require_relative '../../../puppet/pops/evaluator/external_syntax_support' module Puppet::Pops module Validation # A Validator validates a model. # # Validation is performed on each model element in isolation. Each method should validate the model element's state # but not validate its referenced/contained elements except to check their validity in their respective role. # The intent is to drive the validation with a tree iterator that visits all elements in a model. # # # TODO: Add validation of multiplicities - this is a general validation that can be checked for all # Model objects via their metamodel. (I.e an extra call to multiplicity check in polymorph check). # This is however mostly valuable when validating model to model transformations, and is therefore T.B.D # class Checker4_0 < Evaluator::LiteralEvaluator include Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::ExternalSyntaxSupport attr_reader :acceptor attr_reader :migration_checker def self.check_visitor # Class instance variable rather than Class variable because methods visited # may be overridden in subclass @check_visitor ||=, 'check', 0, 0) end # Initializes the validator with a diagnostics producer. This object must respond to # `:will_accept?` and `:accept`. # def initialize(diagnostics_producer) super() @@rvalue_visitor ||=, "rvalue", 0, 0) @@hostname_visitor ||=, "hostname", 1, 2) @@assignment_visitor ||=, "assign", 0, 1) @@query_visitor ||=, "query", 0, 0) @@relation_visitor ||=, "relation", 0, 0) @@idem_visitor ||=, "idem", 0, 0) @check_visitor = self.class.check_visitor @acceptor = diagnostics_producer # Use null migration checker unless given in context @migration_checker = (Puppet.lookup(:migration_checker) { }) end # Validates the entire model by visiting each model element and calling `check`. # The result is collected (or acted on immediately) by the configured diagnostic provider/acceptor # given when creating this Checker. # def validate(model) # tree iterate the model, and call check for each element @path = [] check(model) internal_check_top_construct_in_module(model) model._pcore_all_contents(@path) { |element| check(element) } end def container(index = -1) @path[index] end # Performs regular validity check def check(o) @check_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is a vaid hostname expression # @param single_feature_name [String, nil] the name of a single valued hostname feature of the value's container. e.g. 'parent' def hostname(o, semantic) @@hostname_visitor.visit_this_1(self, o, semantic) end # Performs check if this is valid as a query def query(o) @@query_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is valid as a relationship side def relation(o) @@relation_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Performs check if this is valid as a rvalue def rvalue(o) @@rvalue_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end #---TOP CHECK # Performs check if this is valid as a container of a definition (class, define, node) def top(definition, idx = -1) o = container(idx) idx -= 1 case o when NilClass, Model::ApplyExpression, Model::HostClassDefinition, Model::Program # ok, stop scanning parents when Model::BlockExpression c = container(idx) if !c.is_a?(Model::Program) && (definition.is_a?(Model::FunctionDefinition) || definition.is_a?(Model::TypeAlias) || definition.is_a?(Model::TypeDefinition)) # not ok. These can never be nested in a block acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_ABSOLUTE_TOP_LEVEL, definition) else # ok, if this is a block representing the body of a class, or is top level top(definition, idx) end when Model::LambdaExpression # A LambdaExpression is a BlockExpression, and this check is needed to prevent the polymorph method for BlockExpression # to accept a lambda. # A lambda can not iteratively create classes, nodes or defines as the lambda does not have a closure. acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_TOP_LEVEL, definition) else # fail, reached a container that is not top level acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_TOP_LEVEL, definition) end end # Checks the LHS of an assignment (is it assignable?). # If args[0] is true, assignment via index is checked. # def assign(o, via_index = false) @@assignment_visitor.visit_this_1(self, o, via_index) end # Checks if the expression has side effect ('idem' is latin for 'the same', here meaning that the evaluation state # is known to be unchanged after the expression has been evaluated). The result is not 100% authoritative for # negative answers since analysis of function behavior is not possible. # @return [Boolean] true if expression is known to have no effect on evaluation state # def idem(o) @@idem_visitor.visit_this_0(self, o) end # Returns the last expression in a block, or the expression, if that expression is idem def ends_with_idem(o) if o.is_a?