# Change Log

- Added [Capistrano integration](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/27)

- Add support to play nicely with Better Errors.

- Behavior change: start configuration as `@enabled = false`, and set to true when `configure` is called. This addresses an issue using Rollbar without the environment initialized. Such reports would always fail (since there would be no access token), but now they won't be attempted.

- Relax multi_json dependency to 1.5.0

- Adding back rake task exception reporting after fixing load order issue

- Reverting rake task exception reporting until we can track down a load order issue reported by a few users

- Rename to rollbar

- Fix ratchetio:test rake task when project base controller is not called ApplicationController

- Exceptions in Rake tasks are now automatically reported.

- Bump multi_json dependency version to 1.6.0

- Bump multi_json dependency version to 1.5.1

- Added EventMachine support

- Added a log message containing a link to the instance. Copy-paste the link into your browser to view its details in Ratchet.
- Ratchetio.report_message now returns 'ignored' or 'error' instead of nil when a message is not reported for one of those reasons, for consistency with Ratchetio.report_exception.

- POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE: Ratchetio.report_exception now returns 'ignored', 'disabled', or 'error' instead of nil when the exception is not reported for one of those reasons. It still returns the payload upon success.
- Request data is now parsed from the rack environment instead of from within the controller, addressing issue #10.
- Add Sidekiq middleware for catching workers' exceptions
- Replaced activesupport dependency with multi_json

- Added activesupport dependency for use without Rails 

- Added new default scrub params

- Add `Ratchetio.silenced`; which allows disabling reporting for a given block. See README for usage.

- Fix compat issue with delayed_job below version 3. Exceptions raised by delayed_job below version 3 will not be automatically caught; upgrade to v3 or catch and report by hand. 

- Save the exception uuid in `env['ratchetio.exception_uuid']` for display in user-facing error pages.

- Add support to report exceptions raised in delayed_job.

- Allow exceptions with no backtrace (e.g. StandardError subclasses)

- Fix compatability issue with ruby 1.8

- Start including a UUID in reported exceptions
- Fix issue with scrub_fields, and add `:password_confirmation` to the default list

- Add ability to send reports asynchronously, using girl_friday or Threading by default.
- Add ability to save reports to a file (for use with ratchet-agent) instead of sending across to Ratchet servers.

- Sensitive params now scrubbed out of requests. Param name list is customizable via the `scrub_fields` config option.

- Add support to play nicely with Goalie.

- Add `default_logger` config option. It should be a lambda that will return the logger to use if no other logger is configured (i.e. no logger is set by the Railtie hook). Default: `lambda { Logger.new(STDERR) }`

- Add `enabled` runtime config flag. When `false`, no data (messages or exceptions) will be reported.

- Add RSpec test suite. A few minor code changes.

- Add "ignore" filter level to completely ignore exceptions by class.

- Recursively filter files out of the params hash. Thanks to [trisweb](https://github.com/trisweb) for the pull request.

- Breaking change to make the "person" more configurable. If you were previously relying on your `current_member` method being called to return the person object, you will need to add the following line to `config/initializers/ratchetio.rb`:
    config.person_method = "current_member"

- Person id, username, and email method names are now configurable -- see README for details.