.comable-page .comable-page-heading h1.page-header = Comable.t('admin.nav.dashboard') .comable-page-body section .col-sm-4 - number = @this_week_orders.count = render 'widget', title: Comable.t('admin.new_orders'), number: number_with_delimiter(number), progress: (number.to_f / @last_week_orders.count) * 100, color: 'green', fa: 'shopping-cart' .col-sm-4 - number = @this_week_orders.sum(:total_price) = render 'widget', title: Comable.t('admin.sales'), number: number_to_currency(number), progress: (number.to_f / @last_week_orders.sum(:total_price)) * 100, color: 'blue', fa: 'dollar' / TODO: Comment out after adding timestamp columns .col-sm-4 - number = @this_week_customers.count = render 'widget', title: Comable.t('admin.new_users'), number: number_with_delimiter(number), progress: (number.to_f / @last_week_customers.count) * 100, color: 'black', fa: 'user' section .col-sm-12 .panel.panel-default .panel-body #comable-morris.morris style="height: 300px;" javascript: morris_data = #{raw @this_month_orders.to_morris}; morris_keys = #{raw Comable::Order.morris_keys}; morris_labels = ['#{Comable.t('admin.order_count')}', '#{Comable.t('admin.sales')}']; coffee: new Morris.Line({ # ID of the element in which to draw the chart. element: 'comable-morris', # Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on # the chart. data: morris_data, # The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values. xkey: 'date', # A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values. ykeys: morris_keys, # Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the # chart. labels: morris_labels, xLabelAngle: 45, xLabels: ['day'], lineColors: ['#00acac', '#348fe2'], hideHover: 'auto' })