(Model::BlockExpression) last = o.statements[-1] idem(last) ? last : nil else idem(o) ? o : nil end end #---ASSIGNMENT CHECKS def assign_VariableExpression(o, via_index) varname_string = varname_to_s(o.expr) if varname_string =~ Patterns::NUMERIC_VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_ASSIGNMENT, o, :varname => varname_string) end # Can not assign to something in another namespace (i.e. a '::' in the name is not legal) if acceptor.will_accept? Issues::CROSS_SCOPE_ASSIGNMENT if varname_string =~ /::/ acceptor.accept(Issues::CROSS_SCOPE_ASSIGNMENT, o, :name => varname_string) end end # TODO: Could scan for reassignment of the same variable if done earlier in the same container # Or if assigning to a parameter (more work). end def assign_AccessExpression(o, via_index) # Are indexed assignments allowed at all ? $x[x] = '...' if acceptor.will_accept? Issues::ILLEGAL_INDEXED_ASSIGNMENT acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_INDEXED_ASSIGNMENT, o) else # Then the left expression must be assignable-via-index assign(o.left_expr, true) end end def assign_LiteralList(o, via_index) o.values.each {|x| assign(x) } end def assign_Object(o, via_index) # Can not assign to anything else (differentiate if this is via index or not) # i.e. 10 = 'hello' vs. 10['x'] = 'hello' (the root is reported as being in error in both cases) # acceptor.accept(via_index ? Issues::ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT_VIA_INDEX : Issues::ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT, o) end #---CHECKS def check_Object(o) end def check_Factory(o) check(o.model) end def check_AccessExpression(o) # Only min range is checked, all other checks are RT checks as they depend on the resulting type # of the LHS. if o.keys.size < 1 acceptor.accept(Issues::MISSING_INDEX, o) end end def check_AssignmentExpression(o) case o.operator when '=' assign(o.left_expr) rvalue(o.right_expr) when '+=', '-=' acceptor.accept(Issues::APPENDS_DELETES_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED, o, {:operator => o.operator}) else acceptor.accept(Issues::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR, o, {:operator => o.operator}) end end # Checks that operation with :+> is contained in a ResourceOverride or Collector. # # Parent of an AttributeOperation can be one of: # * CollectExpression # * ResourceOverride # * ResourceBody (ILLEGAL this is a regular resource expression) # * ResourceDefaults (ILLEGAL) # def check_AttributeOperation(o) if o.operator == '+>' # Append operator use is constrained p = container unless p.is_a?(Model::CollectExpression) || p.is_a?(Model::ResourceOverrideExpression) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_APPEND, o, {:name=>o.attribute_name, :parent=>p}) end end rvalue(o.value_expr) end def check_AttributesOperation(o) # Append operator use is constrained p = container case p when Model::AbstractResource when Model::CollectExpression else # protect against just testing a snippet that has no parent, error message will be a bit strange # but it is not for a real program. parent2 = p.nil? ? o : container(-2) unless parent2.is_a?(Model::AbstractResource) acceptor.accept(Issues::UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR_IN_CONTEXT, parent2, :operator=>'* =>') end end rvalue(o.expr) end def check_BinaryExpression(o) rvalue(o.left_expr) rvalue(o.right_expr) end def resource_without_title?(o) if o.instance_of?(Model::BlockExpression) statements = o.statements statements.length == 2 && statements[0].instance_of?(Model::QualifiedName) && statements[1].instance_of?(Model::LiteralHash) else false end end def check_BlockExpression(o) if resource_without_title?(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::RESOURCE_WITHOUT_TITLE, o, :name => o.statements[0].value) else o.statements[0..-2].each do |statement| if idem(statement) acceptor.accept(Issues::IDEM_EXPRESSION_NOT_LAST, statement) break # only flag the first end end end end def check_CallNamedFunctionExpression(o) functor = o.functor_expr if functor.is_a?(Model::QualifiedReference) || functor.is_a?(Model::AccessExpression) && functor.left_expr.is_a?