Below is the information that extracted from "Gateway Implementation Guide v4 1 5 - 2013-01-07.pdf". No special trick, just follow the document. MERCHANT_KEY GROUP_ID SECUREKEY SECURENETID CARD CARDCODE CARDNUMBER EXPDATE INSTALLMENT AMOUNT AUTOCALC_OPTION (A—automatic M—manual) BALLOON_AMOUNT (Balloon amount) BALLOON_OPTION (AutoBill offers the capability of the balloon payment to be applied to the first or last payment, as following: 0 - add balloon amount to first payment 1 - add balloon amount to last payment) COUNT (Number of total installments for installment plan. 1-99.) REMAINDER_OPTION (AutoBill offers the ability to choose first or last payment if installments are not equally divided, as following: 0 - add remainder to first payment 1 - add remainder to last payment) RECURRING AMOUNT (Total value to be charged to the payment method specified. Include decimal point followed by decimal amount.) NOEND_FLAG (0 = Recurring bill has an end date; 1 = Recurring bill has no end date) OPTIONS CYCLE DAY (Required if CYCLE=M, Q, B, or Y) FREQUENCY (If CYCLE=M: 1 – 11 (i.e. 2 = every 2 months)) PLAN_AB (This object defines the information that can be submitted to the Gateway for AutoBill transaction processing.) CUSTOMERID (Contains customer ID associated with payment plan. It cannot be a valid card number.) INSTALLMENT MERCHANT_KEY PAYMENTID (SecureNet Vault Payment ID. Must be enabled on the account. It cannot be a valid card number.) RECURRING SCHEDULE (Array of PAYMENT_AB) STARTDATE (Plan start date. MMDDYYYY. Verify the date is on or after current date.) TYPE (Using the “Recurring AutoBill” payments can be scheduled for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly recurrence.Set TYPE to one of the following: REC—for recurring INS—for installment VAR—for variable.) TRANSACTION MERCHANT_KEY CARD CHECK CUSTOMER_BILL CUSTOMER_SHIP ENCRYPTION LEVEL2 LEVEL3 MPI AUTO PETROLEUM HOTEL PRODUCT SERVICE USERDEFINED SECONDARY_MERCHANT KEY TERMINAL HEALTHCARE IMAGE