window.poisedCurrentSlider = null class Backbone.Poised.Slider extends Backbone.Poised.View template: _.template('
') className: 'poised slider' startValue: 0 range: 100 events: 'tap': 'handleTap' 'panstart': 'handlePanStart' 'press': 'handlePress' 'pan': 'handlePan' 'panend': 'handlePanEnd' 'pressup': 'handlePanEnd' hammerjs: recognizers: [ [Hammer.Rotate, { enable: false }], [Hammer.Pinch, { enable: false }, ['rotate']], [Hammer.Swipe, { enable: false }], [Hammer.Pan, { direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, threshold: 1 }, ['swipe']], [Hammer.Tap, { threshold: 5 }], [Hammer.Press] ] initialize: (options = {}) => throw new Error('Missing `model` option') unless options.model? throw new Error('Missing `attribute` option') unless options.attribute? @attribute = options.attribute options = _.chain(options) .pick('maxValue', 'minValue', 'stepSize') .defaults minValue: 0 maxValue: 100 stepSize: 1 .value() @range = options.maxValue if options.maxValue? if options.minValue? @startValue = options.minValue @range -= options.minValue @stepSize = options.stepSize @model.on "change:#{@attribute}", @updateHandlePosition # TODO: Save previously focused element and resore focus after # slider action finished. clearFocus: -> $('input').blur() handleTap: (e) -> touchPosition = - @$bar.offset().left @model.set @attribute, @calculateAttributeValue(touchPosition) @trigger('tapChange', this) isPanning: false startLiveChange: => @isPanning = true @clearFocus() @trigger('liveChangeStart', this) handlePanStart: (e) => if Math.abs(e.gesture.deltaX) > Math.abs(e.gesture.deltaY) and not @isPanning @startLiveChange() handlePress: (e) => @startLiveChange() @handlePan(e) handlePan: (e) => if @isPanning touchPosition = - @$el.offset().left @model.set @attribute, @calculateAttributeValue(touchPosition) @trigger('liveChange', this) handlePanEnd: (e) => if @isPanning @trigger('liveChangeEnd', this) @isPanning = false calculateAttributeValue: (position) -> barWidth = @$bar.width() position = Math.max(position, 0) position = Math.min(position, barWidth) @startValue + Math.round((@range * position / barWidth) / @stepSize) * @stepSize calculateHandlePosition: (val) -> val = Math.max(val, @startValue) val = Math.min(val, @startValue+@range) (val - @startValue)/ @range * 100 updateHandlePosition: (model, value) => position = @calculateHandlePosition(value) @$handle.css 'left', "#{position.toFixed(2)}%" render: => @$el.html @template() @$handle = @$el.find('.handle') @$bar = @$el.find('.bar') @updateHandlePosition(@model, @model.get(@attribute)) this