(Model::QualifiedReference) # ok (a call to a type) return nil end case functor when Model::QualifiedName # ok nil when Model::RenderStringExpression # helpful to point out this easy to make Epp error acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EPP_PARAMETERS, o) else acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.functor_expr, {:feature=>'function name', :container => o}) end end def check_EppExpression(o) p = container if p.is_a?(Model::LambdaExpression) internal_check_no_capture(p, o) internal_check_parameter_name_uniqueness(p) end end def check_HeredocExpression(o) # Only syntax check static text in heredoc during validation - dynamic text is validated by the evaluator. expr = o.text_expr if expr.is_a?(Model::LiteralString) assert_external_syntax(nil, expr.value, o.syntax, o.text_expr) end end def check_MethodCallExpression(o) unless o.functor_expr.is_a? Model::QualifiedName acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.functor_expr, :feature => 'function name', :container => o) end end def check_CaseExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) # There can only be one LiteralDefault case option value found_default = false o.options.each do |option| option.values.each do |value| if value.is_a?(Model::LiteralDefault) # Flag the second default as 'unreachable' acceptor.accept(Issues::DUPLICATE_DEFAULT, value, :container => o) if found_default found_default = true end end end end def check_CaseOption(o) o.values.each { |v| rvalue(v) } end def check_CollectExpression(o) unless o.type_expr.is_a? Model::QualifiedReference acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.type_expr, :feature=> 'type name', :container => o) end end # Only used for function names, grammar should not be able to produce something faulty, but # check anyway if model is created programmatically (it will fail in transformation to AST for sure). def check_NamedAccessExpression(o) name = o.right_expr unless name.is_a? Model::QualifiedName acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, name, :feature=> 'function name', :container => container) end end RESERVED_TYPE_NAMES = { 'type' => true, 'any' => true, 'unit' => true, 'scalar' => true, 'boolean' => true, 'numeric' => true, 'integer' => true, 'float' => true, 'collection' => true, 'array' => true, 'hash' => true, 'tuple' => true, 'struct' => true, 'variant' => true, 'optional' => true, 'enum' => true, 'regexp' => true, 'pattern' => true, 'runtime' => true, 'init' => true, 'object' => true, 'sensitive' => true, 'semver' => true, 'semverrange' => true, 'string' => true, 'timestamp' => true, 'timespan' => true, 'typeset' => true, } FUTURE_RESERVED_WORDS = { 'plan' => true } # for 'class', 'define', and function def check_NamedDefinition(o) top(o) if !~ Patterns::CLASSREF_DECL acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_DEFINITION_NAME, o, {:name=>}) end internal_check_file_namespace(o) internal_check_reserved_type_name(o, internal_check_future_reserved_word(o, end def check_TypeAlias(o) top(o) if !~ Patterns::CLASSREF_EXT_DECL acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_DEFINITION_NAME, o, {:name=>}) end internal_check_reserved_type_name(o, internal_check_type_ref(o, o.type_expr) end def check_TypeMapping(o) top(o) lhs = o.type_expr lhs_type = 0 # Not Runtime if lhs.is_a?(Model::AccessExpression) left = lhs.left_expr if left.is_a?(Model::QualifiedReference) && left.cased_value == 'Runtime' lhs_type = 1 # Runtime keys = lhs.keys # Must be a literal string or pattern replacement lhs_type = 2 if keys.size == 2 && pattern_with_replacement?(keys[1]) end end if lhs_type == 0 # This is not a TypeMapping. Something other than Runtime[] on LHS acceptor.accept(Issues::UNSUPPORTED_EXPRESSION, o) else rhs = o.mapping_expr if pattern_with_replacement?(rhs) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_SINGLE_TYPE_MAPPING, o) if lhs_type == 1 elsif type_ref?(rhs) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_REGEXP_TYPE_MAPPING, o) if lhs_type == 2 else acceptor.accept(lhs_type == 1 ? Issues::ILLEGAL_SINGLE_TYPE_MAPPING : Issues::ILLEGAL_REGEXP_TYPE_MAPPING, o) end end end def pattern_with_replacement?(o) if o.is_a?(Model::LiteralList) v = o.values v.size == 2 && v[0].is_a?(Model::LiteralRegularExpression) && v[1].is_a?(Model::LiteralString) else false end end def type_ref?(o) o = o.left_expr if o.is_a?(Model::AccessExpression) o.is_a?