require_relative "render_classes" require_relative "citations" require "yaml" require "liquid" require "date" require "relaton_bib" require "net/http" require_relative "../template/template" require_relative "../../../isodoc/i18n" module Relaton module Render class General attr_reader :template, :journaltemplate, :seriestemplate, :nametemplate, :authorcitetemplate, :extenttemplate, :sizetemplate, :lang, :script, :i18n, :edition, :edition_ordinal, :date def initialize(opt = {}) options = read_config.merge(Utils::string_keys(opt)) @type ="::").last klass_initialize(options) root_initalize(options) render_initialize(options) @parse ||= options["parse"] end def read_config YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config.yml")) end def klass_initialize(_options) @nametemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::Name @authorcitetemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::AuthorCite @seriestemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::Series @extenttemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::Extent @sizetemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::Size @generaltemplateklass = Relaton::Render::Template::General @fieldsklass = Relaton::Render::Fields @parseklass = Relaton::Render::Parse end def root_initalize(opt) i18n_initialize(opt) @parse = @lang, script: @script, i18n: @i18n) @nametemplate = @nametemplateklass .new(template: opt["nametemplate"], i18n: @i18n) @authorcitetemplate = @authorcitetemplateklass &.new(template: opt["authorcitetemplate"], i18n: @i18n) @seriestemplate = @seriestemplateklass .new(template: opt["seriestemplate"], i18n: @i18n) @journaltemplate = @seriestemplateklass .new(template: opt["journaltemplate"], i18n: @i18n) @extenttemplate = extentrenderers(opt) @sizetemplate = sizerenderers(opt) end def i18n_initialize(opt) @lang = opt["language"] @script = opt["script"] @locale = opt["locale"] @i18n = opt["i18n"] || i18n_klass(language: @lang, script: @script, locale: @locale, i18nhash: opt["i18nhash"]) @edition_ordinal = opt["edition_ordinal"] || @i18n.edition_ordinal @edition = opt["edition"] || @i18n.edition @date = opt["date"] || @i18n.get["date_formats"] || { "month_year" => "yMMMM", "day_month_year" => "to_long_s", "date_time" => "to_long_s" } end def render_initialize(opt) case opt["template"] when String @template = @generaltemplateklass .new(template: opt["template"], i18n: @i18n) when Hash @render = renderers(opt) end end def renderers(opt) template_hash_fill(opt["template"]).each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), m| @type == "general" || @type == k or next m[k] = General.subclass(k) .new(template: v, parse: @parse, i18n: @i18n, language: @lang, script: @script) end end def extentrenderers(opt) @extenttemplateklass .new(template: template_hash_fill(opt["extenttemplate"]), i18n: @i18n) end def sizerenderers(opt) @sizetemplateklass .new(template: template_hash_fill(opt["sizetemplate"]), i18n: @i18n) end def default_template "{{creatornames}}. {{title}}. {{date}}." end def i18n_klass(language: "en", script: "Latn", locale: nil, i18nhash: nil), script, locale: locale, i18nhash: i18nhash) end def render(bib, embedded: false) bib = xml2relaton(bib) f = bib.formattedref and return embedded ? f.content : fmtref(f.content) ret = render1(bib) or return nil embedded and return ret fmtref(ret) end def xml2relaton(bib) bib.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Element) and bib = bib.to_xml bib.is_a?(String) && Nokogiri::XML(bib).errors.empty? and bib = RelatonBib::XMLParser.from_xml(bib) or bib end def fmtref(doc) "#{doc}" end def renderer(type) ret = @template || @render[type]&.template or raise "No renderer defined for #{type}" @type == "general" || @type == type or raise "No renderer defined for #{type}" ret end def render1(doc) r = { |x| x.type == "hasRepresentation" } .map { |x| @i18n.also_pub_as + render_single_bibitem(x.bibitem) } out = [render_single_bibitem(doc)] + r @i18n.l10n(out.join(". ").gsub(".. ", ". ")) end def render_single_bibitem(doc) data_liquid, r = parse(doc) liquid(data_liquid, r) end def liquid(data_liquid, renderer) valid_parse(@i18n.l10n(renderer.render(data_liquid))) end def parse(doc) doc = xml2relaton(doc) r = renderer(doc.type || "misc") data = @parse.extract(doc) enhance_data(data, r.template_raw) data_liquid = self) .compound_fields_format(data) [data_liquid, r] end def valid_parse(ret) @i18n.get["no_date"] == ret and return nil ret end # expect array of Relaton objects, in sorted order def render_all(bib, type: "author-date") bib = sanitise_citations_input(bib) or return type, renderer: self, i18n: @i18n) .render(citations1(bib)) end def sanitise_citations_input(bib) bib.is_a?(Array) and return bib bib.is_a?(String) and return sanitise_citations_input_string(bib) end def sanitise_citations_input_string(bib) p = Nokogiri::XML(bib) or return (p.errors.empty? &&"./bibitem")) or return nil p.root.xpath("./bibitem").each_with_object([]) do |b, m| m << RelatonBib::XMLParser.from_xml(b.to_xml) end end def citations1(bib) bib.each_with_object([]).with_index do |(b, m), i| data_liquid = self) .compound_fields_format(@parse.extract(b)) m << { author: data_liquid[:authorcite], date: data_liquid[:date], ord: i, id:, data_liquid: data_liquid, type: b.type } end end # add to liquid data based on template def enhance_data(data, template) template.is_a?(String) or return add_date_accessed(data, template) end def add_date_accessed(data, template) (/\{\{\s*date_accessed\s*\}\}/.match?(template) && /\{\{\s*uri\s*\}\}/.match?(template) && data[:uri_raw] && !data[:date_accessed]) or return if url_exist?(data[:uri_raw]) data[:date_accessed] = { on: } else warn "BIBLIOGRAPHY WARNING: cannot access #{data[:uri_raw]}" end end private def template_hash_fill(templates) BIBTYPE.each_with_object({}) do |type, m| template = templates[type] || templates["misc"] || default_template BIBTYPE.include?(template) and template = templates[template] m[type] = template end end def url_exist?(url_string) url = URI.parse(url_string) or return true # allow file URLs res = access_url(url) res.is_a?(Net::HTTPRedirection) and return url_exist?(res["location"]) res.code[0] != "4" rescue Errno::ENOENT, SocketError false # false if can't find the server end def access_url(url) req =, url.port) req.use_ssl = (url.scheme == "https") path = url.path or return false path.empty? and path = "/" req.request_head(path) end end end end