{ "consul_agent_service": { "full_properties": { "address": { "description": "The address of the service. Defaults to the", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the service.", "required": true }, "port": { "description": "The port of the service.", "required": false }, "tags": { "description": "A list of values that are opaque to Consul,", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/agent_service.html", "properties": [ "address", "name", "port", "tags" ] }, "consul_catalog_entry": { "full_properties": { "address": { "description": "The address of the node being added to,", "required": true }, "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the", "required": false }, "node": { "description": "The name of the node being added to, or", "required": true }, "service": { "description": "A service to optionally associated with", "required": false }, "token": { "description": "ACL token.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/catalog_entry.html", "properties": [ "address", "node", "service", "datacenter", "token" ] }, "consul_intention": { "full_properties": { "action": { "description": "The intention action. Must be one of allow or deny.", "required": false }, "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the datacenter in the", "required": false }, "description": { "description": "Optional description that can be used by Consul", "required": false }, "destination_name": { "description": "The name of the destination service for the intention. This", "required": false }, "meta": { "description": "Key/value pairs that are opaque to Consul and are associated", "required": false }, "source_name": { "description": "The name of the source service for the intention. This", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/intention.html", "properties": [ "source_name", "destination_name", "action", "meta", "description", "datacenter" ] }, "consul_key_prefix": { "full_properties": { "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the", "required": false }, "path_prefix": { "description": "Specifies the common prefix shared by all keys", "required": true }, "subkeys": { "description": "A mapping from subkey name (which will be appended", "required": true }, "token": { "description": "The ACL token to use. This overrides the", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/key_prefix.html", "properties": [ "datacenter", "token", "path_prefix", "subkeys" ] }, "consul_keys": { "full_properties": { "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the", "required": false }, "key": { "description": "Specifies a key in Consul to be written.", "required": true }, "token": { "description": "The ACL token to use. This overrides the", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/keys.html", "properties": [ "datacenter", "token", "key" ] }, "consul_node": { "full_properties": { "address": { "description": "The address of the node being added to,", "required": true }, "meta": { "description": "Key/value pairs that are associated with the node.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the node being added to, or", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/node.html", "properties": [ "address", "name", "meta" ] }, "consul_prepared_query": { "full_properties": { "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the", "required": false }, "datacenters": { "description": "Remote datacenters to return results from.", "required": false }, "dnsttl": { }, "failovernearest_ndatacenters": { }, "name": { "description": "The name of the prepared query. Used to identify", "required": true }, "near": { "description": "Allows specifying the name of a node to sort results", "required": false }, "nearest_n": { "description": "Return results from this many datacenters,", "required": false }, "only_passing": { "description": "When true, the prepared query will only", "required": false }, "regexp": { "description": "The regular expression to match with. When using", "required": true }, "service": { "description": "The name of the service to query.", "required": true }, "session": { "description": "The name of the Consul session to tie this query's", "required": false }, "stored_token": { "description": "The ACL token to store with the prepared", "required": false }, "tags": { "description": "The list of required and/or disallowed tags. If a tag is", "required": false }, "templatetyperegexp": { }, "token": { "description": "The ACL token to use when saving the prepared query.", "required": false }, "ttl": { "description": "The TTL to send when returning DNS results.", "required": false }, "type": { "description": "The type of template matching to perform. Currently", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/prepared_query.html", "properties": [ "datacenter", "token", "stored_token", "name", "service", "session", "tags", "only_passing", "near", "failovernearest_ndatacenters", "nearest_n", "datacenters", "dnsttl", "ttl", "templatetyperegexp", "type", "regexp" ] }, "consul_service": { "full_properties": { "address": { "description": "The address of the service. Defaults to the", "required": false }, "datacenter": { "description": "The datacenter to use. This overrides the datacenter in the", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the service.", "required": false }, "node": { "description": "The name of the node the to register the service on.", "required": false }, "port": { "description": "The port of the service.", "required": false }, "service_id": { "description": "- If the service ID is not provided, it will be defaulted to the value", "required": false }, "tags": { "description": "A list of values that are opaque to Consul,", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/consul/r/service.html", "properties": [ "name", "node", "address", "service_id", "port", "tags", "datacenter" ] } }