(Model::QualifiedReference) end def check_TypeDefinition(o) top(o) internal_check_reserved_type_name(o, # TODO: Check TypeDefinition body. For now, just error out acceptor.accept(Issues::UNSUPPORTED_EXPRESSION, o) end def check_FunctionDefinition(o) check_NamedDefinition(o) internal_check_return_type(o) internal_check_parameter_name_uniqueness(o) end def check_HostClassDefinition(o) check_NamedDefinition(o) internal_check_no_capture(o) internal_check_parameter_name_uniqueness(o) internal_check_reserved_params(o) internal_check_no_idem_last(o) end def check_ResourceTypeDefinition(o) check_NamedDefinition(o) internal_check_no_capture(o) internal_check_parameter_name_uniqueness(o) internal_check_reserved_params(o) internal_check_no_idem_last(o) end def internal_check_return_type(o) r = o.return_type internal_check_type_ref(o, r) unless r.nil? end def internal_check_type_ref(o, r) n = r.is_a?(Model::AccessExpression) ? r.left_expr : r if n.is_a? Model::QualifiedReference internal_check_future_reserved_word(r, n.value) else acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, r, :feature => 'a type reference', :container => o) end end def internal_check_no_idem_last(o) violator = ends_with_idem(o.body) if violator acceptor.accept(Issues::IDEM_NOT_ALLOWED_LAST, violator, {:container => o}) unless resource_without_title?(violator) end end def internal_check_capture_last(o) accepted_index = o.parameters.size() -1 o.parameters.each_with_index do |p, index| if p.captures_rest && index != accepted_index acceptor.accept(Issues::CAPTURES_REST_NOT_LAST, p, {:param_name =>}) end end end def internal_check_no_capture(o, container = o) o.parameters.each do |p| if p.captures_rest acceptor.accept(Issues::CAPTURES_REST_NOT_SUPPORTED, p, {:container => container, :param_name =>}) end end end def internal_check_reserved_type_name(o, name) if RESERVED_TYPE_NAMES[name] acceptor.accept(Issues::RESERVED_TYPE_NAME, o, {:name => name}) end end def internal_check_future_reserved_word(o, name) if FUTURE_RESERVED_WORDS[name] acceptor.accept(Issues::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD, o, {:word => name}) end end NO_NAMESPACE = :no_namespace NO_PATH = :no_path BAD_MODULE_FILE = :bad_module_file def internal_check_file_namespace(o) file = o.locator.file return if file.nil? || file == '' #e.g. puppet apply -e '...' file_namespace = namespace_for_file(file) return if file_namespace == NO_NAMESPACE # Downcasing here because check is case-insensitive if file_namespace == BAD_MODULE_FILE || ! acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_DEFINITION_LOCATION, o, {:name =>, :file => file}) end end def internal_check_top_construct_in_module(prog) return unless prog.is_a?(Model::Program) && !prog.body.nil? #Check that this is a module autoloaded file file = prog.locator.file return if file.nil? return if namespace_for_file(file) == NO_NAMESPACE body = prog.body return if prog.body.is_a?(Model::Nop) #Ignore empty or comment-only files if(body.is_a?(Model::BlockExpression)) body.statements.each { |s| acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_TOP_CONSTRUCT_LOCATION, s) unless valid_top_construct?(s) } else acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_TOP_CONSTRUCT_LOCATION, body) unless valid_top_construct?(body) end end def valid_top_construct?(o) o.is_a?(Model::Definition) && !o.is_a?(Model::NodeDefinition) end # @api private class Puppet::Util::FileNamespaceAdapter < Puppet::Pops::Adaptable::Adapter attr_accessor :file_to_namespace def self.create_adapter(env) adapter = super(env) adapter.file_to_namespace = {} adapter end end def namespace_for_file(file) env = Puppet.lookup(:current_environment) return NO_NAMESPACE if env.nil? adapter = Puppet::Util::FileNamespaceAdapter.adapt(env) file_namespace = adapter.file_to_namespace[file] return file_namespace unless file_namespace.nil? # No cache entry, so we do the calculation path = return adapter.file_to_namespace[file] = NO_NAMESPACE if path.extname != ".pp" path = path.expand_path return adapter.file_to_namespace[file] = NO_NAMESPACE if initial_manifest?(path, env.manifest) #All auto-loaded files from modules come from a module search path dir relative_path = get_module_relative_path(path, env.full_modulepath) return adapter.file_to_namespace[file] = NO_NAMESPACE if relative_path == NO_PATH #If a file comes from a module, but isn't in the right place, always error names = dir_to_names(relative_path) return adapter.file_to_namespace[file] = (names == BAD_MODULE_FILE ? BAD_MODULE_FILE : names.join("::").freeze) end def initial_manifest?