require "git/whence/version" require "optparse" module Git::Whence module CLI class << self def run(argv) options = parse_options(argv) commit = argv[0] unless system("git rev-parse --git-dir 1>&2>/dev/null") puts "Not in a git directory" return 1 end merge = find_merge(commit) if merge if options[:open] && (pr = merge[/Merge pull request #(\d+) from /, 1]) && (url = origin) repo = url[%r{(\w+/[-\w\.]+)}i, 1].to_s.sub(/\.git$/, "") exec %Q{open "{repo}/pull/#{pr}"} else puts merge end 0 else $stderr.puts "Unable to find commit" 1 end end private def origin remotes = sh("git remote -v").split("\n") remotes.detect { |l| l.start_with?("origin\t") }.split(" ")[1] end def find_merge(commit) find_merge_simple(commit, "HEAD") || find_merge_simple(commit, "master") || find_merge_fuzzy(commit, "master") end def find_merge_fuzzy(commit, branch) if similar = find_similar(commit, branch) find_merge_simple(similar, branch) end end def find_similar(commit, branch) month = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 time, search = sh("git show -s --format='%ct %an %s' #{commit}").strip.split(" ", 2) time = time.to_i same = sh("git log #{branch} --pretty=format:'%h %an %s' --before #{time + month} --after #{time - month}") found = same.split("\n").map { |x| x.split(" ", 2) }.detect { |commit, message| message == search } found && found.first end def find_merge_simple(commit, branch) result = sh "git log #{commit}..#{branch} --ancestry-path --merges --oneline 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1" result unless result.strip.empty? end def sh(command) result = `#{command}` raise unless $?.success? result end def parse_options(argv) options = {} do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ {10}/, "") Find the merge and pull request a commit came from, also finding straight cherry-picks. Usage: git-whence Options: BANNER opts.on("-o", "--open", "Open PR in github") { options[:open] = true } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version"){ puts Git::Whence::VERSION; exit} end.parse!(argv) raise "just 1 commit plz" if argv.size != 1 options end end end end