--- layout: page title: Main Page further_reading: - title: Official Documentation url: https://reinhart1010.github.io/ham-docs/ target: _blank external_links: - title: Ruby Gem (Package) url: https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-ham icon: bi bi-gem target: _blank - title: Release History url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/ham/releases/ icon: bi bi-clock-history target: _blank - title: GitHub Repository url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/ham/ icon: bi bi-github target: _blank - title: Issues List url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/ham/issues/ icon: bi bi-bug target: _blank - title: Discussions url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/ham/discussions/ icon: bi bi-chat-dots target: _blank --- # HAM 🥩 > [!IMPORTANT] > > **BREAKING CHANGE:** HAM is currently being upgraded to Halfmoon 2.0, which introduce visual breaking changes. See . HAM is a Jekyll-based boilerplate template for generating better, static wiki-style websites. HAM can be instantly used to build static wiki pages. But the best of all, the default theme of HAM can be easily customized to create more personalized wiki pages, unlike those from MediaWiki, for example. This project is built to replace the current, MediaWiki installation at after I found out difficult to create custom styles for it, while other, Git-based alternatives such as GitHub Wiki sucks (no, really) and may not support self-hosting on shared hosting providers. ## What does HAM stand for? HAM is short for: + Hackapedia's Abstraction Machine + HAM Ain't MediaWiki + [Halfmoon] and Markdown + && i++ (can we get more pull requests to add more stuff into this list?) ## Why does HAM look boring? HAM ships the default [Halfmoon] theme by default, which might be considered boring by some. But that's the beauty of it, because **HAM supports Halfmoon's CSS variables to play with!** We believe that everyone should be able to theme HAM websites according to their brand and preferences, [including us over @reinhart1010 and @1010bots](https://github.com/reinhart1010/dotfiles/blob/main/halfmoon.css). ## Features ### What HAM is - [x] A static-site wiki generator - [x] A better alternative than GitHub pages - [x] Highly customizable through [Halfmoon] and [Jekyll] - [x] Uses GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) - [x] Optimized for GitHub Pages and GitLab Pages ### What HAM isn't - [ ] Optimized for large wiki content (this is where advanced alternatives such as [MediaWiki] excels at) - [ ] Built-in support for hosting content written in MediaWiki markup syntax (however there are converters to Markdown) - [ ] Supported in legacy web browsers (see [Compatibility](#browser-compatibility)) ### What HAM would be - [ ] Supporting Forem (DEV.to) liquid tags (YouTube embeds, Twitter posts, etc.) - Actually, we are starting to support some of them with privacy-preserving options, like this YouTube embed below (we promised this would not be another rickroll). {% youtube 0FKaIiRhUME %} ## Usage ### For [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com) If you would like to add this theme into your GitHub Pages website, please just add the following on your `_config.yml` ``` remote_theme: reinhart1010/HAM ``` Note that this instruction will only work if you still opt in to GitHub Pages' "classic" experience - the same old workflow without having to write your own GitHub Actions. Users who opt in to use GitHub Actions instead should install this as a regular Gem-based theme. The best part of this is that you can get the latest version of HAM without manually requiring it on your Gemfile, as long as you have updated your page frequently (GitHub will fetch the current available version of the HAM "theme"). ### As a Gem-based theme HAM is also available as a [Gem-based theme](https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-ham) on the official Ruby gems repository. If you are unsure on installing gem-based themes like this one, check out the [official Jekyll documentation](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#installing-a-theme) for that. If you have just created a new site with `jekyll new ` chances are that you're using the default, Minima theme instead of HAM. If that's the case, replace the line which begins with ```gemspec gem "minima" ``` on your `Gemfile` with ```gemspec gem "jekyll-ham", "~> 0.3.3" ``` Also don't forget to change the `theme` configuration on your `_config.yml` to `jekyll-ham` instead of `minima`. ### Site does not load properly after first `jekyll build`? In previous versions of HAM (0.1.5 and earlier), all of your Markdown and HTML files must include the following frontmatter: ```yaml --- layout: page --- ``` However, as of 0.1.6 `jekyll-optional-front-matter` has been included and configured by default to remove this requirement, which allows easier content migration for future wikis. ## Configuration HAM also introduces additional configuration which you can set on your `_config.yml`: ### Site Identity ```yaml ham: site_icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/main/svg/emoji_u1f969.svg # Your site icon, to be displayed on navbar site_favicon: null # Your site favicon, in case you have a spare favicon.ico for it site_meta: - name: google-site-verification content: AAAAAA - name: msvalidate.01 content: BBBBBB contributing: # Additional metadata for "Contribute to This Page" section on sidebar discuss: # For "Discuss" (or "Talk page" on MediaWiki) type: url | custom | commentbox.io | disqus | facebook | giscus | telegram | utterances url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/HAM/discussions/ view_source_base_url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/HAM/blob/main/ # The base URL to publicly view the original (Markdown) source code issue_url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/HAM/issues/ # The URL to report an issue related to site or content ``` Note: You can also override the whole favicon settings (either to entirely remove, or adding mobile or browser-specific icon formats) by overriding `_includes/favicon.html`. ### Navigation HAM currently provides two navigation areas: the **navigation bar** and the **index** (as on the sidebar). #### Navigation Bar You can freely add items in the navigation bar by modifying `_includes/navbar.html`, including placing additional nested menus, dialogs/modals, and other HTML tags. #### Sidebar Just like the "On This Page" section, you can add custom sections into the sidebar. Note that the configuration is stored **outside** the `ham` section of `_config.yml` (see below example). ```yaml ham: # Other HAM configuration here data: index: - name: "Customise Me" id: "customize-me" children: - name: "Sample Menu 1" url: "#" - name: "Sample Menu 2" url: "#" - name: "Sample Menu 3" url: "#" ``` ### Comments HAM provides built-in support for Facebook, Giscus, Telegram, and Utteranc.es widgets plugins. However, you can also add your own widgets or links by following these instructions. #### URL (Default) If you have a dedicated forum or discussion webpage, such as GitHub Discussions, you can link them directly to all HAM pages by setting Jekyll's `_config.yml` as below. ```yaml ham: contributing: discuss: type: url url: https://github.com/reinhart1010/HAM/discussions/ ``` #### Custom Comments Widget (HTML code) You can use an custom-made comments widget (e.g. JavaScript-based or `