(path, manifest_setting) return false if manifest_setting.nil? || manifest_setting == :no_manifest string_path = path.to_s string_path == manifest_setting || string_path.start_with?(manifest_setting) end # Get the path of +file_path+ relative to the first directory in # +modulepath_directories+ that is an ancestor of +file_path+. Return NO_PATH # if none is found. def get_module_relative_path(file_path, modulepath_directories) clean_file = file_path.cleanpath.to_s parent_path = modulepath_directories.find { |path_dir| is_parent_dir_of(path_dir, clean_file) } return NO_PATH if parent_path.nil? file_path.relative_path_from( end private :get_module_relative_path def is_parent_dir_of(parent_dir, child_dir) parent_dir_path = clean_parent = parent_dir_path.cleanpath.to_s + File::SEPARATOR return child_dir.start_with?(clean_parent) end private :is_parent_dir_of def dir_to_names(relative_path) # Downcasing here because check is case-insensitive path_components = relative_path.to_s.downcase.split(File::SEPARATOR) # Example definition dir: manifests in this path: # /manifests//.pp dir = path_components[1] # How can we get this result? # If it is not an initial manifest, it must come from a module, # and from the manifests dir there. This may never get used... return BAD_MODULE_FILE unless dir == 'manifests' || dir == 'functions' || dir == 'types' || dir == 'plans' names = path_components[2 .. -2] # Directories inside module names.unshift(path_components[0]) # Name of the module itself # Do not include name of module init file at top level of module # e.g. /manifests/init.pp filename = path_components[-1] if !(path_components.length == 3 && filename == 'init.pp') names.push(filename[0 .. -4]) # Remove .pp from filename end names end RESERVED_PARAMETERS = { 'name' => true, 'title' => true, } def internal_check_reserved_params(o) o.parameters.each do |p| if RESERVED_PARAMETERS[] acceptor.accept(Issues::RESERVED_PARAMETER, p, {:container => o, :param_name =>}) end end end def internal_check_parameter_name_uniqueness(o) unique = o.parameters.each do |p| acceptor.accept(Issues::DUPLICATE_PARAMETER, p, {:param_name =>}) unless unique.add?( end end def check_IfExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) end def check_KeyedEntry(o) rvalue(o.key) rvalue(o.value) # In case there are additional things to forbid than non-rvalues # acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o.key, :feature => 'hash key', :container => container) end def check_LambdaExpression(o) internal_check_capture_last(o) internal_check_return_type(o) end def check_LiteralList(o) o.values.each {|v| rvalue(v) } end def check_LiteralInteger(o) v = o.value if v < MIN_INTEGER || v > MAX_INTEGER acceptor.accept(Issues::NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, o, {:value => v}) end end def check_LiteralHash(o) # the keys of a literal hash may be non-literal expressions. They cannot be checked. unique = o.entries.each do |entry| catch(:not_literal) do literal_key = literal(entry.key) acceptor.accept(Issues::DUPLICATE_KEY, entry, {:key => literal_key}) if unique.add?(literal_key).nil? end end end def check_NodeDefinition(o) # Check that hostnames are valid hostnames (or regular expressions) hostname(o.host_matches, o) top(o) violator = ends_with_idem(o.body) if violator acceptor.accept(Issues::IDEM_NOT_ALLOWED_LAST, violator, {:container => o}) unless resource_without_title?(violator) end unless o.parent.nil? acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NODE_INHERITANCE, o.parent) end end # No checking takes place - all expressions using a QualifiedName need to check. This because the # rules are slightly different depending on the container (A variable allows a numeric start, but not # other names). This means that (if the lexer/parser so chooses) a QualifiedName # can be anything when it represents a Bare Word and evaluates to a String. # def check_QualifiedName(o) end # Checks that the value is a valid UpperCaseWord (a CLASSREF), and optionally if it contains a hypen. # DOH: QualifiedReferences are created with LOWER CASE NAMES at parse time def check_QualifiedReference(o) # Is this a valid qualified name? if o.cased_value !~ Patterns::CLASSREF_EXT acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_CLASSREF, o, {:name=>o.cased_value}) end end def check_QueryExpression(o) query(o.expr) if o.expr # is optional end def relation_Object(o) rvalue(o) end def relation_CollectExpression(o); end def relation_RelationshipExpression(o); end def check_Parameter(o) if =~ /^(?:0x)?