module Panda module CMS class PostsController < ApplicationController # TODO: Change from layout rendering to standard template rendering # inside a /panda/cms/posts/... structure in the application def index @posts = Panda::CMS::Post.includes(:author).order(published_at: :desc) render inline: "", layout: Panda::CMS.config.posts[:layouts][:index] end def show @post = if params[:year] && params[:month] # For date-based URLs slug = "/#{params[:year]}/#{params[:month]}/#{params[:slug]}" Panda::CMS::Post.find_by!(slug: slug) else # For non-date URLs Panda::CMS::Post.find_by!(slug: "/#{params[:slug]}") end render inline: "", layout: Panda::CMS.config.posts[:layouts][:show] end def by_month @month =[:year].to_i, params[:month].to_i, 1) @posts = Panda::CMS::Post .where(status: :active) .where("DATE_TRUNC('month', published_at) = ?", @month) .includes(:author) .ordered render inline: "", layout: Panda::CMS.config.posts[:layouts][:by_month] end end end end