# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Language::Nodes::AbstractNode do describe ".eql?" do let(:document1) { GraphQL::Language::Parser.parse(query_string1) } let(:document2) { GraphQL::Language::Parser.parse(query_string2) } describe "large identical document" do let(:query_string1) {%| query getStuff($someVar: Int = 1, $anotherVar: [String!], $skipNested: Boolean! = false) @skip(if: false) { myField: someField(someArg: $someVar, ok: 1.4) @skip(if: $anotherVar) @thing(or: "Whatever") anotherField(someArg: [1, 2, 3]) { nestedField ...moreNestedFields @skip(if: $skipNested) } ... on OtherType @include(unless: false) { field(arg: [{ key: "value", anotherKey: 0.9, anotherAnotherKey: WHATEVER }]) anotherField } ... { id } } fragment moreNestedFields on NestedType @or(something: "ok") { anotherNestedField } |} let(:query_string2) { query_string1 } it "should be equal" do assert document1.eql?(document2) assert document2.eql?(document1) end end describe "different operations" do let(:query_string1) { "query { field }" } let(:query_string2) { "mutation { setField }" } it "should not be equal" do refute document1.eql?(document2) refute document2.eql?(document1) end end describe "different query fields" do let(:query_string1) { "query { foo }" } let(:query_string2) { "query { bar }" } it "should not be equal" do refute document1.eql?(document2) refute document2.eql?(document1) end end describe "different schemas" do let(:query_string1) {%| schema { query: Query } type Query { field: String! } |} let(:query_string2) {%| schema { query: Query } type Query { field: Int! } |} it "should not be equal" do refute document1.eql?(document2) refute document2.eql?(document1) end end end end