[0-9]+$/ acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_PARAMETER, o, :name => end unless =~ Patterns::PARAM_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_PARAM_NAME, o, :name => end return unless o.value internal_check_illegal_assignment(o.value) end def internal_check_illegal_assignment(o) if o.is_a?(Model::AssignmentExpression) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT_CONTEXT, o) else # recursively check all contents unless it's a lambda expression. A lambda may contain # local assignments o._pcore_contents {|model| internal_check_illegal_assignment(model) } unless o.is_a?(Model::LambdaExpression) end end #relationship_side: resource # | resourceref # | collection # | variable # | quotedtext # | selector # | casestatement # | hasharrayaccesses def check_RelationshipExpression(o) relation(o.left_expr) relation(o.right_expr) end def check_ResourceExpression(o) # The expression for type name cannot be statically checked - this is instead done at runtime # to enable better error message of the result of the expression rather than the static instruction. # (This can be revised as there are static constructs that are illegal, but require updating many # tests that expect the detailed reporting). type_name_expr = o.type_name if o.form && o.form != 'regular' && type_name_expr.is_a?(Model::QualifiedName) && type_name_expr.value == 'class' acceptor.accept(Issues::CLASS_NOT_VIRTUALIZABLE, o) end end def check_ResourceBody(o) seenUnfolding = false o.operations.each do |ao| if ao.is_a?(Model::AttributesOperation) if seenUnfolding acceptor.accept(Issues::MULTIPLE_ATTRIBUTES_UNFOLD, ao) else seenUnfolding = true end end end end def check_ResourceDefaultsExpression(o) if o.form != 'regular' acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_VIRTUALIZEABLE, o) end end def check_ResourceOverrideExpression(o) if o.form != 'regular' acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_VIRTUALIZEABLE, o) end end def check_ReservedWord(o) if o.future acceptor.accept(Issues::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD, o, :word => o.word) else acceptor.accept(Issues::RESERVED_WORD, o, :word => o.word) end end def check_SelectorExpression(o) rvalue(o.left_expr) # There can only be one LiteralDefault case option value defaults = {|v| v.matching_expr.is_a?(Model::LiteralDefault) } unless defaults.size <= 1 # Flag the second default as 'unreachable' acceptor.accept(Issues::DUPLICATE_DEFAULT, defaults[1].matching_expr, :container => o) end end def check_SelectorEntry(o) rvalue(o.matching_expr) end def check_UnaryExpression(o) rvalue(o.expr) end def check_UnlessExpression(o) rvalue(o.test) # TODO: Unless may not have an else part that is an IfExpression (grammar denies this though) end # Checks that variable is either strictly 0, or a non 0 starting decimal number, or a valid VAR_NAME def check_VariableExpression(o) # The expression must be a qualified name or an integer name_expr = o.expr return if name_expr.is_a?(Model::LiteralInteger) if !name_expr.is_a?(Model::QualifiedName) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o, :feature => 'name', :container => o) else # name must be either a decimal string value, or a valid NAME name = o.expr.value if name[0,1] =~ /[0-9]/ unless name =~ Patterns::NUMERIC_VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_NUMERIC_VAR_NAME, o, :name => name) end else unless name =~ Patterns::VAR_NAME acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_VAR_NAME, o, :name => name) end end end end #--- HOSTNAME CHECKS # Transforms Array of host matching expressions into a (Ruby) array of AST::HostName def hostname_Array(o, semantic) o.each {|x| hostname(x, semantic) } end def hostname_String(o, semantic) # The 3.x checker only checks for illegal characters - if matching /[^-\w.]/ the name is invalid, # but this allows pathological names like "a..b......c", "----" # TODO: Investigate if more illegal hostnames should be flagged. # if o =~ Patterns::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_CHARS acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_CHARS, semantic, :hostname => o) end end def hostname_LiteralValue(o, semantic) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o) end def hostname_ConcatenatedString(o, semantic) # Puppet 3.1. only accepts a concatenated string without interpolated expressions the_expr = o.segments.index {|s| s.is_a?