Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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* @file DOM iterator, which iterates over list items, lines and paragraphs.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'domiterator' );
* @name CKEDITOR.dom.iterator
function iterator( range )
if ( arguments.length < 1 )
this.range = range;
this.forceBrBreak = false;
// Whether include
s into the enlarged range.(#3730).
this.enlargeBr = true;
this.enforceRealBlocks = false;
this._ || ( this._ = {} );
var beginWhitespaceRegex = /^[\r\n\t ]+$/,
isBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
iterator.prototype = {
getNextParagraph : function( blockTag )
// The block element to be returned.
var block;
// The range object used to identify the paragraph contents.
var range;
// Indicats that the current element in the loop is the last one.
var isLast;
// Indicate at least one of the range boundaries is inside a preformat block.
var touchPre;
// Instructs to cleanup remaining BRs.
var removePreviousBr, removeLastBr;
// This is the first iteration. Let's initialize it.
if ( !this._.lastNode )
range = this.range.clone();
// Shrink the range to exclude harmful "noises" (#4087, #4450, #5435).
range.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true );
touchPre = range.endContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true )
|| range.startContainer.hasAscendant( 'pre', true );
range.enlarge( this.forceBrBreak && !touchPre || !this.enlargeBr ?
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true, true );
// Avoid anchor inside bookmark inner text.
walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
this._.nextNode = walker.next();
// TODO: It's better to have walker.reset() used here.
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range );
walker.evaluator = ignoreBookmarkTextEvaluator;
var lastNode = walker.previous();
this._.lastNode = lastNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
// We may have an empty text node at the end of block due to [3770].
// If that node is the lastNode, it would cause our logic to leak to the
// next block.(#3887)
if ( this._.lastNode &&
this._.lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT &&
!CKEDITOR.tools.trim( this._.lastNode.getText( ) ) &&
this._.lastNode.getParent().isBlockBoundary() )
var testRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( range.document );
testRange.moveToPosition( this._.lastNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
if ( testRange.checkEndOfBlock() )
var path = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( testRange.endContainer );
var lastBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
this._.lastNode = lastBlock.getNextSourceNode( true );
// Probably the document end is reached, we need a marker node.
if ( !this._.lastNode )
this._.lastNode = this._.docEndMarker = range.document.createText( '' );
this._.lastNode.insertAfter( lastNode );
// Let's reuse this variable.
range = null;
var currentNode = this._.nextNode;
lastNode = this._.lastNode;
this._.nextNode = null;
while ( currentNode )
// closeRange indicates that a paragraph boundary has been found,
// so the range can be closed.
var closeRange = false,
parentPre = currentNode.hasAscendant( 'pre' );
// includeNode indicates that the current node is good to be part
// of the range. By default, any non-element node is ok for it.
var includeNode = ( currentNode.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ),
continueFromSibling = false;
// If it is an element node, let's check if it can be part of the
// range.
if ( !includeNode )
var nodeName = currentNode.getName();
if ( currentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak &&
!parentPre && { br : 1 } ) )
boundaries must be part of the range. It will
// happen only if ForceBrBreak.
if ( nodeName == 'br' )
includeNode = true;
else if ( !range && !currentNode.getChildCount() && nodeName != 'hr' )
// If we have found an empty block, and haven't started
// the range yet, it means we must return this block.
block = currentNode;
isLast = currentNode.equals( lastNode );
// The range must finish right before the boundary,
// including possibly skipped empty spaces. (#1603)
if ( range )
range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
// The found boundary must be set as the next one at this
// point. (#1717)
if ( nodeName != 'br' )
this._.nextNode = currentNode;
closeRange = true;
// If we have child nodes, let's check them.
if ( currentNode.getFirst() )
// If we don't have a range yet, let's start it.
if ( !range )
range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.range.document );
range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
currentNode = currentNode.getFirst();
includeNode = true;
else if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
// Ignore normal whitespaces (i.e. not including or
// other unicode whitespaces) before/after a block node.
if ( beginWhitespaceRegex.test( currentNode.getText() ) )
includeNode = false;
// The current node is good to be part of the range and we are
// starting a new range, initialize it first.
if ( includeNode && !range )
range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.range.document );
range.setStartAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
// The last node has been found.
isLast = ( ( !closeRange || includeNode ) && currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
// If we are in an element boundary, let's check if it is time
// to close the range, otherwise we include the parent within it.
if ( range && !closeRange )
while ( !currentNode.getNext() && !isLast )
var parentNode = currentNode.getParent();
if ( parentNode.isBlockBoundary( this.forceBrBreak
&& !parentPre && { br : 1 } ) )
closeRange = true;
isLast = isLast || ( parentNode.equals( lastNode) );
currentNode = parentNode;
includeNode = true;
isLast = ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) );
continueFromSibling = true;
// Now finally include the node.
if ( includeNode )
range.setEndAt( currentNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( continueFromSibling, null, lastNode );
isLast = !currentNode;
// We have found a block boundary. Let's close the range and move out of the
// loop.
if ( isLast || ( closeRange && range ) )
// Now, based on the processed range, look for (or create) the block to be returned.
if ( !block )
// If no range has been found, this is the end.
if ( !range )
this._.docEndMarker && this._.docEndMarker.remove();
this._.nextNode = null;
return null;
var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( range.startContainer );
var startBlockLimit = startPath.blockLimit,
checkLimits = { div : 1, th : 1, td : 1 };
block = startPath.block;
if ( !block
&& !this.enforceRealBlocks
&& checkLimits[ startBlockLimit.getName() ]
&& range.checkStartOfBlock()
&& range.checkEndOfBlock() )
block = startBlockLimit;
else if ( !block || ( this.enforceRealBlocks && block.getName() == 'li' ) )
// Create the fixed block.
block = this.range.document.createElement( blockTag || 'p' );
// Move the contents of the temporary range to the fixed block.
range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
// Insert the fixed block into the DOM.
range.insertNode( block );
removePreviousBr = removeLastBr = true;
else if ( block.getName() != 'li' )
// If the range doesn't includes the entire contents of the
// block, we must split it, isolating the range in a dedicated
// block.
if ( !range.checkStartOfBlock() || !range.checkEndOfBlock() )
// The resulting block will be a clone of the current one.
block = block.clone( false );
// Extract the range contents, moving it to the new block.
range.extractContents().appendTo( block );
// Split the block. At this point, the range will be in the
// right position for our intents.
var splitInfo = range.splitBlock();
removePreviousBr = !splitInfo.wasStartOfBlock;
removeLastBr = !splitInfo.wasEndOfBlock;
// Insert the new block into the DOM.
range.insertNode( block );
else if ( !isLast )
// LIs are returned as is, with all their children (due to the
// nested lists). But, the next node is the node right after
// the current range, which could be an