module CommonViewHelpers module ViewHelpers # Use words if within the last week, otherwise use date (show year if not this year) def time_ago_in_words_or_date(date,options={}) return unless date if ( < 7 time_ago_in_words(date) + " ago" elsif date.year == options[:short_format] ? date.strftime(options[:short_format]) : date.strftime("%b %e").gsub(" ", " ") else options[:long_format] ? date.strftime(options[:long_format]) : date.strftime("%b %e, %Y").gsub(" ", " ") end end # Output an easily styleable key-value pair def info_pair(label, value) value = content_tag(:span, "None", :class => "blank") if value.blank? label = content_tag(:span, "#{label}:", :class => "label") content_tag(:span, [label, value].join(" "), :class => "info_pair") end # Give this helper an array, and get back a string of
  • elements. # The first item gets a class of first and the last, well.. last. # This makes it easier to apply CSS styles to lists, be they ordered or unordered. # def convert_to_list_items(items, *args) default_options = {:stripe => true} options = default_options.merge(args.extract_options!) out = [] items.each_with_index do |item, index| css = [] css << "first" if items.first == item css << "last" if items.last == item css << "even" if options[:stripe] && index%2 == 1 css << "odd" if options[:stripe] && index%2 == 0 # (First item is odd (1)) out << content_tag(:li, item, :class => css.join(" ")) end out.join("\n") end # Build an HTML table # For collection, pass an array of arrays # For headers, pass an array of label strings for the top of the table # All other options will be passed along to the table content_tag def generate_table(collection, headers=nil, options={}) return if collection.blank? thead = content_tag(:thead) do content_tag(:tr) do {|header| content_tag(:th, header)} end end unless headers.nil? tbody = content_tag(:tbody) do do |values| content_tag(:tr) do {|value| content_tag(:td, value)} end end end content_tag(:table, [thead, tbody].compact.join("\n"), options) end # Pass in an ActiveRecord object, get back edit and delete links inside a TD tag def options_td(record_or_name_or_array, hide_destroy = false) items = [] items << link_to('Edit', edit_polymorphic_path(record_or_name_or_array)) items << link_to('Delete', polymorphic_path(record_or_name_or_array), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => "destructive") unless hide_destroy list = content_tag(:ul, convert_to_list_items(items)) content_tag(:td, list, :class => "options") end # This works just like link_to, but with one difference.. # If the link is to the current page, a class of 'active' is added def link(name, options={}, html_options={}) link_to_unless_current(name, options, html_options) do html_options[:class] = (html_options[:class] || "").split(" ").push("active").join(" ") link_to(name, options, html_options) end end # Absolute path to an image def image_url(source) base_url + image_path(source) end # e.g. http://localhost:3000, or def base_url "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" end # Generate a list of column name-value pairs for an AR object def list_model_columns(obj) items ={ |col| info_pair(, obj[]) } content_tag(:ul, convert_to_list_items(items), :class => "model_columns") end # Outputs a JS friendly (escaped) string def js_string(string) js_escape_map = { '\\' => '\\\\', ' '<\/', "\r\n" => '\n', "\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\n', '"' => '\\"', "'" => "\\'" } string.gsub(/(\\|<\/|\r\n|[\n\r"'])/) { js_escape_map[$1] } end # Generates a URL and automatically adds http:// if not already there # Useful alongside link() or when linking to user submitted addresses def urlify(addr) (addr.blank? || addr.starts_with?('http')) ? addr : "http://#{addr}" end # Breaks up a BigNum, FixNum or Float with commas # e.g., 532566 => 532,566 and 79593255.66 => 79,593,255.66 def commify(num) num.to_s =~ /([^\.]*)(\..*)?/ int, dec = $1.reverse, $2 ? $2 : "" while int.gsub!(/(,|\.|^)(\d{3})(\d)/, '\1\2,\3'); end int.reverse + dec end def snakeify(string) string.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end end