(Model::TextExpression) } if the_expr acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_INTERPOLATION, o.segments[the_expr].expr) elsif o.segments.size() != 1 # corner case, bad model, concatenation of several plain strings acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_HOSTNAME_INTERPOLATION, o) else # corner case, may be ok, but lexer may have replaced with plain string, this is # here if it does not hostname_String(o.segments[0], o.segments[0]) end end def hostname_QualifiedName(o, semantic) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o) end def hostname_QualifiedReference(o, semantic) hostname_String(o.value.to_s, o) end def hostname_LiteralNumber(o, semantic) # always ok end def hostname_LiteralDefault(o, semantic) # always ok end def hostname_LiteralRegularExpression(o, semantic) # always ok end def hostname_Object(o, semantic) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_EXPRESSION, o, {:feature => 'hostname', :container => semantic}) end #---QUERY CHECKS # Anything not explicitly allowed is flagged as error. def query_Object(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_QUERY_EXPRESSION, o) end # Puppet AST only allows == and != # def query_ComparisonExpression(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::ILLEGAL_QUERY_EXPRESSION, o) unless ['==', '!='].include? o.operator end # Allows AND, OR, and checks if left/right are allowed in query. def query_BooleanExpression(o) query o.left_expr query o.right_expr end def query_ParenthesizedExpression(o) query(o.expr) end def query_VariableExpression(o); end def query_QualifiedName(o); end def query_LiteralNumber(o); end def query_LiteralString(o); end def query_LiteralBoolean(o); end #---RVALUE CHECKS # By default, all expressions are reported as being rvalues # Implement specific rvalue checks for those that are not. # def rvalue_Expression(o); end def rvalue_CollectExpression(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) end def rvalue_Definition(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) end def rvalue_NodeDefinition(o) acceptor.accept(Issues::NOT_RVALUE, o) end def rvalue_UnaryExpression(o) rvalue o.expr end #--IDEM CHECK def idem_Object(o) false end def idem_Nop(o) true end def idem_NilClass(o) true end def idem_Literal(o) true end def idem_LiteralList(o) true end def idem_LiteralHash(o) true end def idem_Factory(o) idem(o.model) end def idem_AccessExpression(o) true end def idem_BinaryExpression(o) true end def idem_MatchExpression(o) false # can have side effect of setting $n match variables end def idem_RelationshipExpression(o) # Always side effect false end def idem_AssignmentExpression(o) # Always side effect false end # Handles UnaryMinusExpression, NotExpression, VariableExpression def idem_UnaryExpression(o) true end # Allow (no-effect parentheses) to be used around a productive expression def idem_ParenthesizedExpression(o) idem(o.expr) end def idem_RenderExpression(o) false end def idem_RenderStringExpression(o) false end def idem_BlockExpression(o) # productive if there is at least one productive expression ! o.statements.any? {|expr| !idem(expr) } end # Returns true even though there may be interpolated expressions that have side effect. # Report as idem anyway, as it is very bad design to evaluate an interpolated string for its # side effect only. def idem_ConcatenatedString(o) true end # Heredoc is just a string, but may contain interpolated string (which may have side effects). # This is still bad design and should be reported as idem. def idem_HeredocExpression(o) true end # May technically have side effects inside the Selector, but this is bad design - treat as idem def idem_SelectorExpression(o) true end # An apply expression exists purely for the side effect of applying a # catalog somewhere, so it always has side effects def idem_ApplyExpression(o) false end def idem_IfExpression(o) [o.test, o.then_expr, o.else_expr].all? {|e| idem(e) } end # Case expression is idem, if test, and all options are idem def idem_CaseExpression(o) return false if !idem(o.test) ! o.options.any? {|opt| !idem(opt) } end # An option is idem if values and the then_expression are idem def idem_CaseOption(o) return false if o.values.any? { |value| !idem(value) } idem(o.then_expr) end #--- NON POLYMORPH, NON CHECKING CODE # Produces string part of something named, or nil if not a QualifiedName or QualifiedReference # def varname_to_s(o) case o when Model::QualifiedName o.value when Model::QualifiedReference o.value else nil end end end end end