# frozen_string_literal: true new(molecule: :calendar) do |params, &bloc| cal = box(params) cal.resize(true) cal_id = cal.id ########################## create calendar ########################## cal_name = cal_id calendar = <<~JAVASCRIPT window.#{cal_name} = new tui.Calendar('##{cal_id}', { defaultView: 'month', usageStatistics: false, month: { startDayOfWeek: 0, }, week: { showTimezoneCollapseButton: true, timezones: [{ timezoneOffset: 0, displayLabel: 'UTC', tooltip: 'UTC' }], }, }); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(calendar) ######################### Update view methode ############################ cal.define_singleton_method(:view) do |view_mode| update_calendar = <<~JAVASCRIPT function changeCalendarView(view) { const validViews = ['day', 'week', 'month']; if (!validViews.includes(view)) { console.error(`Vue non valide: ${view}. Les vues valides sont: ${validViews.join(', ')}`); return; } window.#{cal_name}.changeView(view); } changeCalendarView('#{view_mode}'); // changeCalendarView('day'); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(update_calendar) end cal.define_singleton_method(:event) do |new_event| add_event = <<~JAVASCRIPT window.#{cal_name}.createEvents([ { id: '#{new_event[:id]}', calendarId: '#{new_event[:calendarId]}', title: '#{new_event[:title]}', category: '#{new_event[:category]}', dueDateClass: '#{new_event[:dueDateClass]}', start: '#{new_event[:start]}', end: '#{new_event[:end]}', }, ]); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(add_event) end ################# cal.define_singleton_method(:update_event) do |event_id, calendar_id, updates| update_event = <<~JAVASCRIPT window.#{cal_name}.updateEvent( '#{event_id}', // ID de l'événement '#{calendar_id}', // ID du calendrier { title: '#{updates[:title]}', start: new Date('#{updates[:start]}'), end: new Date('#{updates[:end]}'), category: '#{updates[:category]}', dueDateClass: '#{updates[:dueDateClass]}', isAllDay: #{updates[:isAllDay] ? 'true' : 'false'}, location: '#{updates[:location]}', raw: #{updates[:raw] || '{}'}, state: '#{updates[:state]}' } ); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(update_event) end ################# cal.define_singleton_method(:delete_event) do |event_id, calendar_id| delete_event = <<~JAVASCRIPT window.#{cal_name}.deleteEvent('#{event_id}', '#{calendar_id}'); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(delete_event) end #################### cal.define_singleton_method(:log_event_range) do log_range = <<~JAVASCRIPT var selectedRanges = []; window.#{cal_name}.on('selectDateTime', function(info) { var range = { start: new Date(info.start), end: new Date(info.end) }; selectedRanges.push(range); console.log('Selected ranges:', selectedRanges); // Exemple de traitement de chaque plage selectedRanges.forEach(function(range) { console.log('Processing range:', range.start, 'to', range.end); }); // Réinitialisation après traitement selectedRanges = []; }); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(log_range) end ###################### cal.define_singleton_method(:handle_range_clear) do clear_range = <<~JAVASCRIPT window.#{cal_name}.on('selectDateTime', function(info) { // Log the selected range (optional) console.log('Selected range:', new Date(info.start), 'to', new Date(info.end)); // Clear the selected range window.#{cal_name}.clearGridSelections(); console.log('Range selection cleared'); }); JAVASCRIPT JS.eval(clear_range) end ###################### # now we return main atome cal end cal = calendar({ id: :the_cal, width: 396, height: 396 }) # below we get range when drag on the calendar cal.log_event_range # below we remove teh range newly created to avoid graphical pollution cal.handle_range_clear wait 1 do cal.event( { id: '1', calendarId: '1', title: 'nouvel example', category: 'time', dueDateClass: '', start: '2024-08-20T10:12:00+00:00', end: '2024-08-20T12:17:00+00:00', }) end wait 2 do grab(:the_cal).view(:day) wait 2 do cal.view(:week) wait 2 do cal.view(:month) wait 1 do wait 1 do cal.update_event('1', '1', { title: 'Événement mis à jour', start: '2024-08-20T11:00:00+00:00', end: '2024-08-20T13:00:00+00:00', category: 'time' }) end cal.delete_event('1', '1') end end end end def api_infos { "example": "Purpose of the example", "methods_found": [ "Calendar", "define_singleton_method", "delete_event", "end", "error", "eval", "event", "forEach", "handle_range_clear", "id", "includes", "join", "log", "log_event_range", "push", "resize", "start", "update_event", "view" ], "Calendar": { "aim": "The `Calendar` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `Calendar`." }, "define_singleton_method": { "aim": "The `define_singleton_method` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `define_singleton_method`." }, "delete_event": { "aim": "The `delete_event` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `delete_event`." }, "end": { "aim": "The `end` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `end`." }, "error": { "aim": "The `error` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `error`." }, "eval": { "aim": "The `eval` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `eval`." }, "event": { "aim": "The `event` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `event`." }, "forEach": { "aim": "The `forEach` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `forEach`." }, "handle_range_clear": { "aim": "The `handle_range_clear` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `handle_range_clear`." }, "id": { "aim": "The `id` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `id`." }, "includes": { "aim": "The `includes` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `includes`." }, "join": { "aim": "The `join` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `join`." }, "log": { "aim": "The `log` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `log`." }, "log_event_range": { "aim": "The `log_event_range` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `log_event_range`." }, "push": { "aim": "The `push` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `push`." }, "resize": { "aim": "The `resize` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `resize`." }, "start": { "aim": "The `start` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `start`." }, "update_event": { "aim": "The `update_event` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `update_event`." }, "view": { "aim": "The `view` method's purpose is determined by its specific functionality.", "usage": "Refer to Atome documentation for detailed usage of `view`." } } end