web: &web ["rails", "react"] all: &all ["rails", "react", "swift"] rails_swift: &rails_swift ["rails", "swift"] react_swift: &react_swift ["swift", "react"] rails_only: &rails_only ["rails"] react_only: &react_only ["react"] swift_only: &swift_only ["swift"] kits: - name: alerts_and_dialogs description: components: - name: "dialog" platforms: *web description: - name: "fixed_confirmation_toast" platforms: *web description: Fixed Confirmation Toast is used as an alert. Success is used when a user successfully completes an action. Error is used when there is an error and the user cannot proceed. Neutral is used to display information to a user to complete a task. - name: "popover" platforms: *web description: A popover is a way to toggle content on top of other content. It can be used for small texts, small forms, or even dropdowns. By default, popover will toggle open/closed by simply clicking the trigger element. - name: "tooltip" platforms: *web description: - name: buttons description: Buttons are used primarily for actions, such as “Save” and “Cancel”. Link Buttons are used for less important or less commonly used actions, such as “view shipping settings”. components: - name: "button" platforms: *web description: - name: "button_toolbar" platforms: *web description: This kit should primarily hold the most commonly used buttons. - name: "circle_icon_button" platforms: *web description: When using Icon Circle Button, the icon must be clear a clear indication of what the button does because there is no text. - name: data_visualization description: components: - name: "map" platforms: *react_only description: This kit provides a wrapping class to place around the MapLibre library. - name: "table" platforms: *web description: Tables display a collection of structured data and typically have the ability to sort, filter, and paginate data. - name: "list" platforms: *web description: Lists display a vertical set of related content. - name: "filter" platforms: *web description: This kit can be implemented in a variety of ways. To see examples of how to implement this kit in production visit the /dev_docs/search page in production. - name: "distribution_bar" platforms: *web description: Can be used in the same way a pie chart can be used. By default, Distribution Bar comparatively represents data without numbers. - name: "legend" platforms: *web description: A key used to compare the variables and their value in any given graph. - name: "gauge" platforms: *web description: - name: "bar_graph" platforms: *web description: Bar graphs are used to compare data. Bar graphs are not typically used to show percentages. - name: "circle_chart" platforms: *web description: - name: "line_graph" platforms: *web description: Line graphs are used to show changes in data over time. - name: "treemap_chart" platforms: *web description: Treemap charts are used to compare the relative size of groups of data. They can also use a nested data structure, allowing a user to drill down into a group to see its constituent data points. - name: date_and_time_text_patterns description: "" components: - name: "date" platforms: *web description: Use to display the date. Year will not display if it is the current year. - name: "date_range_inline" platforms: *web description: Use to display a date range. Year will not show if it is the current year. - name: "date_range_stacked" platforms: *web description: - name: "date_stacked" platforms: *web description: Use to display the date, stacking month and day. Year will not show if it is the current year. - name: "date_time" platforms: *web description: Date Time is a composite kit that leverages the Date and Time kits. The Date Time kit is affected by time zones and defaults to "America/New_York". - name: "date_time_stacked" platforms: *web description: - name: "date_year_stacked" platforms: *web description: This kit is a simple option for displaying dates in a month, day and the year format. - name: "time" platforms: *web description: This kit consist of large display and table display format. It includes and icon, and a time zone. - name: "time_range_inline" platforms: *web description: - name: "time_stacked" platforms: *web description: - name: "timestamp" platforms: *all description: This low profile kit displays time. Elapsed, current, future, or otherwise. - name: "weekday_stacked" platforms: *web description: - name: form_and_dashboard_text_patterns description: "" components: - name: "contact" platforms: *web description: Use to display customer's or user's contact information. - name: "currency" platforms: *web description: Use to display monetary amounts, typically on dashboards or other layouts to show an overview or summary. User understanding increase when paired with labels. - name: "home_address_street" platforms: *web description: This kit can be used to display the address for a homeowner/project. It contains street address, APT format, City, state and zip. A Project hashtag can be used as a prop to link back to a project. - name: "label_pill" platforms: *web description: This kit combines the caption and pill kit with all its variants. - name: "label_value" platforms: *web description: This kit can be very versatile when used to display text data. - name: "person" platforms: *web description: This kit is broken down into a first name last name format with normal and bold weighted text. - name: "person_contact" platforms: *web description: This kit can be used to display a person contact information. - name: "source" platforms: *web description: General use is to describe the discovery of businesses, customers, etc. This kit can also be used for other purposes as well. - name: "dashboard_value" platforms: *web description: Use in dashboards to give the viewer a quick overview of important metrics. If want to show currency, use Currency Kit. - name: "stat_change" platforms: *web description: Displays the increase, decrease, or neutral change in data. - name: "stat_value" platforms: *web description: This kit was cerated for the main use as a dashboard display for numbers. A large label is an optional part if it needs more clarity. - name: "title_count" platforms: *web description: This kits consists of title kit and body text. It is used to display a title and a count (numbers). It has a base size and a large formation for dashboard use. - name: "title_detail" platforms: *web description: This kit can be used in many versatile ways. It consist of a title 4 and light body text kit. - name: form_elements description: components: - name: "file_upload" platforms: *web description: - name: "toggle" platforms: *web description: Physical switch that allows users to turn things on or off. Used for applying system states, presenting binary options and activating a state. - name: "form_pill" platforms: *web description: - name: "form" platforms: *rails_only description: The form kit provides consumers with a convenient, consistently styled