require 'resourceful/builder' module Resourceful # This module contains mixin modules # used to implement the object serialization # used for the Builder#publish method. # They can also be used to get serialized representations of objects # in other contexts. # # Serialization makes use of duck typing. # Each class that can be serialized # (just Array and ActiveRecord::Base by default) # implements the +serialize+ and +to_serializable+ methods. # These methods are implemented differently by the different classes, # but the semantics of the implementations are consistent, # so they can be used consistently. # # +to_serializable+ returns an object that can be directly serialized # with a call to +to_xml+, +to_yaml+, or +to_json+. # This object is either a hash or an array, # and all the elements are either values, like strings and integers, # or other serializable objects. # This is useful for getting a model into a simple data structure format. # The +attributes+ argument uses the same semantics # as the :attributes option for Builder#publish. # For example: # # c = => 'chocolate', :text => 'Happy birthday, Chris!') # c.recipient = => 'Chris', :password => 'not very secure') # c.to_serializable [ # :flavor, :text, # :recipient => :name # ] # # This would return the Ruby hash # # { :flavor => 'chocolate', :text => 'Happy birthday, Chris!', # :user => {:name => 'Chris'} } # # +serialize+ takes a format (:xml, :yaml, or :json - see New Formats below) # and a hash of options. # The only option currently recognized is :attributes, # which has the same semantics # as the :attributes option for Builder#publish. # +serialize+ returns a string containing the target # serialized in the given format. # For example: # # c = => 'jellybag') # c.candies << => 'jellybean', :flavor => 'root beer') # c.candies << => 'jellybean', :flavor => 'pear') # c.candies << => 'licorice', :flavor => 'anisey') # c.serialize :xml, :attributes => [:title, {:candies => [:type, :flavor]}] # # This would return a Ruby string containing # # # # jellybag # # # jellybean # root beer # # # jellybean # pear # # # licorice # anisey # # # # module Serialize # Takes an attributes option in the form passed to Builder#publish # and returns a hash (or nil, if attributes is nil) # containing the same data, # but in a more consistent format. # All keys are converted to symbols, # and all lists are converted to hashes. # For example: # # Resourceful::Serialize.normalize_attributes([:foo, :bar, {"baz" => ["boom"]}]) # #=> {"baz"=>["boom"], :foo=>nil, :bar=>nil} # def self.normalize_attributes(attributes) # :nodoc: return nil if attributes.nil? return {attributes.to_sym => nil} if String === attributes return {attributes => nil} if !attributes.respond_to?(:inject) attributes.inject({}) do |hash, attr| if Array === attr hash[attr[0]] = attr[1] hash else hash.merge normalize_attributes(attr) end end end # This module contains the definitions of +serialize+ and +to_serializable+ # that are included in ActiveRecord::Base. module Model # :call-seq: # serialize format, options = {}, :attributes => [ ... ] # # See the module documentation for Serialize for details. def serialize(format, options) raise "Must specify :attributes option" unless options[:attributes] hash = self.to_serializable(options[:attributes]) root = self.class.to_s.underscore if format == :xml hash.send("to_#{format}", :root => root) else {root => hash}.send("to_#{format}") end end # See the module documentation for Serialize for details. def to_serializable(attributes) raise "Must specify attributes for #{self.inspect}.to_serializable" if attributes.nil? Serialize.normalize_attributes(attributes).inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)| hash[key.to_s] = attr_hash_value(self.send(key), value) hash end end private # Given an attribute value # and a normalized (see above) attribute hash, # returns the serializable form of that attribute. def attr_hash_value(attr, sub_attributes) if attr.respond_to?(:to_serializable) attr.to_serializable(sub_attributes) else attr end end end # This module contains the definitions of +serialize+ and +to_serializable+ # that are included in ActiveRecord::Base. module Array # :call-seq: # serialize format, options = {}, :attributes => [ ... ] # # See the module documentation for Serialize for details. def serialize(format, options) raise "Not all elements respond to to_serializable" unless all? { |e| e.respond_to? :to_serializable } raise "Must specify :attributes option" unless options[:attributes] serialized = map { |e| e.to_serializable(options[:attributes]) } root = first.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore if format == :xml serialized.send("to_#{format}", :root => root) else {root => serialized}.send("to_#{format}") end end # See the module documentation for Serialize for details. def to_serializable(attributes) if first.respond_to?(:to_serializable) attributes = Serialize.normalize_attributes(attributes) map { |e| e.to_serializable(attributes) } else self end end end end end if defined? ActiveModel class ActiveModel::Base; include Resourceful::Serialize::Model; end else class ActiveRecord::Base; include Resourceful::Serialize::Model; end end class Array; include Resourceful::Serialize::Array; end