#!/usr/bin/env bash unset GREP_OPTIONS source "$rvm_scripts_path/base" usage() { echo "Usage: rvm migrate from to" >&2 echo "Moves all gemsets from one ruby to another." >&2 exit 1 } confirm() { printf "$1 (Y/n): " local confirmation_response read -r confirmation_response [[ -z "$confirmation_response" ]] || echo "$confirmation_response" | grep -qi '^y' } die_with_error() { $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "$1" exit "${2:-1}" } expand_ruby_name() { $rvm_scripts_path/tools strings "$1" | awk -F"$rvm_gemset_separator" '{print $1}' } migrate_rubies() { expanded_source="$(expand_ruby_name "$source_ruby")" expanded_destination="$(expand_ruby_name "$destination_ruby")" if [[ -z "$expanded_source" ]]; then die_with_error "Could not expand source ruby '$source_ruby'" elif [[ -z "$expanded_destination" ]]; then die_with_error "Could not expand destination ruby '$destination_ruby'" elif [[ "$expanded_destination" = "$expanded_source" ]]; then die_with_error "Source and Destination Ruby are the same ($expanded_destination)" elif [[ ! -d "$rvm_rubies_path/$expanded_source" ]]; then die_with_error "Ruby '$expanded_source' is not installed - please install it first." elif [[ ! -d "$rvm_rubies_path/$expanded_destination" ]]; then die_with_error "Ruby '$expanded_destination' is not installed - please install it first." fi echo "Are you sure you wish to MOVE gems from $expanded_source to $expanded_destination?" confirm "This will overwrite existing gems in $expanded_destination and remove them from $expanded_source" || return 1 echo "Moving gemsets..." while read -r origin_gemset; do [[ "$origin_gemset" = "$expanded_source" || "$origin_gemset" = "$expanded_source$rvm_gemset_separator"* ]] || continue gemset_name="$(echo "$origin_gemset" | awk -F"$rvm_gemset_separator" '{print $2}')" destination_gemset="$expanded_destination" if [[ -n "$gemset_name" ]]; then destination_gemset="$destination_gemset$rvm_gemset_separator$gemset_name" fi echo "Moving $origin_gemset to $destination_gemset" rm -rf "$rvm_gems_path/$destination_gemset" result="$?" [[ "$result" -gt "0" ]] && die_with_error "Unable to remove gem directory '$rvm_gems_path/$destination_gemset'" "$result" mv "$rvm_gems_path/$origin_gemset" "$rvm_gems_path/$destination_gemset" result="$?" [[ "$result" -gt "0" ]] && die_with_error "Unable to move '$rvm_gems_path/$origin_gemset' to '$rvm_gems_path/$destination_gemset'" "$result" echo "Making gemset $destination_gemset pristine." __rvm_run_with_env "gemset.pristine" "$destination_gemset" "rvm gemset pristine" done < <($rvm_scripts_path/list gemsets strings | grep "^$expanded_source") unset origin_gemset destination_gemset gemset_name if confirm 'Do you wish to move over aliases?' ; then while read -r alias_pair; do migrate_ruby_name="$(echo "$alias_pair" | awk -F= '{print $2}')" migrate_alias_name="$(echo "$alias_pair" | awk -F= '{print $1}')" if [[ "$migrate_ruby_name" = "$expanded_source" || "$migrate_ruby_name" = "$expanded_source$rvm_gemset_separator"* ]]; then migrate_new_alias_name="${migrate_ruby_name/$expanded_source/$expanded_destination}" echo "Updating alias $migrate_alias_name to point to $migrate_new_alias_name" $rvm_scripts_path/alias delete "$migrate_alias_name" >/dev/null 2>&1 $rvm_scripts_path/alias create "$migrate_alias_name" "$migrate_new_alias_name" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done < "$rvm_config_path/alias" unset migrate_ruby_name migrate_alias_name migrate_new_alias_name fi if confirm "Do you wish to move over wrappers?" ; then origin_wrappers_path="$rvm_wrappers_path/$expanded_source" for binary_name in $(\ls $rvm_bin_path) ; do full_bin_path="$rvm_bin_path/$binary_name" [[ ! -L "$full_bin_path" ]] && continue expanded_symlink="$(readlink "$full_bin_path")" [[ "$expanded_symlink" != "$origin_wrappers_path/"* ]] && continue linked_binary_name="$(basename "$expanded_symlink")" [[ "$binary_name" = "$linked_binary_name-$expanded_source" || "$binary_name" = "$expanded_source" ]] && continue new_wrapper_destination="${expanded_symlink/$expanded_source/$expanded_destination}" ln -sf "$new_wrapper_destination" "$full_bin_path" done unset origin_wrappers_path full_bin_path expanded_symlink linked_binary_name new_wrapper_destination fi if confirm "Do you also wish to completely remove $expanded_source (inc. archive)?" ; then __rvm_run_with_env "rvm.remove" "$expanded_source" "rvm remove $expanded_source --archive --gems" fi echo "Successfully migrated $expanded_source to $expanded_destination" } if [[ -z "$1" || "$#" != 2 ]]; then usage fi source_ruby="$1"; shift destination_ruby="$1"; shift migrate_rubies