# Look in the tasks/setup.rb file for the various options that can be # configured in this Rakefile. The .rake files in the tasks directory # are where the options are used. load 'tasks/setup.rb' ensure_in_path 'lib' require 'jimpanzee_version' PROJ.name = 'jimpanzee' PROJ.authors = ' James Britt, David Koontz, Logan Barnett' PROJ.email = 'james@neurogami.com' PROJ.url = 'http://github.com/Neurogami/Jimpanzee/tree/master' PROJ.version = Jimpanzee::VERSION PROJ.summary = PROJ.rubyforge.name = 'Neurogami' PROJ.spec.opts << '--color' PROJ.ruby_opts = [] PROJ.libs << "lib" PROJ.rdoc.remote_dir = "api" PROJ.rdoc.main = "README.md" PROJ.rdoc.title = "Jimpanzee!" PROJ.rdoc.include = ['README.md', 'lib'] require 'fileutils' require 'spec/rake/spectask' OUTPUT_DIR = "pkg" BUILD_DIR = "#{OUTPUT_DIR}/bin" SKELETON_DIR = "skeleton" task :default => 'spec' desc "Removes the output directory" task :clean do FileUtils.remove_dir(OUTPUT_DIR) if File.directory? OUTPUT_DIR FileUtils.rm("skeleton/lib/java/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.jar", :force => true) end task :update_version_readme do readme = IO.readlines( 'README.md') File.open( 'README.md', 'w' ) { |f| f << "Jimpanzee #{Jimpanzee::VERSION}\n" readme.shift f << readme } end task :prepare do Dir.mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR) unless File.directory?(OUTPUT_DIR) Dir.mkdir(BUILD_DIR) unless File.directory?(BUILD_DIR) Dir.mkdir("skeleton/lib") unless File.directory?("skeleton/lib") Dir.mkdir("skeleton/lib/java") unless File.directory?("skeleton/lib/java") Dir.mkdir("skeleton/lib/ruby") unless File.directory?("skeleton/lib/ruby") File.open( "skeleton/lib/ruby/README.md" , "w") {|f| f << "3rd party Ruby libs and unpacked gems go here." } unless File.exist?( "skeleton/lib/ruby/README.md" ) end task :gem => [:jar] desc "Creates jimpanzee.jar file for distribution" task :jar => [:prepare, :update_version_readme] do Dir.chdir(BUILD_DIR) do $stdout << `jar xvf ../../lib/foxtrot.jar` FileUtils.remove_dir('META-INF', true) end $stdout << `jar cf #{OUTPUT_DIR}/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.jar -C lib jimpanzee.rb -C lib jimpanzee -C lib util -C #{BUILD_DIR} .` FileUtils.cp("#{OUTPUT_DIR}/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.jar", "skeleton/lib/java/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.jar") end desc "Creates a zip file version of the project, excluding files from exclude.lst. **ONLY WORKS ON OSX/Linux** Yes this sucks, no I don't want to add another dependency at the moment." task :zip do `zip -vr pkg/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.zip ../jimpanzee -x@exclude.lst` end desc "Executes a clean followed by a jar" task :clean_jar => [:clean, :jar] #desc "Use this instead of the hoe included install_gem" #task :mb_install_gem => [:jar, :gem] do # $stdout << `gem install -l pkg/jimpanzee-#{Jimpanzee::VERSION}.gem` #end desc "Only used to make RSpec usable with Java Swing code. Wraps up the target of various view tests into a jar that can be require'd and thus loaded on the classpath by JRuby" task :prepare_spec_jar do create_test_jar_file end task :spec => [:prepare_spec] task :prepare_spec do create_test_jar_file unless File.exist?("spec/unit/test_files.jar") end def create_test_jar_file $stdout << `javac spec/unit/org/jimpanzee/TestView.java` $stdout << `jar -cf spec/unit/test_files.jar -C spec/unit org` end