## Rails 7.0.3 (May 09, 2022) ## * Add missing `bigdecimal` require in `ActiveJob::Arguments` Could cause `uninitialized constant ActiveJob::Arguments::BigDecimal (NameError)` when loading Active Job in isolation. *Jean Boussier* ## Rails (April 26, 2022) ## * No changes. ## Rails (March 08, 2022) ## * No changes. ## Rails (February 11, 2022) ## * No changes. ## Rails (February 11, 2022) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.2 (February 08, 2022) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.1 (January 06, 2022) ## * Allow testing `discard_on/retry_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError` Previously in `perform_enqueued_jobs`, `deserialize_arguments_if_needed` was called before calling `perform_now`. When a record no longer exists and is serialized using GlobalID this led to raising an `ActiveJob::DeserializationError` before reaching `perform_now` call. This behaviour makes difficult testing the job `discard_on/retry_on` logic. Now `deserialize_arguments_if_needed` call is postponed to when `perform_now` is called. Example: ```ruby class UpdateUserJob < ActiveJob::Base discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError def perform(user) # ... end end # In the test User.destroy_all assert_nothing_raised do perform_enqueued_jobs only: UpdateUserJob end ``` *Jacopo Beschi* ## Rails 7.0.0 (December 15, 2021) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.0.rc3 (December 14, 2021) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.0.rc2 (December 14, 2021) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.0.rc1 (December 06, 2021) ## * Remove deprecated `:return_false_on_aborted_enqueue` option. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Deprecated `Rails.config.active_job.skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Removed deprecated behavior that was not halting `after_enqueue`/`after_perform` callbacks when a previous callback was halted with `throw :abort`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Raise an `SerializationError` in `Serializer::ModuleSerializer` if the module name is not present. *Veerpal Brar* ## Rails 7.0.0.alpha2 (September 15, 2021) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.0.alpha1 (September 15, 2021) ## * Allow a job to retry indefinitely The `attempts` parameter of the `retry_on` method now accepts the symbol reference `:unlimited` in addition to a specific number of retry attempts to allow a developer to specify that a job should retry forever until it succeeds. class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base retry_on(AlwaysRetryException, attempts: :unlimited) # the actual job code end *Daniel Morton* * Added possibility to check on `:priority` in test helper methods `assert_enqueued_with` and `assert_performed_with`. *Wojciech Wnętrzak* * OpenSSL constants are now used for Digest computations. *Dirkjan Bussink* * Add a Serializer for the Range class. This should allow things like `MyJob.perform_later(range: 1..100)`. * Communicate enqueue failures to callers of `perform_later`. `perform_later` can now optionally take a block which will execute after the adapter attempts to enqueue the job. The block will receive the job instance as an argument even if the enqueue was not successful. Additionally, `ActiveJob` adapters now have the ability to raise an `ActiveJob::EnqueueError` which will be caught and stored in the job instance so code attempting to enqueue jobs can inspect any raised `EnqueueError` using the block. MyJob.perform_later do |job| unless job.successfully_enqueued? if job.enqueue_error&.message == "Redis was unavailable" # invoke some code that will retry the job after a delay end end end *Daniel Morton* * Don't log rescuable exceptions defined with `rescue_from`. *Hu Hailin* * Allow `rescue_from` to rescue all exceptions. *Adrianna Chang*, *Étienne Barrié* Please check [6-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/6-1-stable/activejob/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.