require ::File.expand_path('../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe FnordMetric::Namespace do before(:all) do @redis = @redis_wrap = end before(:each) do @redis.keys("fnordmetric-myns*").each { |k| @redis.del(k) } @namespace =, :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric") end it "should generate the correct redis prefix" describe "instance methods" do it "should create a new dashboard if a widget is added" do @namespace.widget("MyFooDash", nil) @namespace.dashboards.keys.should == ["MyFooDash"] end it "should create a new dashboard if the dashboard-title contains whitespaces" do @namespace.widget("My Dash", nil) @namespace.dashboards.keys.should == ["MyDash"] end it "should create a new dashboard if a widget is added and add the widget" it "should add widget to an existing dashboard" end describe "registering gauges" do it "should register a simple gauge" do @namespace.gauge(:fugauge, {:fnord => 23}) @namespace.gauges[:fugauge].should be_a(FnordMetric::Gauge) end it "should register a simple gauge and pass options" do @namespace.gauge(:fugauge2, {:fnord => 23}) @namespace.gauges[:fugauge2].instance_variable_get(:@opts).should include({:fnord => 23}) @namespace.gauges[:fugauge2].instance_variable_get(:@opts).should include({:key => :fugauge2}) end it "should register a multi gauge" do pending "fixme" @namespace.numeric_gauge(:multigauge, {:fnord => 23, :ticks => [1.hour], :series => ["fnord"]}) @namespace.gauges[:multigauge].should be_a(FnordMetric::NumericGauge) end it "should register a multi gauge and pass options" do pending "fixme" @namespace.numeric_gauge(:multigauge2, {:fnord => 42, :ticks => [1.hour], :series => ["fnord"]}) @namespace.gauges[:multigauge2].instance_variable_get(:@opts).should include({:fnord => 42}) @namespace.gauges[:multigauge2].instance_variable_get(:@opts).should include({:key => :multigauge2}) end end describe "registering event handlers" do it "should register an event handler" do @namespace.handlers.length.should == 0 @namespace.event(:foobar){} @namespace.event(:fnordbar){} @namespace.handlers["foobar"].length.should == 1 @namespace.handlers["fnordbar"].length.should == 1 @namespace.handlers.length.should == 2 end it "should register an event handler and create a context" it "should register an event handler and pass options" it "should register an event handler and pass gauges" it "should announce an event to the correct handler" it "should announce an event to multiple handlers" it "should announce an event to the wildcard handler" end it "should create a new session on announce if _session is set" do FnordMetric::Session.should_receive(:create).and_return( :myns_213, :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric" ).ready!(@redis_wrap, @redis).announce( :_time =>, :_type => "foobar", :_session => "sess213" ) end it "should add the event to the namespace-event-type-list" do :myns_215, :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric" ).ready!(@redis_wrap, @redis).announce( :_eid => "35r2423", :_time =>, :_type => "fnordbar", :_session => "sess213" ) event_ids = @redis.lrange("fnordmetric-myns_215-type-fnordbar", 0, -1) event_ids.length.should == 1 event_ids.first.should == "35r2423" end class SessionMock def session_key "asdasd" end end end