#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:cron).provider(:crontab), '(integration)', :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do include PuppetSpec::Files before :each do Puppet::Type.type(:cron).stubs(:defaultprovider).returns described_class Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper.any_instance.stubs(:backup) # Don't backup to filebucket # I don't want to execute anything described_class.stubs(:filetype).returns Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeFlat described_class.stubs(:default_target).returns crontab_user1 # I don't want to stub Time.now to get a static header because I don't know # where Time.now is used elsewhere, so just go with a very simple header described_class.stubs(:header).returns "# HEADER: some simple\n# HEADER: header\n" FileUtils.cp(my_fixture('crontab_user1'), crontab_user1) FileUtils.cp(my_fixture('crontab_user2'), crontab_user2) end after :each do described_class.clear end let :crontab_user1 do tmpfile('cron_integration_specs') end let :crontab_user2 do tmpfile('cron_integration_specs') end def run_in_catalog(*resources) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.host_config = false resources.each do |resource| resource.expects(:err).never catalog.add_resource(resource) end # the resources are not properly contained and generated resources # will end up with dangling edges without this stubbing: catalog.stubs(:container_of).returns resources[0] catalog.apply end def expect_output(fixture_name) File.read(crontab_user1).should == File.read(my_fixture(fixture_name)) end describe "when managing a cron entry" do it "should be able to purge unmanaged entries" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'only managed entry', :ensure => :present, :command => '/bin/true', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) resources = Puppet::Type.type(:resources).new( :name => 'cron', :purge => 'true' ) run_in_catalog(resource, resources) expect_output('purged') end describe "with ensure absent" do it "should do nothing if entry already absent" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'no_such_entry', :ensure => :absent, :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('crontab_user1') end it "should remove the resource from crontab if present" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'My daily failure', :ensure => :absent, :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('remove_named_resource') end it "should remove a matching cronentry if present" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'no_such_named_resource_in_crontab', :ensure => :absent, :minute => [ '17-19', '22' ], :hour => [ '0-23/2' ], :weekday => 'Tue', :command => '/bin/unnamed_regular_command', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('remove_unnamed_resource') end end describe "with ensure present" do it "should do nothing if entry already present" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'My daily failure', :special => 'daily', :command => '/bin/false', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('crontab_user1') end it "should do nothing if a matching entry already present" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'no_such_named_resource_in_crontab', :ensure => :present, :minute => [ '17-19', '22' ], :hour => [ '0-23/2' ], :command => '/bin/unnamed_regular_command', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('crontab_user1') end it "should add a new normal entry if currently absent" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'new entry', :ensure => :present, :minute => '12', :weekday => 'Tue', :command => '/bin/new', :environment => [ 'MAILTO=""', 'SHELL=/bin/bash' ], :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('create_normal_entry') end it "should add a new special entry if currently absent" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'new special entry', :ensure => :present, :special => 'reboot', :command => 'echo "Booted" 1>&2', :environment => 'MAILTO=bob@company.com', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('create_special_entry') end it "should change existing entry if out of sync" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'Monthly job', :ensure => :present, :special => 'monthly', # :minute => ['22'], :command => '/usr/bin/monthly', :environment => [], :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('modify_entry') end it "should change a special schedule to numeric if requested" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'My daily failure', :special => 'absent', :command => '/bin/false', :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) run_in_catalog(resource) expect_output('unspecialized') end it "should not try to move an entry from one file to another" do # force the parsedfile provider to also parse user1's crontab random_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'foo', :ensure => :absent, :target => crontab_user1, :user => crontab_user1 ) resource = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :name => 'My daily failure', :special => 'daily', :command => "/bin/false", :target => crontab_user2, :user => crontab_user2 ) run_in_catalog(resource) File.read(crontab_user1).should == File.read(my_fixture('moved_cronjob_input1')) File.read(crontab_user2).should == File.read(my_fixture('moved_cronjob_input2')) end end end end