFulfillmentOrderId') response[:tracking_companies][id_node.text] = [company_node.text] end response[:response_status] = SUCCESS response end def parse_error(http_response) response = {} response[:http_code] = http_response.code response[:http_message] = http_response.message document = node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "//env:Fault") failed_node = node.find_first_recursive {|sib| == "Fault" } faultcode_node = node.find_first_recursive {|sib| == "faultcode" } faultstring_node = node.find_first_recursive {|sib| == "faultstring" } response[:response_status] = FAILURE response[:faultcode] = faultcode_node ? faultcode_node.text : "" response[:faultstring] = faultstring_node ? faultstring_node.text : "" response[:response_comment] = "#{response[:faultcode]} #{response[:faultstring]}" response rescue REXML::ParseException => e response[:http_body] = http_response.body response[:response_status] = FAILURE response[:response_comment] = "#{response[:http_code]}: #{response[:http_message]}" response end end end end